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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    English Literature

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  1. Hey mollifiedmolloy, Thanks a lot for replying! That's what I would have thought regarding the guest policy, but just wanted to make sure. I noticed on the website that grad students may request housing for themselves and spouses/domestic partners. This was there as the clarification, too. http://studentmanual.uchicago.edu/domesticWould applying for this solve your problem? Hope you guys manage to get the options you want!
  2. Hey guys, I'm an international student and will be moving to Chicago to begin my PhD studies this fall. I don't really have much of a preference regarding the roommate situation. I think I'd be happy with a roommate but I'm also open to the idea of getting a studio apartment. (Granted, though, that I haven't lived entirely by myself before, so I might be missing the whole picture of what that entails, especially in the winter). I have mostly been considering off-campus housing options for UChicago so far. My immediate question was if overnight guests are allowed in off-campus graduate housing for UChicago? A cousin would be visiting sometimes, as would be a friend from a different city (separately). The option to have them stay with me is a pretty important one to me. The system is so unfamiliar to me that I feel a little lost about the smallest of details. Any other advice is also greatly appreciated!
  3. Took myself off the waitlist at Pitt, and turned down Literary and Cultural Studies PhD at Carnegie Mellon. I hope this means good news for one of you guys
  4. So far, I have one rejection, and two waitlists. One of these is from a school that was a super super reach, and another is a high-ranked non-Ivy that I had pinned my hopes on. The first seems hopeful (although it seems unlikely that someone would reject an offer from this school), the second generic, and it's safe to say that I am going entirely bonkers sitting in another continent and edging close to despair by each hour.
  5. Congratulations! I'm relatively new to being active, but I am so happy for you. I know that standardised test stats can never be complete measures of an applicant's ability, but yours were so impressive. And the positivity on this forum is infectious, I think
  6. ^That exactly. "Sell yourself well, at any cost." Well that solves the problem A friend of mine told me in as many words, 'Please for heaven's sake don't write about how you find it difficult to justify why a school should fund you in your SOP, yeah?'
  7. As awed as I am by the Duke admit, (CONGRATULATIONS!) I must confess I am quite relieved to hear that 14 publications are definitely not the norm. I am an international applicant, and while I was aware that publications count for a great deal, I too had been given to believe that they are incredibly prestigious and come after great study and greater revisions. Which is why when I saw the stats I was torn between intense admiration and a feeling of 'oh dear god how underwhelming an applicant am I?!'
  8. I think all the stress has finally turned my brain. I'm presenting a paper on the Great War in two days and reading BowTies' last 'trench' comment made me OOH and beam most inappropriately.And then I just sort of quietly went 'oops'.
  9. Do they call for even international applicants,do you guys know?Do they not mail/e-mail anyone? Gah it's nerve-racking-sitting in a different time-zone,being a first-time applicant,knowing I've blown a buttload of money on this and probably done a zillion things wrong.
  10. Sorry if this is a stupid question,but not having had any intimation from them till now means that this email is likely to be a rejection,yes? I was inclined to the optimistic 'no news is good news' view but I realise that I might be erring by being delusional too.
  11. That does,thanks. It so happens that I've applied to UCSD as well, and haven't heard back. I'd have loved to go there,but I guess I should prepare myself for a rejection. On a separate note,I really do see where Katia_chan is coming from. For everyone that's getting frazzled about the perfect or near-perfect GPAs and presentations and publications(which are all great achievements,of course),there's probably something in your application which will make you stand out. It might just be one stray phrase by one recommemder recognising your originality or initiative,and you're probably unaware that it's there and that it's being backed up by your SOP or writing sample. It's easier to notice where you're falling short when you're on tenterhooks like this,but don't give in to the dark side! (Of course,I'm one of those insufferable people unable to practice what she preaches,but ah well )
  12. despejado-I realise this might be a stupid question,but being an international firt-time applicant I'm a little lost about some of the terms.What do you mean by an implied rejection? I've applied to eight schools,and had my first decision letter yesterday which was a rejection.I'd rather have a realistic appraisal of what the next letter might contain,I think.
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