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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Stony Brook, NY
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Fulbright, DAAD

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Discordant_Aesthete's Achievements


Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Thanks for this post. In part because of your post and Fulbright's better prestige (in my discipline), I've gone with the Fulbright, which means more room for DAAD alternates!
  2. Yes, this is sorta the case. As I understand it, the intensive language course for grant recipients is different than the stand-alone intensive language course. In other words, I don't think you should read too much into our having heard.
  3. Nevermind – found it with the link above and just requested to join.
  4. Hmm...I just searched for this in Facebook and nothing came up.
  5. I'm in the same situation (It's a good problem to have, isn't it?). However, are you sure that you also got the pre-research 8-week language course with DAAD? I applied for it in addition to the research, and though I got the research grant I didn't get the language course. I'm trying to find out about the Fulbright language course – that is, whether or not I got it. Is it automatically granted?
  6. Hi lalakey – I'm sorry you didn't get the Fulbright, but it sounds like you have good news about PhD! (....what is the good news about PhD?) (I'd love to be part of the mob of anonymous internet validation headed your way.)
  7. I'm almost certain that you have to choose between one and the other. I just found out I was awarded the Fulbright (in addition to the DAAD), so I'll know for sure very soon!
  8. Congratulations! I just received good news myself. Where will you be?
  9. Got the Germany Fulbright! Edit: Research
  10. Will do. I was ready to hear last week Tuesday, and since we didn't I've resigned myself to not hearing until April 11; but I'll post here and on the spreadsheet as soon as I hear yea or nay. Did you and your roommate also apply for DAAD? Or were you both ETA applicants?
  11. This is weird. You received a hard copy (snail mail)? I got an email without any details, telling me that I'd receive details at the end of May! Any reason why your application was different than mine and steppenwolf's? (He also received email.) Did you also apply for Fulbright?
  12. Congrats! Where will you be based?
  13. For Germany applicants: DAAD research emails have gone out. (This may or may not mean something for Fulbright; my suspicious mind says it does mean something.)
  14. I just got the email from DAAD – I'm going to Germany! (long-term research)
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