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Posts posted by bloodred

  1. I have no clue if they are done looking at people I know he said I was on the shortlist for vcu sculpture. I thought the questions weren't hard at all. It was surprisingly non formal and very comforting. Very simple questions. Why vcu? Artists you look at. Who is your artist nemesis? Books in reading. What I can bring to vcu. Pretty standard five person panel. Two mfas. I really want to work with McKean as well! And ester..ah their faculty is so wondedul.

  2. Well, nothing in particular happened. The city is lovely the people are amazing....my program just may not be the right fit for me. Also I have almost zero interest in teaching and that is pushed hard over here at IU. I was actually kind of told otherwise during my interview, but the tables have turned. My work has just progressed to a point where the current professor cannot and doesn't give me the feedback I need and want. I think its primarily because of my message/content/media is not what he knows how to deal with. I need to work under a more diverse department that isn't run by very masculine men

  3. I share this sentiment too. Maybe it's everyone's first time around applying. It's my second time (I didn't want to go to the schools I got into the first time around and glad I didn't go!) and I had everything submitted to most schools close to a month ago to avoid exactly this. I wouldn't even chance it.



    This is not meant to be offensive at all, but is there a reason you all waited until the last minute to submit? Am I missing something?


    No and No, and in reality there is no 'last minute.' On time is on time regardless of how early or late it is, none of you will get more points since you submitted a few days, weeks, months, prior to the deadline. I am happy that you all seem to be so well organized and more mature than all of us other 'slacker-last-minuters.'

  4. femnotfem - didn't you wind up at Bloomington? What happened? Just curious because my admissions process there was so weird.


    I did end up at IUB. I should have chosen Cornell, but you win some you lose some. 

    I love the people and the town and even the program, but it just isn't the right one for me....I do primarily performance/sound/video work now and I am just not getting what I need to out of the program. 


    Alot of strange things happened last year. A first year MFA in sculpture died and the other first year ended up leaving....so I think that was a lot of the confusion in the late acceptances. I know two of the people there now were on the waitlist. and ended up getting in. 

  5. Femnotfem, I am very surprised that you are choosing Indiana U-Bloomington over Cornell. Can you explain why? 

    We all have our reasons, but primarily I want to be in a three year program, I hate upstate new york, cornell's facilities just are sub-par to indiana, the studio I would get at cornell is half the size, cornell only accepts 6 MFAs per year that is a very small pool and I love a small department, but that small feels a bit suffocating there.

    Teaching experience is also fairly high on my list and at Indiana I have to opportunity to teach classes for two years.

    I really like that indiana's printmaking and ceramic departments are amazing and since my background is in that I want to have access to wonderful facilities. Cornell did not give me as much money (the stipend was 6,000 less).

    I love love Carl Ostendarp, but it was really hard to make a decision to pick cornell over indiana when i had never visited cornell and went to indiana and absolutely loved it. (I was only given a week to make my decision.)

    Blane st. croix who is now the sculpture head at indiana has just as many and maybe more connections in new york than Carl has. 

    I'm not at all interested in living in New york city, ever. It seems after people graduate they relocate to a near by larger city for Cornell its NYC for Indiana its Chicago, I prefer chicago. I prefer west coast in general.

    and my primary reason, along with a full inter-disciplinary program, for applying to cornell was Carl. Now that he has invested time and effort we have agreed to keep in contact and have discussions about my growth, so thats more than great for me. Cornell has the name, but Indiana brings the goods.


    all in all if i end up hating Indiana I'll apply to somewhere else next year.

  6. I would highly suggest Indiana to anyone. 

    Everyone that is there absolutely loves it.

    the studios are huge!

    the facilities are amazing. 

    Blane and Mike are so wonderful and have alot of connections in the art world

    Bloomington is beautiful and very low cost of living, great biking community, music scene, vegan/veg restaurants. 

    They are moving toward being highly conceptual, atleast what i got from them. 

    All of the concentrations have their own building which makes you feel really at home in your area of choice. 

  7. thank you for the feedback. Since i have not visited Cornell I chose to decline their offer and stick with Indiana. I love the school and everyone there is very genuine and amazing. I think the three year program will be best for me. I really really appreciate all the things you said thankyou for taking the time to do that. 

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