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Posts posted by ismewilde

  1. I haven't seen whether anyone else on here applied to Mills College- I'm hoping to hear something from them soon as well. According to previous years postings, the notification window could be anytime between now and late March?


    And, of course, still hoping for good news from CMU... any day now....

  2. I am currently a BFA at FSU and work closely with some Professors on campus. The MFA's I know enjoy the program and have really big new studios. FSU has given me a really good start to my professional career in the arts. 


    Thanks for the info! I hope to be able to swing a visit before making a decision.

  3. vonny,


    you can see a rating system here:




    which include some public universities


    Also, another consideration is whether or not you are a good fit into their specific program, so it is important to thoroughly research each program you are interested in, and if you can manage a visit in the fall to some MFA days at the schools that seem to fit your own specific requirements and style then you should do so as you will likely find that to be very helpful in your research

  4. The interview seemed to go pretty well- we talked for an hour and 15 minutes. I blanked only once, but remembered later. I felt silly and agree that this is an awkward way to interview someone, but it does feel more personal than a phone conversation. He said a couple of weeks and that the actual number they accept varies from year to year depending on the department needs and that this year it may be 6.


    I hope your partner and I both get good news! He said it would actually be a couple of weeks. 

  5. Trying to mentally prepare for my CMU interview today. I'm surprisingly not all that nervous- especially compared to how I was when I was first contacted. I've basically come down to realizing that I just need to be myself and being nervous will make me draw a blank. I just don't want to forget to ask the questions that I have about the department, so I suppose I will write them down. 


    Then, the wait afterwards. I believe its only a week in this case though, so I'm grateful for that!

  6. I am so confused... Logged into the VCU app status page, and the line that is there saying something about the applications status being "complete and ready to review" is completely gone. There isn't even a mention of the app status. I logged to review my portfolio and all of the items are out of order like others have mentioned previously.

    Perhaps that means they have reviewed it but not yet sent contacted anyone in Graphic Design concerning decisions? 


    Nevermind- I forgot Mustafa received an interview.

  7. Columbia New Genres interview via email



    Hey! Congratulations on all the acceptances coming through!


    My status for MFA for Columbia changed from yesterday to today... to just 2014 Painting :(


    On the brighter side I was contacted today for an interview at Cornell!


    Congrats! Good luck to you both on your interviews!

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