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Everything posted by parapraxis

  1. Villanova doesn't have a terminal MA in Philosophy, so cancel that suggestion (they have a "Liberal Studies M.A., where one can take a few phil. classes, but it's not the same thing, and there is no guarantee that will get you into a PhD). I'll recommend Boston College for the terminal MA (it worked for me), though life is tough as a BC MA-- the education you get makes it worth it. Barely though.
  2. http://www.york.ac.uk/politics/prospective/postgraduates/pg-courses/themaprogrammesinpoliticalphilosophy/ma-political-philosophy/ York in Canada has a Poltical Phil MA-- they have good placement too Also check out Sussex http://www.sussex.ac.uk/cspt/1-3-5.html for an MA in Social and Political Thought
  3. Considering you're applying for a terminal MA, which will be most likely unfunded, your scores are fine. Only at tufts might it be a problem, since you are in competition with many also pursuing the terminal MA (since the dept there only offers just that). The other schools you listed will probably be happy to accept you and your 60,000+ dollars.
  4. This forum, unfortunately, isn't visited by many philosophy prospectives. Livejournal's "whogotin" is the place to swap info. I say unfortunately because gradcafe has a good setup and allows one to search for posts-- whogotin is a free for all and reeks of 1997 internet savvy... Anyway, Yale has a great reputation, one of the best places to do political philosophy, for instance, with Benhabib and Pogge. They are strong in early modern, too. The Ivy's are maybe a little out of touch for some folks who are into recent analytic philosophy (or critical theory and other strands in continental philosophy for that matter), but they are generally strong in ancient and in the history of philosophy
  5. try looking at the catholic universities in the states-- fordham maybe? marquette? they usually have their ancient and medieval down pat boston college has a few aristotleians, but i'm not sure if they do ethics so much (one does, but he teaches undergrads mostly) also, maybe ask on this board http://community.livejournal.com/who_got_in/101985.html?page=40#comments
  6. " people like me who are not independently wealthy have no choice but to take a loan if they want a degree. " no- most philosophy programs offer funding. the NSSR is a rip off and caters to the elite; if you are broke and have three children, taking out loans for the NSSR is a horrible option. If you are into Continental philosophy in the NYC area, Stony Brook and Fordham both offer competitive stipends and 100% tuition remission to their phd candiadtes. Your full time teaching offer is contingent upon you getting into a PhD program? that sounds odd, considering it would be years before you receive a PhD. Carl, something is not adding up here. But what I see is a person who thinks it wise to take out potentially massive amounts of loans to receive a PhD-- or at least thinks that he has "no choice" but take out loans, when, in fact, there are plenty of options to the contrary.
  7. your comments strike me as rather jejune One should not pay for his/her PhD in philosophy. this is not law school. An unfunded or partially funded MA is a risk, but I think it should stop there. If you wan't to take out loans for another 5 years on top of that, go for it dude. have fun standing in line at the soup kitchen. bottom line: if your only PhD offer is unfunded, you are not doing something right try again next year from the sounds of it, you are either incredibly naive about money "why do you care so much about money if you get into a school that suits you" OR, you are independently wealthy (and maybe also naive about money, and more importantly, life) have fun
  8. i got in there last year for PhD and declined due to funding (a 50% tuition offer). After speaking with a few current students there, I learned that my remission was actually better than some (some get 0%). I couldn't have accepted unless I received 100% + a stipend. The place is a great place to due certain strands of thought. But it's funny that they specialize in, among other things, critical marxist theory, yet their funding only allows the landed gentry to attend.
  9. a funded MA, even partial funding, is not a bad option. I went to BC for a totally UNfunded MA, at my debt scares me. Still ,I learned soooooo much that it was worth it. Partial funding would have made it nicer though. Also, I emailed Polansky, he had this to say "I cannot be encouraging about acceptance to the Duquesne's Ph.D. program." So it seems I'm out there. Oh Well. Good luck to y'all--
  10. Duquesne is my only MIA application right now-- I'm wondering what the hold-up is.... anyone else hear anything?
  11. i'm waiting on, and only on, hopkins humanities as of now any word from them? I emailed the dept secretary last week and no reply...
  12. They sent out their acceptances and waitlists a month ago (I got waitlisted). Last year when I applied, they took forever to send out rejections(I had to email the DGS to find out in mid March). That might be the case this year too. And for what its worth, my GRE scores were 590 q/730 v/ 4.5 aw
  13. any word from ucsc hiscon yet? I'm a little frustrated with their department. Although i haven't emailed them recently, I did a few times over the course of last year and during the admissions process, asking for some clarification (things not specified on the website). I never heard back from them for any of my queries. What is up with them?
  14. thanks-- yeah Chicago was always sort of a pipe dream. I also applied to Divinity school there for a MA in Divinity (last year was accepted to the AMRS program but turned it down). If I had unlimited money, I would go there for an unfunded MA in Divinity, then off to a philosophy program. But yeah, Villanova certainly helps. I took declined Buffalo just yesterday-- mostly because I was waiting on them for a funding package, which might not have ever happened (whereas Villanova came through full funding); also, I was not thrilled about Buffalo as a city. But their department looks great. Villanova is also a great fit-- Brogam, Rockhill, Carvalho, Thiem all do great work.
  15. I got my rejection today. Second time (last year too). What a mysterious department, I wonder what they really want....
  16. Just declined offer-- I hope this helps someone waiting for funding.
  17. i might be at villanova in fall of 2011-- any idea what neighborhoods are cool yet allow easy transit to campus? I got my MA at Boston College, which was in a pretty boring suburb of Boston. i really didn't enjoy the city till i moved to Jamaica Plain, a hipper place about 30 minutes commute away... I would do the same for Villanova if possible. any suggestions?
  18. yes!!! yes!! schizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  19. i applied, and am still waiting for news. i worry that their dept. won't be around very long though-- most faculty retired. that is, since the UCs are facing sever budget cuts, a department like hiscon (whose faculty have fled) might come across as superfluous and get axed. still, balakrishnan is a solid professor and I would love to work with him. anyone out there apply to johns hopkins humanities?
  20. actually nevermind, I got accepted this morning; good luck peeps
  21. Has anyone heard anything from them, specifically for Intellectual History? They are my top choice behind Chicago's CST. I'm applying to a bunch of philosophy programs as well but at smaller schools with a continental bent-- I would much rather attend JHU's program since I could still do philosophy (and political theory, and more) I'm stressing bad right now!
  22. There is one post in the results search about this program (again Buffalo Comp Lit, not English), posted in late January. Anyone want to claim it? Anyone have any news otherwise about the department? I'm applying there coming out of a continental phil. MA and it looks great, but i've heard nothing from them.
  23. hey thanks for the info and congrats hope to see you there
  24. no one has news on this?
  25. there's an acceptance posted for german studies/humanities center- could the poster give some more info? did you apply to humanities center in comp. lit? or am i missing something? anyone else heard back from hopkins? i applied for intellectual history (through the humanities center)- they're my top pick and haven't heard a thing yet...
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