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    2013 Spring

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  1. Thanks. This is comforting. Just what I needed to hear.
  2. I’m in my first year as a PhD student. As an undergrad and masters student I had pre-planned my entire schedule. I could look at my schedule and know exactly what class I would be taking in any given semester in the future all the way until graduation. As a PhD student I am noticing that I could plan all of my coursework in advance but noticed that many classes were unavailable. When I ask my advisor he informs me that you will have no problems. I always get the same reply. No problems. But I am having problems. I can’t register because of certain special permissions and I don’t see certain class offerings that I need for my specialization. And yet, I receive answers from my advisor such as “you won’t have any problems” or “thanks for reminding me” or “those classes are available”. I mean, this is very conflicting for me. Should I relax? Should I be more assertive? If I am more assertive in demanding responses I feel this may hurt my progress within my program. I mean, these professors are the one’s who decide my grades and when I graduate. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  3. rising_star & TakeruK, thank you so much for this advice. Your experience has certainly changed my perspective. I personally will dread the personal interviews, but in the end, will be glad I took that approach. It will also leave a better impression of myself. Thank you so much for responding.
  4. I am interested in your experience in choosing your graduate committee for your doctoral program. Did you approach each professor individually and say "I'm forming my graduate committee and was wondering if you could be apart of mine?" I'm thinking about either asking my advisor to simply assign me my graduate committee (if that's even possible) or sending out a group email to my proposed committee and asking them if they would sit on my graduate committee. What did you do? What was your experience?
  5. Thank you both for your replies. Yes, I have found that my advisor does not know exactly the requirements or makes suggestions that do not quite match the graduate catalog. Before reading the catalog I thought I could complete my dissertation anytime during my final year. Instead, it seems like it will be an added year to my coursework, just the research. What a journey!
  6. Is your experience similar? I need to complete ALL of my coursework before applying for candidacy - this can be done during the last semester coursework will be completed. Once the comp exams are completed, also during last semester of coursework the following semester I will enroll in my dissertation class for 3 hours for the next 3 or more semesters until the dissertation is completed and degree conferred. Does this sound right? Am I missing something? I don't want to take this question to my advisor yet, just looking for your experience. Thanks.
  7. Mod, please delete this post. Basically, the poster wanted to know what people do to back up their data. Do you use Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.? And, how often do you back up your data? Are you worried about lost or corrupted data?
  8. Are you a grad student in psychology? Are you working under the direction of a supervisor and have your own clients? Did you find this employment on your own without the assistance of your school? If so, please keep reading. I would like your advice. How did you approach the "clinic" i.e. did you walk in, send a resume, an inquiry by email/phone, did you respond to an ad (monster, careerbuilder, etc). The hardest step in this process is the initial foot in the door. If you have already achieved this you are obviously doing well and I very much want to learn from your experience. Feel free to respond to this post or send me a private message. Any advice I receive will be very much appreciated.
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