I like this idea. However, as I'm in L.A., I must say "I have notes!"
MOO, the template would benefit from information about: the applicant's areas of emphasis if her UG history department required a senior thesis, and if she participated in that department's honors program with details about that program.
Additionally, specific data about an applicant's LoRs might be useful. That is, she get letters from:The biggest names in her department Those who know her and her work the best (to include graduate students who were her T.A.s) Professors/graduate students in other departments Individuals outside of the Ivory Tower
Moreover, for non Americanists, data on language skills might be beneficial.
Penultimately, detailed information on SoPs and writing samples might help future applicants.
[*]Did an applicant mention specific POIs or point more broadly to a specific program's areas of emphasis?
[*]Did an applicant tailor SoPs for each program?
[*]Did an applicant edit or rewrite significantly a longer writing sample to get it within proscribed limits?
Finally, a discussion of communication with POIs might help.
No, wait! A list of "lessons learned" might also help.