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Everything posted by wildc4t

  1. Darwin's Dangerous Idea, by Dennett
  2. Why don't you ask a relevant professor at wherever you're going?
  3. I emailed someone in the dept. My status wasn't updated.
  4. The Texas rejection is mine.
  5. Just solicited Ohio State. Apparently I'm on the waitlist. Edit: I'll also add that my writing sample to Ohio State had some serious typos in it.
  6. And what was that advice? Just wait?
  7. Anyone have similar info with respect to WUSTL?
  8. Just by posting, you've given your info.
  9. I'm currently reading Howard DeLong's A Profile of Mathematical Logic. It's not a textbook, but I'm using it to get a birds-eye view of the subject. It gives good historical context too. Edit: As far as a textbook, Enderton's A Mathematical Introduction to Logic isn't bad.
  10. He means going to the PhD program with the intent to apply to "better" PhD programs in a year or two.
  11. Claiming a Waterloo rejection.
  12. Chalmers worked with Hofstadter while getting his PhD at Indiana. I know they've at least written one article together. It's in Hofstadter's book Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies. The article is a criticism of traditional efforts in AI (GOFAI - Good Old Fashioned Artificial Intelligence, as John Haugeland calls it) to model high-level cognitive processes without also incorporating simple perception processes as well. Their claim is that both kinds of processes are required to accurately model human-style intelligence. Also, I noticed you mentioned Andy Clark. I'm currently working on my MA Thesis which draws heavily from his work on the Classical / Connectionist debate (Microcognition being my primary text for this).
  13. What did Mizzou say?
  14. Platonist, if you have a hobby you should pursue that now. You are waaaaaaay too stressed out. Too many posts.
  15. I'm another one of the Missou admits (the one with the MA GPA in comments). I got the same as wandajune above, so no extra info here. (By the way, the undergrad GPA should read 3.5. I mis-typed in excitement.)
  16. Win or lose, we booze.
  17. I noticed that one of the Duke acceptances says "accepted via website." Where does that appear on the Duke website?
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