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Everything posted by Terra

  1. My dad, a long-time graduate program coordinator, advised me to apply to four - one longshot, two practical, and one safety. I should have applied to more, and I'm really kicking myself for not doing submitting just a couple more applications (or maybe just applying to more realistic schools).
  2. Same thing here: they didn't tell me until I contacted them, and evidently had made their decision several weeks earlier. It left me wondering when they were planning on telling me.
  3. Oof. I could handle getting rejected by Caltech - that was expected - but WUSTL really hurt. They were my first choice, the department was really exciting, and I really thought I had a good chance of getting in. So much for that. Now I'm looking at getting rejected everywhere, since both Rice and A&M have been slow getting back to me. Ah well. I'll just go cry into my ice cream and start work on my applications for next year.
  4. So it's Penn State for you, eh?
  5. I haven't heard that many besides "I'm sure you'll get in everywhere" (sweetheart, I applied to Caltech - no, I will not get in everywhere). I actually really appreciated my parents' comments. My dad, who has been the graduate coordinator at an elite private university, assured me that I'd would probably get into one of them, but my mom's comment was the best. When I mentioned that I felt weird calling my POI to see whether they had my decisions yet because it might be awkward if they had rejected me, she said "well, if they you rejected you they should be ashamed, so it's their own fault." Thanks, mom.
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