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Everything posted by MSW03

  1. Same here! There were just check marks by every item I turned it too so you're good. Good thing you called the first time just to be sure, now we wait , the hard part haha
  2. I'm trying to fight the urge to call again for the second time too for one of the schools I applied to. It's been three months since my last application was confirmed as complete and forwarded to review. I called three weeks ago & they said its in the second stage of review... So I guess it does take a long time for them to get through applications! Since it's only been a month I would sit right for another few weeks good luck!
  3. @Gnessa19 - yay glad to meet someone who also applied to CSUDH. I applied Nov 1st and I still haven't received my admission decision 3 months later I called three weeks ago and they said my app was in the second phase of review. So strange it's taking them three months! @fiz3583 and @baffledgenious - congrats guys!!!!
  4. Definitely CSULB has been around the longest, and the sheer magnitude of ppl who apply is amazing. Everyone here turned in their apps & received a confirmation email so that's really great! I'm sure we'll hear soon the admissions staff told me about 10 weeks after you receive the confirmation email we will hear a decision. Hang in there every one!
  5. @chloeMSW - When did you apply to CSUN? That's my first choice! I'm getting a great vibe from their program, students, and faculty. At the info session, it was very welcoming, accommodating, and promising. I even contacted one of the faculty members later and she agreed to meet to talk more about the program. I've also met three current CSUN MSW students at the organization that I volunteer at, and they all have said amazing, positive things about the program and the teachers! I can feel the passion!
  6. Same here, last year when I applied I only applied to Long beach. Last year I turned in my CSULB app on the deadline feb 15, received a confirmation email 5 weeks later, and my admission decision of "pending admission" meaning "wait list" in end of April. After waiting months & months, in late JULY, I finally was offered a spot in a different concentration than my first choice, so I declined the offer and decided to reapply next year again. They seem to way heavily on direct social work experience. Although CSULB was my first choice last year, it fell to my 3rd choice this year. As the faculty said in the info session, this year we don't choose a concentration until we start the program & even then, we aren't guaranteed a spot in our first choice concentration. Personally, that's kinda scary to me! She also admitted things might be rocky & disorganized since they changed all the courses around, etc & this is the first year they are doing this new model.. But yes, the CSULB program has been around for a long time and does have a great reputation! I turned in my long beach app on Jan 21, and received a confirmation email on Feb 5... I don't expect to hear my admission decision until later, I'm guessing at least end of April or even early May.. Don't fret if you aren't receiving an email back yet, that's normal! To be honest I really don't know how CSULB makes their admission decisions. When talking to admissions last year about how to improve my application, they said my Personal Statement was good, my gpa was above average, my letters of rec were good, but my experience (resume) was lacking. I only had 4 months of experience working in a non-profit organization that focuses on risk-youth as a research assistant. Since all the other aspects of my application were great, I definitely think they weigh heavily on direct social work experience... Same with CSULA. I asked in the info session how many years of social work experience to be considered a "highly ranked candidate" and they said 5 years :/
  7. So guys, god was shining some light down on me this week! I was training for a new organization & two grad students from the university I'm having my interview at came in to give a presentation!! I couldn't believe it. They told me that for CSUN (might apply to other colleges as well) if you get an interview you are pretty much in! They said its hard to get an interview. The interview is just to see you in person and to get a feel for why you chose to go into the profession & why their school. They pretty much want to see how you react with other ppl, that you are respectful of other's views and can work in a team. They said that all of the people that were at the interview wound up being the in the program now they are all students together! So be hopeful
  8. Yeah all my reference forms were there, it was just that one statistics course transcript boo
  9. I submitted mine Jan 23, late I know lol and I just received an email saying my application is missing a transcript :/ uh oh. Now it's gonna take two weeks just to get my transcript copied by enrollment services. You are ahead of the game tiennthai hope u hear from them soon! Did u get your confirmation email that they received your app?
  10. Amazing. I majored in Middle East/South Asia studies as an undergraduate and I was always interested in Women & Islam. What's your graduate education in?
  11. @kleene - thank you so much for the reply!! Now I have some idea of what to prepare
  12. Hello everyone! I was invited for a group interview for my top program of choice, and I've never participated in a group interview before. Does anyone have some insight into group interviews for graduate school? Apparently my group interview will consist of 4-6 students being interviewed by 2 professors. We'll be given group exercises, an individual question, and a written exercise. They are also going to give a presentation of what the school has to offer. So it seems to be looking positive and informal so far. But I am wondering about the groups exercises, what sort of things should I expect for that? Any insight would be great! Thanks guys!!
  13. @tachycineta - that's great news! Glad everything is fine with your app, aren't you relieved you called? Just better for your overall well-being This is exactly why I think it's a good idea for anyone to call programs that either 1. Haven't given you a confirmation email that ALL your materials are in and that your application is complete and forwarded to review or 2. Haven't gotten back to you in a long time
  14. @lucerovespertino - I know same here! But I think if it's been a long enough time (like 3 months in my case) it's better to call if they didn't tell you an exact notification time because who knows, there could be some hold on your application. It also shows that you are serious about their school. I was scared about possibly hearing a rejection over the phone but I wrote down reactions I would say if I got a rejection or was told I was on the wait list.. Like what can I do next year to improve my application or what can I do in the meantime to show the committee I'm serious about attending their program. Even if you get a rejection, it's better to find out early than wait because then you can start planning your attack for improving next year!
  15. @lucerovespertino - I know same here! But I think if it's been a long enough time (like 3 months in my case) it's better to call if they didn't tell you an exact notification time because who knows, there could be some hold on your application. It also shows that you are serious about their school. I was scared about possibly hearing a rejection over the phone but I wrote down reactions I would say if I got a rejection or was told I was on the wait list.. Like what can I do next year to improve my application or what can I do in the meantime to show the committee I'm serious about attending their program. Even if you get a rejection, it's better to find out early than wait because then you can start planning your attack for improving next year!
  16. for the fall 2014 cycle, I just received an email for an interview hey sarahseee, Do you mind shining some light about the interview for CSUN that you attended last year? I just got an email and I would love some more insight like what questions were asked, etc. Thanks!!
  17. I also was invited for an interview from a program I applied for fall 2014 cycle. Can anyone give me some insight? thanks
  18. I received an email from CSUN today advancing me to the next round for interviews!! whew.. I'm happy just to hear some good news
  19. I submitted one of my applications on November 1 (rolling admission decisions) and I was getting anxious because it's now 1/25, almost three months later. I was thinking maybe the long amount of time meant they had put me on the waiting list/pending admission. I considered calling for two weeks but kept putting it off thinking I shouldn't call. Finally I caved in and called last week and the person I spoke to on the phone was very nice about it, even looked up my name and told me that my application is in the second phase of review and I'll get my decision in another few weeks. I'm glad I called! It helped settle my nerves because now I know I still have a chance to be accepted
  20. I turned in my CSULB a few days ago and they told me it will take 4-6 weeks just to get a confirmation email that they received your app and that its complete, not even a decision until a few months after that hope we'll get admission decisions faster!
  21. @Speechgirl - sorry I haven't talked to anyone that's done the distance program but I'm sure it's just as spectacular! Do you know if CSUN also does interviews for the long distance program?
  22. @onenametim - i would mold your answer based on the program you are applying to.. For example, the program may have you choose an emphasis (such as children, youth & families) or the program may take an advanced generalist approach where they want you to be competent in a variety of settings. Hope this helps!
  23. @speechgirl811 - I applied only to the on-campus full time programs, although now I'm regretting not broadening my options :/ @onenationtim - great! That's so awesome, hope you get your first choices do keep us updated on your admission decisions or any info I applied to CSULB last year & was put on pending admission, didn't hear anything till July & finally offered a spot in Older Adults & Families but declined due to my passion for children & youth, hopefully it goes better this time for me.
  24. I applied to four CSU's and only one of them conducts interviews, CSUN
  25. Has anyone who applied to CSUN received an email being invited for an interview? Also has anyone heard back from any CSU's?
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