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Everything posted by IRTheoryNerd

  1. Congratulations! May we ask a few questions? For instance: (1) who called (DGS, POI, other)?; (2) Would you feel comfortable giving a bit of background info on your app (i.e. GRE scores, GPA, publications, etc.)? (3) Funded/unfunded? (4) Edit*: any changes to the online application page? (5) Any other info you might have to ease our suffering?
  2. I applied to U Toronto. Guessing early March will be decision time.
  3. Yea, a few of us asked the same question the other day. No one responded. Given the lack of information on the posts and the lack of responses to our questions, I'm tempted to think they're trolls (but there might be some wishful thinking involved in that analysis). Edit: Plus, the last few years, Georgetown only came out at the end of the month and early March. So I'm not holding my breath for this week or even next.
  4. Yea, but Feb. 10th the year prior, and the Feb 18th the year before that. I agree with the historical assessment but I was hoping that someone might have had some info directly from Dr. Marlin-Bennett, or others.
  5. Thanks for getting the intel work on this. It's good to know when I ought to start having a meltdown so it not happen for too extended a period.
  6. Has anyone contacted Johns Hopkins (Poli Sci, not SAIS)?
  7. I'm guessing if I were to get an acceptance via phone I'd probably attempt to downplay the hyper emotional chaos going through my brain to the point that I'd sound like a wholly disinterested automaton and they'd retract their admission on the spot due to perceived lack of interest. I think my voice would deepen 3 octaves, and I'd mumble into the phone like Batman, "hello... oh, yea? thanks. yea you too, bye." And then I'd have a meltdown for not thinking of witty banter or sycophancy. But hey, can I really afford to be picky about the method of communication for an acceptance?
  8. LOL. Thank you. I asked "will I get into ______ [school name]." The results were remarkably close to my expectations. Ha!
  9. No, but history suggests next week is the week we should expect to hear back from Yale (at least, the fortunate accepted among us).
  10. It sounds like a significant vote of confidence on their part. I'm sure it is well deserved. :-)
  11. Congrats! What wonderful news! Hope the waitlist is short and that enough people decline. Fingers crossed for you.
  12. A single propeller airplane with a banner behind it?
  13. Georgetown rejected via "other"?? What is "other"?
  14. I think there's more merit to analyticist Waltz described by Jackson than neopositivist Waltz as described by Keohane.
  15. Theorists in the house. I am a critical constructivist of the Nick Onuf and Ludwig Wittgenstein variety. I'm curious what, as a structural realist, you think of Patrick Thaddeus Jackson's categorization of Waltz as an Analyticist (in "Conduct of Inquiry in IR").
  16. Relative to how many times I check, 10 email checks a day is a sign of tremendous self control... Losing my mind.
  17. Ummm, would anyone like to claim the Georgetown Government PhD phone call??!?!?
  18. I claim a Cornell rejection too. I'm not sure how long Peter Katzenstein would have stuck around and since the department has otherwise been moving rapidly in the direction of mainstream US IR I guess I shouldn't be devastated. Still, an acceptance would be nice right about now... I re-congratulate all those who were accepted and envy the peace of mind that a single acceptance must bring.
  19. Will anyone be so kind as to claim the American University (SIS) PhD in International Relations admittance? Edit*: And congratulations of course!
  20. Woah, does that mean Chicago is not quite done?...
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