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Everything posted by Fun_Cookie

  1. Please stay in your own country. USA doesnt need more foreigners.
  2. Using "gay" as a pity story. Sickening.
  3. 3.3? Please you would not survive the first week of grad school.
  4. If you do it you will be blacklisted.
  5. Reported for text abuse. You are a bitter bully.
  6. Good luck getting into a good school with a B-. It is going to get worse from here.
  7. Just do it. Ask and know whether they say yes or no or never ask and keep wondering for the rest of your life. You are also a rude person for not contacting your recommenders.
  8. Its okay gnome is the resident loser of this forum. He will probably drop out during the first semester of grad school this fall. Anyway you should talk to advisors about this at your school and grad programs that you are interested in.
  9. 7/8 rejections wow.... Should aim lower next year (sorry its the truth im not trying to be mean) What are your stats? Good luck!
  10. OP is humblebragging.
  11. I swear to god some of the grad students were so arrogant and smart-ass, definitely made me not want to attend the school for the next 6 years....
  12. Little bit late but hi! I am admitted to harvard and yale for their bbs programs this fall. I think your age doesn't really matter that much but i think that admission people seem to want older students more. This is because i saw a lot of 23 and older students at the interviews. However, your stat is competitive so you have a high chance of getting into a top 10 program. Just act decently at the interviews.
  13. There are tons of chinese exactly or better than you. Good luck!
  14. Got into yale bbs mcgb. Dunno where to go now....
  15. but if you get into Ivys and they fit your research interests then of course go there.
  16. Professors and students at Harvard for my program are actually happy.
  17. OP sounds like a megab1tch.
  18. OP sounds like an ass and I am a Type A Harvard-bound PhD student.
  19. LA is a terrible city.
  20. Let me guess david haussler from uc santa cruz?
  21. Undergrad research is not the same as volunteer in a lab. If you don't have anything interesting things to put down on your statement of purpose, or for some crazy reasons they offer you an interview then you are screwed because you don't have anything to say that you did any work at all. I dont give a flying **** if you spend 40 hours a week doing cloning. To be successful in your PhD you need to get results. Talk to your PI now and try to get some numbers.
  22. The labs in davis are boring. The school and city are also dull.
  23. UCSF ipqb was cool. Recruitment planning seems a little stale though....
  24. UCB cares about grad students? Don't make me laugh....
  25. Yale BBS was really fun!
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