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Everything posted by gorki

  1. When I applied, I computed it from all the CS courses on my transcript. You can also email the application contact and ask them -- I'm assuming they will recompute it anyway since it isn't on your transcript.
  2. I remember this being discussed earlier on this forum, you might be able to find the thread using the search function. Iirc, consensus was that it is for statistical purpose only and shouldn't affect the outcome of the application.
  3. You should compute it yourself
  4. "All fellowship stipends and assistantship salaries are taxable and paid in monthly installments, beginning with the last business day of September" per p.3 in http://www.princeton.edu/gradschool/about/docs/financial/Financial-Policies-and-Guidelines.pdf
  5. Someone (perhaps you?) just posted about the same thing on the "Princeton Graduate International Students" facebook group. From the previous meet-and-greets, the last wave of contracts should be sent out around mid-july. Assuming you applied before the deadline (15th of April iirc), you should receive it soon Good luck!
  6. Good to hear you were placed in Lakeside, LKS. What kind of appartement did you get? Plan here is to apply there for my second year. Re: NGC, still waiting on gradhousing to come back to me about how two room singles are furnished...
  7. Woah lucky Manifestin, what kind of room did you request and what did you get?
  8. As a precision to my previous post, I would've preferred a room with a private bath in the OGC, but as discussed there are very few of those and they are often retained or otherwise given to second year students. I'd be interested in hearing where other incoming students have been placed (or if they are still waiting for it). edit: I sent a message to gradhousing asking how two rooms singles were furnished and will post the info here when I get it.
  9. Just received my contract, a 2 rooms single in NGC. Would've preferred OGC, but as I understand little to no incomings get OGC so I'll will most likely accept the offer.
  10. Hey LKS, Looking at previous Meet & Greet threads, people seemed to start reporting incoming draw results around mid-June. I also remember reading somewhere on Pton's website that housing contracts would be sent to us early July. Good luck!
  11. Hey Lancelot, McGill is a very good school, but engineering isn't exactly its forte. It's not bad either, but it can't compete with Georgia Tech on that. However, for a degree with thesis, you can expect to have excellent access to the professor(s) you will be working with, on par with what you would expect as a PhD student. Doing a thesis (and potentially publishing results) will show that you have the research potential which is looked for in applications to PhD. Does the M.S. at Tech includes a research project (or the possibility of some research credits)? As far as location is concerned, Atlanta is very industrial (including a lot of tech industry), but (or and) has the reputation of being rather boring. Montreal is a great place to live, especially for a student. Don't be scared by the winter weather, with a good coat and winter boots it'll be fine. It does get cold in the winter, but with a good coat and boots you'll be fine. Good luck!
  12. You're sticking your head out much more by doing this kind of personal investigation than by going right away to competent authorities. Tell them what you know, they'll take it up from there.
  13. Contact your student ombudsman to discuss possible course of action. There's surely a way for you to inform the chair of the department without getting identified.
  14. Gratz on your offers. You need to tell us more about what you do within EE, in particular, is there someone at UBC you would like to work with? Assuming yes, I would accept UBC's offer. It will help your application for PhD to have research experience, especially if you can get a publication or two out of your thesis. For TA and RA at Stanford, I would expect PhD student to have priority over masters, but I might be wrong. In any case, I don't think it make sense to pay for gradschool in science and engineering.
  15. Hey Khalian, Congratulation for being accepted in these two programs -- I wouldn't call it disastrous at all, but if that's really how you feel, you might want to consider reapplying next season, and only to places you would be happy to attend (and pay for, most likely, for ms...). About USC vs Johns Hopkins, I think reputation is close enough that it wouldn't make that much of a difference for job prospects. Did you factor in the cost of living in your evaluation? You might want look for the i20 amounts for comparison. You should also look at available financing, e.g. ask if TAships are given to M.S. students
  16. Any idea of subfields you would be interested in? For the "practical skills" courses, you can probably pick objective C (as an example, since you mentioned IOS) by reading an online tutorial, no need for lectures... For the startup, I'd think the people you meet in the program is more important than the town, but then again I'm not really following startups so someone else can comment. I can only talk for my field, programming languages theory / formal methods, but I see (at conferences) lot of interesting research in that area being performed at UPenn.
  17. Hey csforme. Can't really help here, just wanted to point out which might be relevant. Since you want to go to the industry, I'd look into (or ask them, if you can't find it) placement rate for both programs. Good luck!
  18. Riah: Both are good school, but we would need more information about your research interest to talk about program fit, which is really what you should be looking for at the moment...
  19. This is correct [edit: except for each suite having their own bathroom, see link]. More information on the different rooms in old GC is available (might be outdated, I haven't found the list for 2008 onwards) at http://www.princeton.edu/~gchouse/roomdraw/2007/ogctable.html .
  20. I don't think the poll results should be interpreted in a Stanford > MIT way. You say that she was "very interested in entrepreneurship and is interested in pursuing her own startup somewhere down the road", "not interested in research" and "was primarily interested in an MS." From what you wrote, fit (at least for the program) sounds much better at Stanford. I don't think the people who voted EECS read your post -- if you voted EECS, could you please explain why? Anyway, congratulation to your friend for getting admitted.
  21. Game programmer is not "a really secure or good-paying job" everywhere, not just in Thailand. Still, if that's your dream (and you say it is), then I don't think you should be wasting your time in [graduate] school. Have you tried applying to junior positions at game dev. studios in the US? Your time may be best spent learning the trade in the US. Good luck!
  22. gorki

    Princeton, NJ

    Hey all, I'm back from visit day. As a prospective student, I can't answer your questions firsthand, however I did gather some information conversing with current students. LKS: One of the students I've met during the visit was assigned to Old Lawrence as a first year, after requesting it. I have also heard of people transferring out of GC during or after their first semester. Apartment housing should be even easier to get this fall with Lakeside opening. gentlechaos: Living in GC for the first year helps in meeting people outside of your department. It also seems easy and encouraged to take courses or attend colloquium and social events from other areas and departments. I haven't heard complaints about isolation from current students -- they did mention the lack of social life off-campus, but it is compensated by graduate school-wide activities and the proximity to NYC and Philly.
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