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    2014 Fall
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  1. I really don't have a negative attitude to the department in general, but a very negative one toward the way the department is handling themselves today. And it would probably be the best option for us both.
  2. I've answered this multiple times in multiple threads. I am in a 2 body problem and one body didn't get in there, but got in at other great schools in the same cities that I received offers from lower ranked programs. LA would be one of those cities. Also, funding is relevant. Can I not be frustrated at the bureaucracy and decision speed of these applications but still see it is a good option for myself and my fiancee to study for the next 5+ years?
  3. I can't believe I'm waiting on fucking UCLA to just god damn tell me something before I accept another offer. What number did you call? None of them will answer their phones!
  4. Has anyone NOT heard back from UCLA? I'm wondering if I should still be holding out hope, considering that I did not receive the rejections many did....
  5. How did you hear that? Email? Check website? When I check website, nothing has changed for me.
  6. I know UM is pressuring you to make a decision, don't let that pressure force you into an early decision that you have to go back on. You know what you want, you've thought about where you want to be, don't fold at the very end, assuming you get both offers. As you know, I don't have a personal interest in this anymore, but I do think that by all accounts Texas is where you really want to go. I say stick to your guns on that because you made that decision "in sound mind and body."
  7. Messaged ya. =P
  8. Did they tell you that you are #1 on the waitlist with one spot available? Or #2? Will someone be letting them know at noon tomorrow?
  9. Thats some BS lol. They probably suffered for that, as being 30-50 is perfectly fine. Maybe they weren't going to be ranked anyway, I don't really see why they would.
  10. I'm only voting for Tufts because it is so clearly head-and-shoulders above all other MA programs in Philosophy. Also, based on the voting patterns, at least someone didn't vote them as one of the best 5, which means at least that user has absolutely no idea about MA programs...which then makes me wonder why we have this poll =P
  11. Rejected off of the Wisconsin waitlist.
  12. How in the world do you not have Cincinnati on here? It will be easily ranked in the next PGR, and they will be top 5-8ish in phil bio. So many strong senior hires in the last couple years.
  13. We are assuming you get accepted, that's why we are talking about "offers." We know you're waitlisted. IMO, if you want to visit, then visit now. Otherwise it does nothing for you. Visiting after you have been accepted on April 15 (and, therefore, after you have made a decision), is just essentially a vacation to the new city. Nothing wrong with that, but it isn't helping you make a decision, it isn't helping professors get to know you better so they can feel confident in accepting you....its not even a comparable situation. I know the feeling of wanting to visit just for fun/get to meet people and check out the city, but visiting right after you've been accepted is, to me, the strangest time to want to visit. Visit beforehand to help make a decision, ASSUMING YOU GET THE OFFERS, or just wait until the summer or early fall to visit the new city when things are a bit more stress-free, or just move in a couple weeks early!
  14. So the question is, essentially, do you want to take a visit to the school you've already been accepted to just for fun? Sure, go right ahead. I'm not sure you can get it on the school's dime, as that money is for recruitment. It good to visit during a conference or somesuch.
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