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Posts posted by TheVineyard

  1. You've posted 360 times--you can hardly expect us to have read all of them. There are a lot of threads and posts here. You seemed especially anxious to hear from UCLA, but it was odd given the context of your T-5 offer and your negative attitude toward the department. We asked sensible questions--no reason to get defensive. Your position (now) makes sense--thanks for clarifying. Would you accept at UCLA if you received an offer?

    I really don't have a negative attitude to the department in general, but a very negative one toward the way the department is handling themselves today.

    And it would probably be the best option for us both.

  2. I recall some mention that you were accepted at a T-5 program. Do you need to wait for UCLA to make a decision?


    I've answered this multiple times in multiple threads. I am in a 2 body problem and one body didn't get in there, but got in at other great schools in the same cities that I received offers from lower ranked programs. LA would be one of those cities. Also, funding is relevant.


    If that's your attitude toward UCLA, why not just accept the other offer? 


    Can I not be frustrated at the bureaucracy and decision speed of these applications but still see it is a good option for myself and my fiancee to study for the next 5+ years?

  3. When I called the department yesterday, they said that they were sending out a "first wave of rejections" (?!) "this morning" and that they were probably "making final offers [that day.]" So, idk? Maybe there's some hope that some of you who haven't received rejections will be admitted?


    I can't believe I'm waiting on fucking UCLA to just god damn tell me something before I accept another offer.

    What number did you call? None of them will answer their phones!

  4. UCLA rejection. Not upset, just relieved to finally hear lol


    How did you hear that? Email? Check website?


    When I check website, nothing has changed for me.

  5. I know UM is pressuring you to make a decision, don't let that pressure force you into an early decision that you have to go back on. You know what you want, you've thought about where you want to be, don't fold at the very end, assuming you get both offers.


    As you know, I don't have a personal interest in this anymore, but I do think that by all accounts Texas is where you really want to go. I say stick to your guns on that because you made that decision "in sound mind and body."

  6. I was told that there is one position available. They are waiting to hear from this student by tomorrow. And I'm "#1" on the wait-list. But, as I said, I am very likely accepting UT's offer, if they extend me one (which they very likely will), so this means whoever is #2 on the UW-M wait-list is in good shape, as far as I can tell.


    Messaged ya. =P

  7. This is my lucky day! I was also informed I'm next in line at Wisconsin. I still think UT is the right choice, but honestly... having both options on the table, it's tough!


    Did they tell you that you are #1 on the waitlist with one spot available? Or #2? Will someone be letting them know at noon tomorrow?

  8. Yes, I think so. They apparently requested not to be included because they would've been ranked outside the top 30---or so I've been told. They apparently didn't want to be included unless they were ranked toward the top.   


    Thats some BS lol. They probably suffered for that, as being 30-50 is perfectly fine. Maybe they weren't going to be ranked anyway, I don't really see why they would.

  9. Yes, I am still at CUNY. I will be taking classes next year as either a non-matriculant, or a visiting scholar. I want to develop good relationships with some potential recommenders, but so far they haven't gotten back to me...they have ignored my emails in which I either asked for a meeting, or told them of my interest in working with them as, say, a possible research assistant. That makes me upset, because the professors at CUNY Graduate Center generally have a pretty light teaching load, and perhaps a majority of them don't even teach at all. I mean, most of the professors there I have never even seen, let alone talked to. But naturally, since recommendations are the first or second most important part of the application, I want to develop those relationships and have them get to know my work inside and out. But none of them seem to be willing to lift a finger or even MEET with me or even RESPOND to my email, which, frankly, I this is down right rude. I'm really getting disgusted at this point. 


    Maybe they want you out of their hair?

  10. I'm only voting for Tufts because it is so clearly head-and-shoulders above all other MA programs in Philosophy. Also, based on the voting patterns, at least someone didn't vote them as one of the best 5, which means at least that user has absolutely no idea about MA programs...which then makes me wonder why we have this poll =P

  11. We are assuming you get accepted, that's why we are talking about "offers." We know you're waitlisted.

    IMO, if you want to visit, then visit now. Otherwise it does nothing for you. Visiting after you have been accepted on April 15 (and, therefore, after you have made a decision), is just essentially a vacation to the new city. Nothing wrong with that, but it isn't helping you make a decision, it isn't helping professors get to know you better so they can feel confident in accepting you....its not even a comparable situation.

    I know the feeling of wanting to visit just for fun/get to meet people and check out the city, but visiting right after you've been accepted is, to me, the strangest time to want to visit. Visit beforehand to help make a decision, ASSUMING YOU GET THE OFFERS, or just wait until the summer or early fall to visit the new city when things are a bit more stress-free, or just move in a couple weeks early!

  12. A rather specific thread but if I am running into this issue I assume some others are as well. What is the protocol for visiting those schools that, if you are lucky enough, admit you right on or around April 15, and thus presumably after they have already hosted their department organized, 'official' visits? 


    FWIW, I have had two schools tell me that I was more than welcome to attend their visit even though I was on the wait-list in both cases. In the first case, I declined to visit (still on the wait-list). But for school #2 I am thinking about visiting this weekend even though it would be on very short notice. In both cases I was told I'd get department support. I also assume they wouldn't extend the invite if I wasn't either at the top or very near to the top of the wait-list. I am leaning towards not visiting this weekend and just hoping that I will get an official offer by this time next week.


    So I return to my question from above: is it normal for a student admitted right on or around April 15 to schedule their own personal visit for some time after? 


    Well...if this became standard, all it would mean is that we would all have to wait even longer to hear back from our programs. This would mean that while students are scheduling and taking their "post-acceptance" visits, the rest of us waitlisted people are sitting at home for weeks and weeks as you wait to make your decision so that the places you decline can start accepting people and the dominos can fall. The whole idea of April 15th is that it is a hard deadline on you accepting an offer so offers to other students can be made. If a school you are considering accepting offers you the ability to visit, why would you turn it down? The whole point of going is so you would be ready on the 15th to make a decision.


    Honestly, and this isn't directed at you, but even thinking about this pisses me off in a way. The whole operation would be shut down for an extra several weeks just so some rich students can go visit all of their accepted places AFTER the deadline, while the students that can't afford visits continue to rot away, waiting to hear something. (PS: I DO have the money to take visits of the sort described, and sure wouldn't it be nice for me! However, it would be wholly unfair for those still waiting.)

  13. I just got an email from my school's transcript delivery service reminding myself and the recipient (a school) that only 3 days were left to download my official PDF transcript (this is @ a school that explicitly states that they accept official e-transcripts). What does this mean? They never even bothered looked at my transcript, but rejected me.

  14. I feel the same. What does the email even mean? 


    My said "a couple" instead of "two". FML.


    Response from Carlson clarifying that he interpreted "a couple" to mean "two" incoming.

  15. It's hard to say whether specific students in the philosophy departments across the schools are actually participating, but I'm not sure what the strike would do to the departments themselves?

    As for people with acceptances, as long as your acceptance is definitely funded, I would take this to be a good sign. Generally, a strike leads directly to new contract negotiations and gives the union a great deal of leverage to get what they want. The strike will likely (hopefully?) results in better working conditions for grad students across the system, and perhaps better pay (although that doesn't seem to be the main issue in this case). For waitlisted students, it's probably a little murkier; I could see how departments might be unwilling to dip into the waitlist if they think having a smaller class this year might be beneficial for the department if costs increase. But it's also possible departments will be unaffected and will not change their planned enrollment size. 

    I agree with this. I can't imagine this working out to the detriment of future students. Only as-good-as-it-has-been or better.

  16. Different subject. Just saw this on the results survey:


    Memphis. Philosophy, PhD. Stats: 169-165-6.0. "MA GPA: 4.0, with several high profile conference presentations, and a publication pending. Not sure what Memphis is looking for."


    This post gave me a good chuckle. This process is crazy.


    I think in that case, the person was viewed as overqualified and entirely unlikely to accept an offer at Memphis.

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