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anonymous user

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  1. Quick question for IC people. I work at a small business and getting time off work isn't that easy. I don't think I'll be able to get out there till early June to apartment hunt. Is this too late? Will all the apartments be taken by then? Thanks!
  2. I'm not sure if it's different for every department, I got my acceptance letter emailed (2/25) and mailed late February. I'm in the video art MFA. So I'm not sure if that's treated any different... I can't help but believe that schools just do things case by case.. which is confusing and frustrating!
  3. Ah geez. I've not heard a peep from OSU and I'm still "pending" on their site. I applied to art and tech but yeah the whole program is pretty open so I'm assuming rejection or wait-list. ha that's awesome! If you want to stress out about what program to go to together, my friends/professors/parents/boyfriend need a break from my rants
  4. You might have answered this at some point.. but how did you hear from OSU? Email? Also what program did you apply for. osu's funding is awesome. I sat down and talked to the head of the dept a couple month back. He's totally cool and talked about how pretty much all admitted get funding + stipend. and it was a decent amount (over a grand a month) I met some of the students there as well. They're all super nice and talked to me about the program. Def worth a trip out there. If you go there and have questions about the area let me know. (I live down the street from campus)
  5. I finally broke down and emailed my remaining schools asking them when I could expect to hear results and Iowa was really nice and emailed me right back letting me know I was wait-listed. (my online status was just saying "in progress") So if you haven't heard from someone, email/call them! It might not mean rejection!
  6. I'm in the same boat! I've been talking to my undergrad professors about this choice and they've helped me make some important choices. First: funding. My all time favorite professor told me that he wanted to go to one university more than another but the other offered him full tuition + TA and he said graduating without any debt was amazing. And he got a full tenure track right out of his masters. (awesome) so not going to the higher ranked one didn't hurt him at all. He encouraged me to go where the money is. My OTHER much respected professor went to a private college and never had a TA position and I'm assuming had to pay a lot.. also got a tenure track right away. He was big on the school, and really getting a feel for how well you would do at the program. And of course, the professors you would be working with. He also was big on rank. (Although personally I have a bias against ranking for things fine arts related.. art degrees are so subjective and about personal development..) Other than that I am from Ohio so I might be able to shed some light on the Athens area. Everyone at OU loves it, I didn't go there.. but undergrads seems to be all about it. It's a pretty rural area, so you can't hate some cornfields. You're not to far from Cleveland, which has good and bad parts too it, and you're not all the far from Columbus, which is the greatest city in the Midwest (clearly bias.. it has a GREAT art scene) Ohio cities are big on arts, and we are way more hip than people probably think. I don't know anything about Indiana. Hope that helped.
  7. You've got a great portfolio *loved the abstractions* Honestly it's crazy competitive out there. And you never know quite what each school is looking for. On top of that, recently more and more people are getting their masters, because of the job situation (apologies for the 'what this with economy') And I don't know the numbers but I bet certain mediums are more competitive just based on people applying (photography and painting probably has more than say.. social practice) So don't get down on yourself, take it as another year to grow! Explore more schools, and start talking to the heads of the dept, professors and students. It shows you're serious and willing to work hard.
  8. I know someone heard from Iowa film and vid MFA.. Was that through email? Has anyone heard from Ohio State?
  9. Also just heard from Portland State via email. Studio art not social practice
  10. I applied to film and vid MFA at Iowa, how did you hear?
  11. Oh my word I didn't know about that part of this site.. I have yet another tab pulled up to refresh all day! Hopefully no news is good news
  12. Were you checking from the ISIS? Mine still says, "In Progress" But I'm not painting.
  13. This might not be the right forum for this questions, so if it's not please advise. I got accepted into my second university today which is really exciting, but they emailed me saying "Let us know if you plan to apply asap" and the truth is, it's all going to depend on money. And I haven't been "officially" accepted to the other university yet (tho they called and told me I was unofficially), and then I'm still waiting on hearing from a few others. I was hoping I could take my time in March and visit all these campuses to make the best choice but now I feel pressured and nervous I'm taking too long. And I understand someone can have the spot I'll be giving up at one of the schools so it's really rude to them to make them wait. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do? :/ PS--The University I was accepted to unofficially said they were still waiting on funding information for me. At least it's a good problem to have. Totally not trying to sound ungrateful! Thanks all
  14. I've been creeping on this blog silently.. but now I feel like I might be able to share some usefulness with others, like you all have with me I'm waiting on Iowa as well and I've not heard anything! So hopefully it'll be right around the corner! I've had an interview with Portland State, Got accepted to University of Houston and waiting on Ohio State, Iowa and Portland State. I'm telling myself I'll hear everything within the next 3 weeks or so, but that's not based in anything scientific so really I'm just telling myself that. Ha. And if things don't work out remember that these programs are looking for something and sometimes a rejection just means your work wouldn't have matured well, and it's really best for you as an artist! (helps me to think that way) Good luck guys!
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