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Posts posted by c11m07

  1. 11 minutes ago, sociologicals said:

    Did anybody apply to UPenn here? On the ApplyWeb checklist what is the application status? Based on the first sentence on that web page, it seems that "Ready for review" is the final status (before admission/denial) but nonetheless it feels unsettling compared to "Under review" or something like that. 

    Mine says "ready for review" as well-- I wouldn't read into it, but I hear what you're saying. We're all ready for news at this point.

  2. 57 minutes ago, montanem said:

    I have a new every other hour rule for checking my e-mail starting today...otherwise I am going to go crazy!  

    You must have more self control than I do! I'm proud of myself when I make it one hour. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, draco.malfoy said:

    I AM GOING CRAZY! Trying to distract myself with books and Saturday's March and so on... but it's hard to not check my email 400 times a day.

    Yup. Same here. I keep refreshing it, which of course just makes the time pass more slowly.

    As others have noted, the cold/snowy weather doesn't help. I think I'm going to try cleaning in a bit-- anything to expend some of this nervous energy. 

  4. I am starting to get seriously antsy. Driving myself nuts looking through past years to try to figure out when programs might notify. One thing I learned by going through this process last year is that trying to sketch out timelines is generally a futile endeavor (last year I got an email about being on a waitlist at 10:30PM local time one evening, I got another generic official email to students on said waitlist on a Saturday afternoon... several programs I applied to last year didn't follow the timing I anticipated at all, etc.). That being said-- here I am, scouring through the results page. I was thinking we might hear some news from UCLA or Minnesota today, but seems like nothing yet. :/

  5. 6 hours ago, theorynetworkculture said:

    Checking in to register my anxiety as well. I'm a senior atm, and last semester was rough. I really ought to be enjoying this winter break, but I find myself refreshing my email (and here) even though I know no news is likely coming for the next couple of weeks. 

    I'm mainly interested in theory and culture, with secondary interests in network analysis, collective action, and organizations. I've applied to a whole bunch of top 20 programs. My interested are quite well represented at most top programs, and given the nature of the job market "caste system" it didn't really seem to make sense anywhere else (or so my advisor tells me). I'm a decent candidate on paper, but damn if all this doesn't set me on edge. Here's hoping someone says yes.

    I've been out of undergrad since 2011, but when I reached out to one of my professors/the head of the soc department, he gave me similar advice. He said I was unlikely to find a tenure track job without a degree from a top program-- that's just the reality. Fingers crossed!!

  6. Hey, everyone. This is my second round applying. I learned a lot from my unsuccessful first round-- I was teaching in a public high school full time, I knew I was unhappy, and I knew my GRE scores from my Master of Arts in teaching were going to expire, so I threw together four applications based more on geography than fit (stupid all around). Ended up waitlisted at UMass Amherst and Cornell, but didn't get off either wait list. 

    This time around I reworked my applications, have new (and stronger) GRE scores, different recs, and more schools to hear from-- 12 based on fit without regard for geography. 

    I know firsthand how agonizing this can be. Decisions will start to come in soon-- the obsessive email checking is its own brand of torture, but it'll feel good to get the ball rolling. Rooting for you all!

  7. 19 hours ago, turtle<3 said:

    I'm still waiting to hear from their Development Sociology program. I emailed them on Monday, and they never responded. Are you waiting to hear from regular Sociology or Development Sociology?

    I applied for the regular soc program. 


    19 hours ago, puton said:

    I e-mail the graduate dept. last week and they notified me that I was on a waitlist. If you are dying to know your status, maybe you could contact them and they would let you know. Good luck!

    Thanks. Just sent an email. Ready for some closure at this point!


    Best of luck to both of you!

  8. 1 minute ago, oquinnje said:

    I haven't heard from them yet! Their application had a later deadline though so I feel like they wouldn't get back to us this quickly....

    Yeah, the earliest data I'm seeing on the results boards is Feb 17th. Usually 17th-23rd ish for admits. Maybe wishful thinking because I'm so desperate for good news. One rejection and two assumed rejections under my belt.

  9. 8 hours ago, HopefulSocPhD said:

    Yea, I'm thinking the same thing. Brown will be rejection #6 for me. I just want this season to be over with. 4 more rejections and I'm done.

    I'm sure people keep saying this and you're probably tired of hearing it, but it's not over until it's over-- even without Brown, something could pan out at the other three schools. That being said, I think I get where you're coming from. It's incredibly frustrating to be in this limbo (can we just call it hell?) that keeps feeling less hopeful. Anyway, I'm rooting for you, but yeah-- this is brutal.

    I've been trying to do whatever I can to take my mind off it-- with very limited success. Do something to take care of yourself today if you can.  

  10. 1 hour ago, HopefulSocPhD said:

    With four admits and a pretty small cohort, I wonder if there will be any more Brown admits, or if rejections should be coming soon...

    I quickly scanned past years and it seems like 4-7 admits post per year (usually 4-5 I think). I'm thinking rejections will come start of next week. There's still hope I suppose, but I'm bracing myself for my first rejection (first news at all!). :/

  11. 30 minutes ago, Shay825 said:

    Aside from my crap Quant score, primary reason I'm stressing so hard over these app decisions - I admitted to having been a Wanderlust as an undergrad, in my SOP. It was my explanation for why I bounced from Anthropology major to Museum Studies to 16th Century British Literature to Communications. lol. Probably shot myself in the foot there....

    I think framing something like that so it fits into a narrative about how you came to be dedicated to your current research interests is a smart move, actually. Wanderlust as an undergrad isn't a horrible thing, I think! Isn't that kind of what undergrad is for? Everyone is her/his own worst critic. There are parts of my SOP that make me cringe now, but that I think (or hope?) wouldn't stand out to others. You got this :) 

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