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Everything posted by kittyk

  1. Hey all! I'm a nervous mommy going back to school after 10 years. However, I'm moving to a new country without my 2 young kids, so I'm super nervous about how they will manage without me, and, I'm even more concerned about how I will manage without them! I have a fairly large family support system in my home country, bit I'll still worry about my kids. Hopefully, I won't flunk out and lose my fellowship because I can't focus. To all the mommies who are homeschooling - more power to you! I hope to be able to do that eventually.
  2. Well, I have googled him, but I haven't found much, except some of the research he has done. I also searched for him on ratemyprofessor.com, but he's not there. Luckily, I've been able to speak with one of his current students. She mentioned that he's a bit 'strict', not sure exactly what that means, but she says he has an open door policy and she feels comfortable talking to him. So, for now, I'm not as concerned as I was before. I will be asking her lots more questions when next we talk.
  3. I'll definitely be checking with current students to hear their thoughts on my advisor as well as the overall program.
  4. I was wondering about the advisor getting offended if I asked for a change and how that could turn out, especially if I'll be working with him afterwards. It could probably get a bit awkward.
  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts guys! I really hope he's just awkward via email and that he turns out to be great in person, but my gut tells me otherwise and I'm usually good at reading people. His responses have tempered my excitement about grad school a bit. I had pictured having a great relationship with my advisor, going to conferences and networking with this person guiding me through it all. I'll wait until I get there to decide what I want to do, but I definitely will have to switch advisors if he's like that in person. The problem is I'm an international student and I won't get there until 2 weeks before classes start. Would I be able to switch advisors that late. I'm doing a 2 year Masters, and I won't be able to deal with that for 2 years. Is it possible to get a new advisor at the start of my second year? I'm hopeful that it won't have to get to this, but I'd like to know my options ahead of time.
  6. I want to start reading, but I'm an international student and the books are not available in my country. Would it be wise to buy the books online and ship it to my country, thereby paying 2 to 3 times the cost of the book, or should I just wait till I get there to buy it? The issue is I'm moving 2 weeks before the start of the semester, so I'll have very little time to read, in addition to finding an apartment and getting settled.
  7. I think I can work with almost anyone in the world, regardless of my personal feelings about them, but I've just been wondering - what if I don't like my advisor?! I started thinking about this because the supervisor I have been assigned seems very aloof, and I'm wondering whether this will affect me negatively once I start grad school. I've only corresponded with him via email throughout the application process, and every email he starts with "Dear FirstName LastName", and then he gives very terse, to-the-point answers and always directs me to someone else for further queries. He exchanges absolutely no niceties, such as I have experienced with my other POIs. In addition, he has ignored 2 requests I made to speak with him via telephone or Skype - once before applying and once after being accepted and told he's my Supervisor. I'm really hoping he's not this 'standoffish' when I actually get there. Has anyone ever worked with a professor like this, and how did that affect your research? Any advice on not letting his personality/behavior affect my academic performance?
  8. Does anyone have any info on life in Corner Brook, Newfoundland? I'll be studying at the Grenfell Campus of Memorial University. Any thoughts on renting costs, best time to seek housing, amenities, shopping, weather, the people and general life in the area?
  9. I think yours was the post I saw related to this issue. Glad to know it all worked out for you. Congrats!
  10. Thanks for the responses guys. I feel a bit more at ease, but I can't wait to get the official notification. I'm keeping this news to myself until I get that letter.
  11. I think I saw a thread like this somewhere, but can't seem to find it. I received unofficial notification that I was recommended for admission by the department I applied to (email from grad officer in the department - I communicated with her throughout application process and called her 2 days earlier to check on decision). Of course, she indicated that I should await final decision from the School of Graduate Studies in a couple weeks. Has anyone ever been 'accepted' by department, only to be rejected by Graduate School. How common is this? I don't want to get too excited, only to be let down.
  12. rj16 - Ugh! it really irked me!! I too have disabled the email notifications on my phone. Although, I still end up checking it like 500 times in 1 hour.
  13. Last week I got an email from the graduate studies department of a University I applied to, with the title starting ...'Application'. After waiting (& sending up prayers) for about 10 minutes, I finally opened it and...they were only telling me that their system had an issue that caused some of my application information to be visible to other applicants!!! WTH!! But I shouldn't worry as they have fixed the problem! I was sooo mad - not at all about my info being exposed to others, just that it wasn't an acceptance letter! I had to restrain myself from getting a lawyer to threaten them to accept me or face a lawsuit! "Accept me immediately with a full tuition waiver and sizeable stipend and all will be forgiven."
  14. I applied for Masters in Environmental Studies at Waterloo and York. I'm getting a bit nervous since someone heard from Waterloo already, although it was for a different program. Has anyone else heard anything from either of these two?
  15. Wow, I actually only applied to two schools, and am becoming quiet nervous now. I see people applying to 5 and more, and I'm starting to panic. Why didn't I apply to more schools!? I had initially planned to apply to 4 but ruled out the other two because they weren't offering exactly what I wanted.
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