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About youkabed

  • Birthday 03/22/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Tehran, Iran
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Materials Science and Engineering

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. I am still waiting for GAtech MSE program.
  2. Anyone waiting for Gatech? I have emailed the graduate coordinator almost 15 days ago. Today, I received this email: Unfortunately, we will not have a decision on your application in the near future. It could be as late as the first of May. If you have an offer of acceptance from another university, please adhere to their deadlines and be committed to your decision. What does it mean? I am confused. I have already seen two rounds of admissions and a few rejects on the forum. I do n't know why it is taking them so long to decide? The deadline for this school was Dec 15th. Please share yours.
  3. Thanks for sharing. Your information was sort of relieving and particularly helpful!
  4. Hi, I need your advice my friends. I have been admitted to the UIUC bio engineering program thus far. But, this school seems to be my ultimate choice since I do n't anticipate any better offer. I know that UIUC is perfectly reputed for its engineering program while its bioengineering is n't really something based on US news ranking. Can anyone give me an insight about this program? I am an MSE major and I am supposed to work on bioimaging as my PhD thesis as UIUC. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Hi, Does anyone have any idea about UCB admission process? I know that some of the results are already sent out; but anyone knows when the final decision is??!!! Waiting it out is actually getting on my nerve these days. I am constantly checking the gradcafe days in and out. Please share.
  6. Hi, I have once emailed the coordinator, Here is her reply: when we receive a decision from the Committee, you will be emailed. It is a very competitive process, and many of our top applicants have already received their decisions. Regards-
  7. Hi all, Someone just shared Illinois at Urbanna Champaign. Does anyone know of this school. I called the graduate coordinator and she told me that it would become available in the next couple of week. Haven't heard back from them .
  8. Good question, as it is also my question. Any ideas? For some schools, I had to call to the graduate programs since part of my application materials shown on their website as missing. Call the Graduate coordinators, these are the very persons who can help. For Prof.s I have no idea. I am a PhD applicant, I have tried to email many Prof.s before my application (600+) but most of the times , no response. So, after submitting my application, I tried to call them directly. When they see that i make such a long- distance call, they are nice to answer. This definitely worked for me.
  9. Hi everyone! Has n't any of you heard from these schools? Harvard, Berkeley, ASU, UCSB, Maryland (UMD), Boston, UFL, GAtech, Pennstate I have seen in the results part of the site that people are receiving their acceptance to Berkeley, yet I don't know when the final decisions are made. I am so nervous. Seems like I am going to get ejected from every school I have applied . Any ideas? Please share?
  10. Thanks every one for sharing your comments. Thus, I should definitely contact him via Skype. Regarding their research interests, they are both similar. That was the way i tailored my SoP concentrating on Bioimaging but actually I am more interested in Tissue Engineering. Thanks again for sharing.
  11. Hi all: I have been following this thread for a while and found this place the best one to ask my question. Please help me out. I am an international student with background in materials science and I am applying to Bioengineering,Materials Engineering and Chemical Engineering and of course my focus is on Bio- materials. For the past four month, I am in contact with a Prof. at one of my top choices. We had two skype conversation, many email correspondence and the like. I have applied to the department sooner than the deadline. Apparently, they have reviewed my application. One day, by almost 30 minutes apart, I revived two emails. One from my PI asking for the second skype and the other one from another Prof. in the same track. Here is his response: Dear Youkabed: I am Assistant Professor in the Department of XXXX at the University of XXXX and also serve as Academic Advisor in XXXX Track. I am contacting you directly because I have reviewed your application for PhD studies at our department and was very impressed by your quality work and interests in XXX. I have noticed on your application that you expressed interests in working with Prof.XXX, but I would like also to introduce you to my laboratory and my research focus. I joined the Department of XXX last August and I am directing theXXXX Laboratory. I have currently opening for two PhD students with genuine interests inXXXX (XXXX, etc.), targeted probe development and application of XXXX to monitor XXXX and efficacy of therapeutic interventions in both cardiology and oncology. More about my group you can read on our group page at XXXX My group’s research focuses on the XXXX (Mentioning his area of research in detail) If you will be interested in joining my laboratory or knowing more about the work we do, please feel free to reply to my email with an evening that you might be available for me to call or Skype. The question is what I should do now. I believe that if I speak to this second Prof. the first one would not want to continue anymore. On the other hand, I did not receive a definite response from the first. What should I do now??!!! Please help and share.
  12. Hi! I have contacted the graduate adviser and she confirmed that some of the results are released. They are gradually sending the results!
  13. Hi everyone! Why do n't you use the old style for your background like the other topics? This way I think we can get more information about the PhD applicant's profile. Well, here is my background and schools: GRE: verbal 147 (Low GRE V ) Quantitative: 164 AW: 4.5 Domestic/International (TOEFL/IELTS):111/120 UG GPA:Materials, 3.85/4 (first ranked student)-- Best Engineering School in my country (If you did Masters) Masters GPA:3.82/4-- Best Engineering School in my country Research experience:Materials, BSc and MSc project (currently MSc project, Biomaterials) Research publications, patents, conferences:1 journal (IF: 6.233), 2 international conferences PHD intended specialization:Materials Engineering, Bioengineering,Chemical Engineering University list: Applied for Materials: Harvard, Berkeley, ASU, UCSB, Maryland (UMD), Boston, UFL, GAtech, Pennstate, Arlington Bioengineering: Illinois at Urbana, UFL, UPenn, UCR Chemical: JohnsHopkins, Caltech, Lehigh, UFL I know my chances are very low for these schools. My Low verbal GRE score is the problem. Please share.
  14. GRE: verbal 147 (Low GRE V ) Quantitative: 164 AW: 4.5 Domestic/International (TOEFL/IELTS):111/120 UG GPA:Materials, 3.85/4 (first ranked student)-- Best Engineering School in my country (If you did Masters) Masters GPA:3.82/4-- Best Engineering School in my country Research experience:Materials, BSc and MSc project (currently MSc project, Biomaterials) Research publications, patents, conferences:1 journal (IF: 6.233), 2 international conferences PHD intended specialization:Materials, Bioengineering,Chemical University list:Materials: Harvard, Berkeley, ASU, UCSB, Maryland (UMD), Boston, UFL, GAtech, Pennstate, Arlington Bioengineering: Illinois at Urbana, UFL, UPenn, UCR Chemical: JohnsHopkins, Caltech, Lehigh, UFL I know my chances are very low for these schools. My Low verbal GRE score is the problem.
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