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Everything posted by regulatethatemotion

  1. Could the person who posted on the results search about getting an email from UWashington re. phone interviews this week please PM me your POI Thanks!
  2. Even though I applied to Clinical Psychology, this makes me feel a lot better. I feel like this admissions cycle has been so brutal, so it's nice to have confirmation that it is the international factor getting in the way. By-the-by, I see that you were accepted at Ohio State!! Congrats!! I also got an offer there! International grad cafe meet up in middle America?
  3. Just got an interview invite from my POI at UMass Boston. They just had their committee meeting and should be extending invites over the next couple days. Interview is either 2/24 or 2/28 (you can choose).
  4. Any Clinical UIC folks? Thanks!
  5. I just emailed the UIC Clinical coordinator and she said that "The committee is still in the process of reviewing applications. Those candidates invited in for interviews should be contacted within the next week or two." Also, I got my very first acceptance this morning from Ohio State (for Clinical PhD)! So excited.
  6. I work at the University of Miami (Florida) and invites are definitely still going out. Good luck!
  7. My spam folder has never seen so much love... Otherwise, Netflix, and compulsively checking forums. *helpme*
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