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Everything posted by pdwilks

  1. I heard today they are in the final stages of reviewing applications. Most likely we will not be hearing anything until towards the end of May.
  2. Now I re read my post. HAHA auto correct needs to not be so helpful. opportunities not opportunists
  3. Not sure what your BA is in, but have you thought about contacting the BSW staff to see if there are some suggestions or groups that might be looking for an intern or volunteer. My Sociology w/ Social Service Option adviser helped find some places and currently gets information from companies looking for volunteers or employees. I'm sure most Universities have an adviser that keeps track of opportunists. Ask around to see if any of the companies where interns spent their time over the last 6 months are looking for someone over the summer. There might be some good possibilities.
  4. I had a heart to heart with a friend over the USC fees. We really talked it over and his point was do I really want to come out owing so much more than I might make ever or at least for a lot of years. Is the school name worth the total cost? He didn't seem to think so and it appears that others seem to feel the same way when you look back at previous posts. Sure to some it is a big deal to say "I went here", but is it worth it to you? A final defining factor for me in not applying was when I emailed back and forth with one of their people who recruit students and asked about financial aid and mentioned the fact that I have no real income and would benefit with scholarships and grants. I asked questions about some general numbers for people being offered aid. I never heard back from him. A friend who is a military veteran, hears back all the time from this same recruiter. If you have the money to pay or are willing to go into debt for the school, go for it. If you can deal with all of the loans you might end up getting, go for it. There are ways to write it off as others suggested, it takes time, patience and diligence to ensure the loans are paid off in time. Tough decision. I know I'm facing an either or decision while I wait for CSUEB to make any decisions about the MSW. If I'm accepted then I will do this, if I'm not then I will do this option. UGH
  5. I thought so when I went to my local one and they talked about the challenges and opportunities that comes with being a CASA. Gina, gave it to us as straight as she could while keeping confidences, letting us know that it isn't for everyone, but for those who go through the training and want to be part of the program the rewards are many personally. She has been with one child for 5 years, her choice and the childs choice to keep in contact.
  6. Look at being a CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocate. Interesting work if they accept you into the program and each CASA office or area seems to have little things that are different. The CASA in Contra Costa County has you pick a child, agree to a two year commitment and attend training meetings before your sworn in that lasts a month at least two times a week. Timing is just bad for me right now, however, this is something I'm very interested in and will end up pursuing in the future.
  7. CSU East Bay has the same requirement for Human Biology. If I'm accepted into the MSW program I will need to take the class over the summer. Either I will look to an online course or community college course, but I would prefer an online course. The only thing to say about the different programs is they each seem to have some little "tweak" to the process and no two are identical. UGH.
  8. In own opinion, it doesn't matter how or when you are going to file, by missing the March 2nd cut off for FA you missed a chance at potentially more $$. It sounds about right that once you hit grad school you are on your own, but if you want to be sure and not take strangers comments as fact, check it out yourself. I haven't worried for myself about dependent/independent because I'm single and 49, but my son 19 is on my taxes and come Jan 2, we complete our FAFSA's and get our info for our taxes in as soon as we get them done (Before the tax day cut off). Look on the FA website for the cut off dates and what else is needed. Good Luck P
  9. EB is on the quarter system, so yes, its fast. For those who love this format it works well, for those who need more time to digest the information and have time for things other then studying then it doesn't work so well. I'm attending now and love the quarter system, but my son is who is in Community College likes the semester system better after seeing my insanity this quarter with 22 units. As someone said on another board, What really matters what you do with the classes you take and the education you are given, not where you go to get it. There could be more we don't know about why this person didn't get a job, maybe it was where she interned, maybe she can test well and gets good grades, but doesn't come across well in interviews. Who knows. I would prefer to go to EB for the MSW for several reasons. I like the professors I've had so far, most all are inspiring. Its reasonable to my home (more like a hour drive) and I believe the education they will provide will be as good as other schools. To me its not about the name of the school, I'm not so interested in attending a big name school. I've learned over the years that a big name school doesn't always equate to a smarter/intelligent person, it means they had the money to attend and passed the classes. It really is about what they do with it that will impress me. Yes, I'm waiting to hear back from the MSW program and No, I don't know any information about where they are at.
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