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Everything posted by tofutuesday

  1. Congratulations to everyone whose heard and it's almost over for those who are still waiting. Cal Arts people -- I'm waiting to hear about funding but I'm planning on accepting the offer. Can't wait to study with you in the Fall.
  2. Like most private schools funding is limited. I think there are 2 or 3 large merit based grants they hand out but besides that it's minimal. It's expensive to go there as is. I personally got 9,000$ for the year so 4500 per semester, which really does not begin to cover it. I didn't have close contact with Henry Wessel but I've heard good things from friends. The classes he was offering didn't fit into my schedule unfortunately. If you have a specific question I'll ask a friend who had independent study with him. SeeingEyeDuck is totally right. I completely forgot that Allan left which is funny because I have been emailing him. Minor lapse. Anyone going to Berkley though...check him out. He's a gem. And the housing thing. Yes rent is SKY ROCKETING here. The apartment below mine just got rented out for 700$ more a month than I pay. It's absurd. That is only 2 years later. And it is very hard/ competitive to find apartments. If you have the money and are going to move out here plan to come out a little early because it can take upwards of a month... Not to deter you because SF is really a lovely city but the reality is there are a ton of tech companies in the area that pay their employees A LOT of money so they get first priority for apartments. "It's all about the money money money..." Something to think about. I really love living here though. Location was a big factor when choosing schools (for me anyway). I'm afraid that once I leave I won't be able to afford it again... No problem Alexandria - Please let me know if you have any other questions about the school. I'm more than happy to help.
  3. I would say the painting department is one of the better ones at the school. There are a lot of notable teachers. I had mixed feelings about being a photographer there obviously since I chose not to apply to the school. I think SFAI is what you make of it. There are people who are more than willing to help you and crit you etc but you need to reach out and steer yourself. The studios are on the other side of SF from the main campus so that can be a pain in the ass as well. It really depends on your work and your work process. There were some administration issues which left some of the staff feeling very disenfranchised but there are just as many who are still very devoted to teaching and will push you. Matt Burruso is a painting teacher there and he was one of the best professors I had. Likewise Allan deSouza who is in the new genres department. In my experience the students genuinely want each other to exceed, it's not a cut throat if you get that opportunity there is one less opportunity for me environment. Anyway, I hope this helps a little. I went to Penn State as my undergrad. I originally started getting a BA in print journalism and then tacked on a BA in integrated arts with a minor in international studies Can you tell I like school? So I don't have a BFA which is why I decided to take the Post Bacc year (that and I really wanted to move to SF). When I first applied I got accepted to SCAD and turned it down. I don't regret my year at SFAI. They are very open there and that allowed me to break down some of my own barriers and create work that I feel is more honest. Let me know if you have a specific question.
  4. Not necessarily. lf you haven't heard anything you just haven't heard anything. It's possible your department is working at a slower pace or there were applicants to that department or a million other things. I wouldn't lose all hope yet. You may still hear from CalArts in the next few days. Good luck!
  5. I did a Post Bacc year at SFAI (and I'm still living in the city) so if you have any questions I'm pretty acquainted with the school and SOME of the professors (it was only a 1 year program). Good luck!
  6. Yes and I keep calling my friend and saying..."So I just read on the grad cafe forum." She is inches from murdering me. Or coming to my house and blocking this website...
  7. I think people should hear by the end of the week. I called the admissions guy and that's what he said. I got an email yesterday afternoon. Hopefully you hear from Cal arts soon!
  8. I'm sorry I'm a little confused by this. So if your slideroom still has the word "MFA" in it you haven't been rejected yet? Mine says "2014 Photography MFA" in my Columbia Slideroom. And you say that this was the case in the last years freakout forum? (I would look myself but it's too much to sort through and I should really actually be working... and not trolling through this forum.)
  9. Yes it is. I believe everyone goes on the same day. My friend interviewed last year and that is what she told me. Are you going as well? I'm having issues with the registration link in the email... If I can't get it to work tomorrow I guess I'll just email the recruitment director back. I'm curious how many people are invited to interview versus how many slots are available. Do you know? Thanks!
  10. I just got an email to interview at Cal Arts. Obviously not an acceptance but a step in the right direction and I'm thrilled. Hopefully I'll see a few of you there. Now to book a flight...
  11. I'm surprised I didn't think UCLA did interviews? Good luck!
  12. This makes me feel better... I'm also Photography so maybe they sent out Design decisions first... Still checking my email too many times a day though.
  13. Still haven't heard yet...Now I'm feeling extra on edge. I can't believe they sent a response on a Saturday.
  14. You should call the school if you're concerned. My application still just says congratulations on being submitted...
  15. People waiting to hear back about Cal Arts interviews: Should hear in the next week if you were accepted, Brian the admissions guy said to check your email and that it would be good to check the Cal Arts online application system. Cross your fingers
  16. Why didn't you apply there? I'm photo as well and I'm very anxious to hear back from them since I really loved their program. Glad to hear you enjoyed UCLA so much. I live in San Francisco and all of my friends are telling me that I'm going to be miserable in LA... which I think is sort of close minded. I'm excited for the prospect of a new adventure and new city.
  17. Haha I'm there. I think it was for future job opportunities and personal growth but I could be wrong. Congrats on your acceptance and good luck with whichever program you choose. Hopefully it gives you what you were looking for out a program!
  18. I think it's a little bit of a combo pack but mostly do you know other contemporary artists who are making work along the same vein as you and furthermore, where do you fit into that? What are you doing and how is it unique? None of us are in a bubble when it comes to art. Whether we like it or not we are all influenced by the work and images that have come before us. How do contextualize the history of photography and how are you making it your own? This probably fits a lot into your artist statement. Hope this helps and good luck with your interview!
  19. I whole heartedly agree with what everyone else has written. There is something to be said for getting your MFA from a top tier school when trying to teach (unless as poopfever said) you are a well established and recognized photographer. There are many programs that offer substantial funding, in state tuition tends to be cheaper, and state schools are cheaper than private schools. SVA is expensive and when I visited the school was informed that they offer very little funding which was just the final nail in the coffin because I didn't feel that inclined to even apply there. There are also schools such as Mills College in the East Bay, which if you get in you only have to pay for the first year (to my knowledge). Do some research, call the schools and you'll be able to figure this all out. Good luck!
  20. I agree and I applied to some very competitive programs and I know in my heart that I did everything to the best of my current ability and you send those thoughts out into the universe and hope it is enough. I'm not going to let some potential rejections affect my self-worth. Of course, we all want to get accepted but the reality is these schools are competitive and top tier because of the amount of applicants they reject each year. It seems pointless to doubt my judgment and acumen now (although easier said than done, right?). In any case, I think I should know everything by March 15th so I'm not going to let myself get too crazy while I wait for that to happen and it's not like this is the only pathway. It's a path I eventually want to take but there is a whole big world to be travelled, experiences to be had and new cultures to explore so either way I expect I'll be alright. That being said, I do really want to get accepted but there is always room for further growth, more art books to read, more galleries to be visited and more work to be made. While I'd love to do this under the umbrella of an academic program, I won't stop if I don't get into one.
  21. I would not panic. They just want estimates. They even give a text box for you to explain which I used. I basically just estimated what I spend on everything every month multiply it by 12 for that page detailing out your annual expenses. As far as the scholarship, expected income is concerned, I put a lot of zeros down. I'm not going to have financial help from my parents and I am hoping to get a job at whatever school I go to (which I put in the text box) and I currently have no outside scholarships lined up (although I wrote that I will be looking for outside money once I know I've gotten into a program). I'm sure I'll have some income but I wrote in the text box that I plan on taking out loans to cover some of my living expenses etc. If you don't pay into a retirement fund like a 401K or Roth IRA then those questions don't pertain to you. Just put a big old zero and move on! I really doubt that if you earnestly answer the questions to the best of your knowledge they will reject you if you get something wrong. Just do your best! I hope this helps.
  22. What a beautiful sentiment Tomberry! I completely agree in the gap year I took from applying my work has progressed, I have progressed, and I feel more grounded and ready to take on this challenge. That being said, I just got a rejection email from one of the schools. I'm trying to not feel discouraged. I think I'll feel better once I know what is happening with my life (as we all will). Is it mid-March yet?
  23. Thanks for letting me know. I feel like this will probably be the first school I hear from so I'm feeling a little anxious. I read most of the previous thread but I must of missed your posting. My friend went and interviewed for them last year and she said it was an all day event and I believe she heard in the middle of February. Good luck to you! Maybe I'll see you at the interview.
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