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    Political Science

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  1. Unless I am mistaken, 2014-2015 is actually last year's competition. Ours will be marked as 2015-2016, as that's the school year in which this competition's awards will be distributed.
  2. Only in comparison to others on the waitlist in the same selection committee. That being said, all other waitlisted committee 5's please PM me! http://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/apply-demande/background-renseignements/doctoral_committees-comites_doctorat-eng.aspx
  3. Random application question out of curiosity: for those who have 6+ various scholarships, did you just enter your best six and keep it at that, or fit the rest somewhere else on the application?
  4. Thanks for all the support and info re wait listing everyone! Perhaps the inconsistency in awards winning scores is due to the award allocation per university? So if one university had a competitive year a 10.5 may not have made the cut, but at another, less competitive institution a lower score could have been successful?
  5. Wait listed. Does anyone know someone who has been wait listed and has ended up receiving an award?
  6. Hell's Kitchen...
  7. My deadline to accept/decline York's offer was the 20th, so I imagine more spots will open up after that date. Good luck!
  8. Yes, very excited, and you must be as well! I hope to work with David McNally, Asher Horowitz, and Martin Breaugh. Seriously, York's Poli Sci dept is so so great for theory.. (especially if you like critical theory/continental thought as oppose to strictly liberalism/normative theory) did my undergrad there and am looking forward to returning!
  9. Just email the program director (McMurtry) and he'll let you know now!
  10. Thanks for the tip, emailed and was told I would also be receiving a formal offer of admission! Major stream political theory as well. Is York your first choice and who in particular are you hoping to work with?
  11. Congrats! How did you hear?? Waiting to hear back myself.
  12. Doing my MA at U of T currently, but going to York for PhD in the fall (accepted into SPT, waiting still on Poli Sci)! York, and those departments in particular, are much more appropriate for my research interests (Critical theory/German Idealism/Historical Materialism), but its been great to spend some time at U of T! Good luck! Who are you hoping to work with/study in particular?
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