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Everything posted by monfemme

  1. hey, thanx! i bet you have loads to say on the subject then. do you work in a school? the idea was partially inspired by taking trips to s. korea from mongolia while i lived there.
  2. I am applying to McGill! Also, isn't yale's app due in january? way to be on top of it!
  3. no kidding, i feel like i checked out of life three months ago and will check back in at the end of the month.
  4. I believe you can submit it anyway cause the final submission page includes a section for monitoring the status of supporting info, i.e. recommendations, gre and toefl scores, etc. it even includes a section where you can add recommenders (i guess in case someone doesn't come through). so, i think it's safe to assume that you can submit it and continue to tweek reco info. nothing more annoying than pestering a recommender. gah.
  5. your name is totally fitting for this forum. for some reason i thought cambridge's anth applications were in june or something.. or maybe i'm just completely off. there goes my not well thought out plan to apply to british schools if i bomb this. and yes, you are right, there are no real safety schools. it's just last minute panic with the thought that i could throw another app in there if i so wish. it's totally worth a try! congratulations on turning in your first application!
  6. hey future anthropologists, so last year around this time radiomars started the waiting game 2013 and i found myself constantly looking at the thread to try and get a feel for the timing of everything. thought we should start one too and do some virtual hand holding through this ridiculously long process. i just turned in my apps for berkeley, emory and u of indiana - bloomington have chicago, harvard, then cornell and mcgill left to do until i'm fiiiinisheddd! although now i'm wondering if i should have added another safety (after seeing some horror stories on this forum). how are you all feeling? pumped? freaked out? how many schools are you all applying to? would love to hear about it. good luck with the crunch!
  7. hey, thanx for the feedback! I guess I just assumed that profs/departments are swamped and discourage visiting. But I'll go ahead with it.
  8. Also, did anyone visit a school before applying or during the process? I was planning on visiting one right before I turn in the application, but was not sure if that was advisable and I should wait until after I potentially get in...? Any thoughts?
  9. Hey, glad to see that this thread is still alive. I am applying this season (and turning in some apps in a few days!) and am super nervous/excited. Am planning to do research on concepts of the body in modernity and cosmetic surgery in East Asia. Yes, my SOP was a pain; I had to rewrite it four times before my advising professor would o.k. it. She told me to write it according to the guidelines posted on the berkeley website (http://grad.berkeley.edu/admissions/state_purpose.shtml), which helped a LOT. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!
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