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About cosmike10

  • Birthday 02/07/1983

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  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Program
    Carnegie Mellon MSPPM

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  1. the MPA at WWS isn't public administration, its public affairs. so you don't need to worry about it lacking a focus on analysis as if it was focused on management and nothing more.
  2. i think both degrees would get you a career in international relations, but with different job descriptions. An IR degree would let you be more included in policymaking and management, while a language degree seems like it would tailor more towards working with people or advocacy. Thats just what I think, I don't know for sure.
  3. i believe it is possible to switch, but that to be on pace for the program, you need to load up on courses in your first year. this means that you have a more intensive first year than the 2 yr pitt students.
  4. i'm ready to update too. Program: MPA, MPP, & MSPPM (CMU) Schools: USC MPA, Chicago MPP, George Washington MPA and MPP, Georgetown MPP, and Carnegie Mellon MSPPM Schools Admitted To: USC MPA (18k/year), CMU MSPPM (8k/semester), George Washington MPA, George Washington MPP (waitlisted) Schools Rejected From: Chicago and Georgetown Undergraduate GPA: 3.2 Undergraduate Major: Political Science: Public Policy & Linguistics: Language Studies GRE Quantitative Score: 720 GRE Verbal Score: 590 GRE AW Score: 5.0 Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 2 by the time I enroll in the fall Years of Work Experience: 2.5 Describe Relevant Work Experience: Nothing geared towards politics, policy, or law. Lived and worked 2.5 years in Latin America, mostly in teaching with some leadership experience. Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): USC and CMU were obviously the successful ones. Interestingly, they are also the only two essays I wrote without worrying about hitting all these points that people say a good sop needs. I thought the essays I submitted to GW and Georgetown were very well written, but maybe I tried to do too much with them. My essay for Chicago was uninspired. I don't know what I wanted from that program. I just love the city. In retrospect I should have applied to HKS instead. waddayado? Strength of LOR's (be honest, describe the process, etc): I only read one of the three, so I don't know. The one I read was very good. It came from my former employer who is also an attorney. The other two came from former college professors. They both told me they would write "a very good letter." It's between Carnegie Mellon and USC. I'm going to both open houses and will be asking lots of questions.
  5. i didn't know about it until after my acceptance came. sent it in a few days ago. i'm in the same boat as you. pretty sure we'll be ok though.
  6. finally got news today. rejected. oh well, it wasn't meant to be anyway, being so expensive.
  7. if there are overlapping classes then i would assume them to be classes like technology policy, r & d policy, or environmental policy. if you haven't seen the courses from heinz here is a link.
  8. got my first rejection this afternoon from harris. i think my sop was kind of forced for them so its no surprise really. i'm psyched on my other offers so no disappointment. congrats to everyone else.
  9. haven't heard anything either. even if i get in, its not likely i'll attend since i don't think they will offer me funding with an admission.
  10. i can't believe that. when i asked my letter writers to write me a "good letter," they said of course. one even said writing even a neutral letter would be unprofessional. for this guy to ruin your chances was low-life. at least you are in a good school now.
  11. Congratulations keondra!
  12. Checked my decision online and have been offered an $8,000 scholarship per semester. Thank you Heinz!
  13. wow, i'm pretty floored, got an $18k dean's merit scholarship today.
  14. i got an email informing me of admission today. i applied to the pitt/dc program, but am "considered a better fit" for the pitt program. still excellent news, especially since i applied 18 days late. phew.
  15. I'm relieved yours says that too. I submitted my app a bit late and was worried it hadn't even been looked at yet.
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