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Everything posted by arbitist

  1. i other news, i got my first rejection today. hope this balances out with better news tomorrow
  2. I haven't received any email too. Don't know if that's a reason to worry. Where else have you applied, btw? Is Ford one of your top choices?
  3. Ofcourse! And you're still waiting for the scholarship from Sciences Po right?
  4. That is true. And Inlaks usually funds one year programs in UK and US. I'm also concerned that the alumni list full of Oxford/Cambridge types. But let's hope for the best!
  5. Haha. You know guys, i'm pretty sure there's someone from the ad com reading this thread, and deriving much sadistic happiness from it! and seems like they just want us to keep going for their entertainment.
  6. Congrats! 36k is the highest i've heard of. That's great What is your background? Also, will you choose Duke if you get into Michigan?
  7. did anyone else get an email right now? "We are happy to inform you that we have started processing the Admission and scholarship decisions. We hope to be able to send out all the letters and e-mails by Friday 14 March. You do not need to check out your online follow-up at this stage, as you will receive an e-mail once your application has been processed." What is this if not pure torture?!
  8. Curious to know what other places you all have applied to, and if Duke will be your top choice. I'm waiting to hear from Cornell before i narrow down on my options.
  9. I applied quite late, on 31st January. They've said they'll reply in 5 weeks, so it should come this week. Which programs have you applied at NYU and LSE?
  10. Oh coffee might be the dealbreaker for me. Lol But seriously guys, not many people know about IHEID and i'm concerned if that is because it's not as good as the others. I met a prof from Duke University who specialises in international development and he had no idea about this place. (Though he very sweetly said that shouldn't deter me from going/exploring). So for some of us here who have offers from better known places, will it be a gamble to go to Geneva just because it's a great place to live in? All this considering we do get in. anyway, we'll know soon and then we can start or stop worrying!
  11. Hey, I meant Research Assistantships. Thanks a lot, this helps. I've been in touch with Prof Anirudh Krishna so i'm wondering if i should write to him and check the possibility of a RA-ship. I share Spat's concerns. As an international student i'm worried if will classes and work options at Sanford will be too domestic-issues oriented. Also, does Sanford have many intl students? Any from India in your year? Sorry too many questions!
  12. Haha! Angie, let's tell IHEID how awesome we are and how they just can't let go of anyone of us (Can we, please?)
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