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About Roren

  • Birthday 07/12/1991

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New Jersey
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    M.S. - Behavior Analysis

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Received word of my acceptance to Jacksonville State University's M.S. Psychology program last week with a GPA of 2.90. Now to kick some serious butt and make sure I never have to worry about this sort of thing again.
  2. I got a 6.0. I agree with Alpha, everyone has a different style. I don't really have any practice essays on hand, but if you'd like to private message me I wouldn't mind trying to help in any way I can!
  3. I definitely appreciate the suggestion! As I said before, this program is what I'd really like to focus on, as it kinda fits the bill in every way that I can think, but I'll definitely look into your suggestion as well. Mostly the thing that has me tearing my hair out is that there are no statistics for average GPA, GRE, etc. for previously incoming classes, so I have no idea whether I'm legitimately competitive or I should expect a rejection. I was hoping someone may be able to shed a bit more light onto that, as I don't have much to work with in tempering my expectations.
  4. Thanks so much for the response. I'm just trying to get a read on exactly what I should expect when it comes to what the standards are. They don't have any minimum cut-off for GPA or GRE listed, but they also don't have average statistics for previous classes listed in those areas, either. That being said, I realize that doesn't make my GPA acceptable, I just hope they're able to look past it.
  5. Hey everyone. Sorry to take up your time. I'm in the middle of applying to one particular program that I'm very interested in getting into. However, as someone who's a habitual worrier, I can't help but constantly think about what my chances might be of actually getting in. The program in question is at Jacksonville State University in AL. I'm focusing primarily on Masters programs because I don't believe I meet the typical requirements for most Doctoral programs, and focusing on this university in particular because the location makes it ideal, and I feel as though I could thrive in such a program and bolster my undergraduate GPA for a later push toward a PhD. My cumulative undergraduate GPA amounted to a 2.9, at Rutgers University in NJ. I took the GRE and received 152 Quant / 160 Verbal / 6.0 AW. While in undergrad I was a research assistant for two years at a lab analyzing the value of social-emotional learning. In addition to this, I was an intern at both a child study center at NYU for a summer, and at a therapeutic day school for children for a semester. I'm currently working per-diem as a Mental Health Worker at an inpatient unit in a nearby hospital, while at the same time substitute teaching regularly. I'm currently preparing to take the GRE Psychology subject test, and studying zealously for it. I recognize that my GPA is very low. I made many mistakes during my time in undergrad, and was dealing with an unhealthy relationship with my significant other and family for the entirety of it which affected my motivation (which I'm not going to get into or use as an excuse because it's neither here nor there). However, I want to know exactly what my chances might be for being accepted into the program this fall, realistically, in your opinion. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I know that it's probably a mess, and I apologize for my being long-winded. I'm very concerned about this, and as such my thoughts seem to be a bit scrambled. If any more information is required, please let me know. Again, thank you so much, have a wonderful day. EDIT: I suppose I should also mention that I got my B.A. in both Psychology and English, if that helps at all.
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