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Wait For It...

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    2014 Fall
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  1. I, too, am signing out, perhaps forever. It's been real. Congrats to all, and best of luck!
  2. So cool! Well done!
  3. Thank you!!
  4. Thank you!! I'm excited! It would've been great to work together but you'll be in fantastic shape at UW Madison! Well done, and good luck!
  5. Thanks, Matt!
  6. After much deliberation, I've accepted Missouri's offer, declined UC Santa Barbara's, and will be declining Loyola's soon. It was an agonizing process because I loved so many things about both UCSB and MIzzou. But, in the end, I believe the latter program is the best fit for me. Best of luck to those who are wait listed at the former, and congrats to everyone on their decisions! I sure as hell am glad for this process to be over.
  7. After much deliberation, I've accepted Missouri's offer, declined UC Santa Barbara's, and will be declining Loyola's soon. It was an agonizing process because I loved so many things about both UCSB and MIzzou. But, in the end, I believe the latter program is the best fit for me. Best of luck to those who are wait listed at the former, and congrats to everyone on their decisions! I sure as hell am glad for this process to be over.
  8. That's a tough call with no clear answer. I say you should take the Wisconsin offer if UT doesn't respond in time. UW is a fantastic program and you'd be in good shape if you went there. You can do worse than study with Shafer-Landau. Plus, as did happen to a friend of mine, if Texas burns through their wait list, perhaps they'll need to accept some folks (like me) they originally rejected!
  9. A good choice, considering your position.
  10. However it shakes out, congrats!
  11. Thanks the response. I'll say just a few more things. Epistemology concerns questions about the nature of knowledge and justification, whether we have knowledge, whether we are justified holding certain beliefs, and so on. I don't see how any of that is could be incompatible with Christianity (or other any other religion). And I know no Christian philosopher who'd accept your definition of "faith." I'd be curious to know whether you can find some serious Christian philosophers who adhere to that definition. Also, Dembski has two PhDs (mathematics and philosophy) and has done some good work. One might not like ID, but one must reckon with the work of ID theorists and avoid rejection their conclusions outright---general point, not saying you reject conclusions outright. And for what it's worth, Dembski left the Baylor position a long time ago.
  12. Yes, it's not as bad as it could be. But I just don't understand the need to go around trying to put other people (or schools) down. There are many people (or worldviews) with whom I disagree but I neither want nor need to make pithy, negative statements about them. I usually find that I'm inclined to put others down for their beliefs only if I'm feeling insecure myself. That said, if someone has a good objection and wants to go about things in a serious manner, go ahead. That's philosophy (though it would still be entirely irrelevant to this site and suited more for PM).
  13. I don't understand all the religion bashing on here. It's both irrelevant to the topic and completely baseless. Baylor's faculty includes some excellent faculty members whose work should be judged independently of their other commitments, religious or otherwise. And if you're going to make fun of religiously inclined individuals, at least make sure you're funny about it.
  14. Upvote!
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