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Everything posted by patrickfrancis

  1. I'm pretty taken with Dorothy Cross, Kathy Prendergast, and Jason Dodge right now.
  2. I logged into my VCU application yesterday to look at the portfolio I submitted and saw that the images were out of the order I had sequenced them in. I thought I had gone over the portfolio dozens of times and sequenced it carefully. I don't want to believe that I botched the most important part of the application. Has anyone else applying to VCU experienced this? Is it possible that they were reordered by the reviewers?
  3. Writing answers to these questions was a decent way to do something productive in this time of waiting and bit fingernails. The hardest to answer off the cuff that I've heard of came from a Northwestern interview: why art? Just two words, but how to answer that quickly and succinctly?
  4. Hello. It has been nice to know that I'm not the only person counting down the days 'till interview invitations go out. I wanted to put out a friendly reminder to do your FAFSA now or as soon as you get your W2s. Don't wait until you get accepted. Best of luck to all.
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