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Everything posted by 7238
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2016 admissions
7238 replied to MSW&MD's topic in Social Workers Forum
Wow this forum brings back memories! I attended the 1 year MSW at York in 2014-2015. I can confirm York's focus on anti oppressive practice. I was admitted based upon almost 10 years of paid work experience in social services (but not as a RSW). I finished my BSW in summer, 2014. My undergrad GPA was 3.84 and I got either a B+ or an A- in research methods (can't remember now). I think I was admitted in spite of my personal statement lol, as I don't think it was very strong or on point. Also, most of my York profs hated the description of social work as a "helping profession" and if there is one thing I learned in my MSW there it is that you do not empower service users as that would imply that they are without power. York stretched my mind and showed me different ways of viewing the field. However, adjusting to York's ideas wasn't easy as they were often the exact opposite of what I was taught in my out-of-province BSW program. I personally think York BSW alum have a better shot of getting in because you (should) know how the school "thinks" and can tailor your statement to reflect their dominant discourses to help boost your chances of getting in (if you want to play that game). In the end I'm happy I chose York (I was also accepted to Ryerson's 1 year MSW) as the financial package that year could not be beat. I'm very glad that I did my MSW in general. I got a big promotion at the government agency where I work and within 5 years my salary will be double what it was before I finished grad school. Good luck everyone! It's a challenging road but worth it so hang in there! -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
For my msw advanced standing apps, I remember that U Windsor requires both statistics and research methods. York U and Ryerson U both required research methods only. In my experience, stats is in a totally different league. I tried taking it online but had to withdraw as I honestly could not do it. I spent hours studying and also hired a tutor. I thank my lucky stars that York did not require it, as I might literally have had to give up my career as a social worker for the sake of one course. This is not to discourage you, but to be honest about my experience. If you have weak math skills I recommend taking Alegebra first and asking for help if you need it. If you fall behind in stats it is very hard to recover. Hopefully it is an easier course to take in class. Trying to teach myself at home was impossible! -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
It took me 6 years to do my undergrad too. I was working full time, however over the past 2 years I worked part time to accomodate field placement and a full course load. I accomplished more in the past 2 years than I accomplished in the previous 4! If I find any great stress management tips I will let you know - I'm sure we are not the only ones! Good luck at U of T. -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Thank you everyone. Glad to know I am not alone in feeling burned out. I have a couple of weeks off between the start of my leave of absence from work and starting my MSW program. I hope to have some fun and also have a chance to relax. I am currently wrapping up my final assignments for my BSW, and exams are just around the corner. By the second week of August, I will be finished my undergrad! I hope everyone else has a chance to enjoy the summer and to make some time for self care. On a side note, I just received an acceptance to Ryerson University's MSW program dated July 15. So they are apparently still sending out offers. I am rejecting it, so that will open up a spot for someone else. Good luck to all! -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Hi everyone, First off, I just want to qualify my post from the start by saying that I am very grateful to be starting my MSW this September. I know that there are many amazing candidates who did not receive offers this year, and having received rejections of my own, I am humbled to be in the position I'm in. Having said that, is anyone else who is starting their MSW directly after their undergrad feeling burned out? I did my BSW part-time online, so I have been plugging away at it for a long time in addition to working at my regular job and field placement. I will graduate this August with my BSW, and I will start my MSW in September. Does anyone else feel this way? Any tips or suggestions to help cope with 'student burnout' ? Thanks all. -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Just to let everyone know that it is still possible to get a scholarship if you are accepted to York's MSW Advanced Standing from the wait-list. I just found out I will be receiving $9,000 funding plus a $6,000 academic scholarship, for a total funding package of $15,000. Good luck to all those waiting. I know how hard it is and I am proof that being wait-listed and/or rejected from programs does not mean you won't get into a great MSW program. All the best! -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Hello Turtle2014! I was just accepted to York University's MSW Advanced Standing program from the wait-list. I was also offered a $9,000 funding package in my wait-list letter. I was wondering if you would share what your gpa was to receive the $6,000 entrance scholarship as well? My BSW gpa is 3.90. I spoke to Emma at York today and they are currently working on my acceptance package. I don't know if I dare to even hope for additional funding! Also, I was wondering if I am correct in thinking that the MSW Advanced program has approximately 40 spots open each fall? Do you have an idea of how many applications they may receive to this program? Thanks so much! Good luck in September! -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
You are exactly right bellavaux. I think that must have happened to me, because I was just accepted to York's MSW Advanced Standing program today from the waitlist. My guess is that somebody who was previously accepted at York likely just got into U of T. It just goes to show that you never know! -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Just got accepted today to the York University MSW Advanced Standing 1 year program from the waitlist! I never saw this coming! It shows that there is still hope for everyone who is waitlisted. You never know! -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Thank you! I am going to make the application, worst they can do is say no. I will be sure to post if I do receive an acceptance to Windsor's MSWwp as this info might benefit others in a similar position. I have worked in social services since 2005, with 6 years of experience related to social work. However, I have 0 years of post-graduate experience (I'm graduating with my BSW in August, 2014). Best of luck to you in the program! -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Thank you! I received my BSW from University of Manitoba where there is great emphasis on Indigenous wellness models in social work, and I have now incorporated this more fully into my statement. One of my research ideas was also related to indigenous wellness and western health care models. Good luck at U of T! -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Research interests...I am also wondering if anyone who was successful in their MSW applications would like to share what their research interests were for their applications? The topics I am interested in are aging, mental health, and child welfare. I gave some ideas for research interests related to these areas in my applications but I'm not sure if this is the area that is holding me back. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks! -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Hi all, In regards to the MSWwp at U Windsor....does anyone know of students being admitted to this program who meet all requirements except 3 years of post grad experience? I have been working in social services at a government health agency for the past 6 years but I don't graduate with my BSW until August 2014, which is technically 0 years of experience. I was advised that they might consider it but I don't want to trouble my references for yet another letter if I will be rejected! Thanks, good luck to all who are still on waiting lists.... -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
For those of you considering the BSW route, just wanted to let you know that University of Manitoba has an online BSW program. The BSW program at UM is 123 credits total. Of those, 72 credits are completed in your core social work classes and two, 420 hour field placements. If you already have a 4 year degree, you would probably get all of your electives as transfer credit, which is 51 credits in total. Of these, you must do a 3 credit math and a 3 credit english course. This is my first degree, and I have completed 75 credits (I was short one elective for transfer credit) in 6 terms over 24 months. I probably could have completed it in 4 terms, 16 months, but I also worked and had to accomodate the field placement. Just thought I would share this option. Good luck to everyone in our 'waiting game'... P.S. Always interested in any updates on the waitlist situations at York MSW Advanced Standing and Ryerson MSW. Thx -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Hello all, For those of you who have applied to MSW programs in the past, do any of the universities happen to keep your academic and/or professional references on file from year to year? I heard somewhere that this happens....the schools I am personally interested in are York, Ryerson, and U of T - being from the GTA. Also curious about the online programs at UVic and Dalhousie...One of the most challenging things about doing my MSW applications for the first time this year was requesting the references. I don't like putting people out and I felt apprehenisve about requesting multiple references from profs and my supervisor at work. Definitely not a comfortable experience! Also, again wondering if anyone has any info about movement on the York MSW Advanced Standing waitlist? And is it unusual to have heard nothing at all from Ryerson's MSW program? Thanks!! Good luck to everyone!! -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Hi everyone! Just wondering if anyone has any details about the York U MSW Advanced Standing waitlist, or if anyone has been admitted to that program from the waitlist? Also, I have not heard anything from Ryerson MSW. Does anyone know how they process rejections? Thanks, good luck to everyone -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Hi Jax14, I understand how you feel! Being rejected is discouraging. I have been rejected to the Dal MSW, UVic Advanced Standing MSW. Hang in there. Getting work experience I'm sure is helpful to applications. Hang in there and good luck to you! I was wondering if anyone has any info about York U's MSW Advanced Standing waitlist? I just got the email today advising that I am waitlisted. If accepted, they include a $9000 funding package. Wow. Is that a standard offer? Does anyone know how many people are admitted to the waitlist for this program at York? Has anyone received acceptances to Ryerson's MSW Advanced Standing? I have yet to hear anything from them and I'm not sure if that is a bad thing. Thanks all, good luck to everyone -
Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2014 admissions
7238 replied to AccioMSW's topic in Social Workers Forum
Hello all, I just came across this forum last week. Does anyone know if York U and Ryerson U have sent out the acceptances to their MSW Advanced programs yet? My files are in "No Decision Yet" status, but I'm worried this really means "Thanks but no thanks!" I was rejected to Dalhousie and UVic's MSW programs already. My gpa is 3.8, I have a BSW, and I currently work for a government health care agency. However after reading some of your posts, I don't think my personal statement(s) were very strong. At least, this is the only part of my application(s) that I feel nervous about. Although at the time, I thought they were good! Do the statements make or break an application? I feel so disappointed. I didn't realize how competitive MSW programs are. If anyone knows anything about York or Ryerson, I would appreciate an update. Thanks!