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  1. does anyone have access to the career services webinar today? i reached out to the main office and they said they haven't been able to get a hold of anyone in the career services office AND i don't have a link in my email for anything.
  2. Ah!! That;s so early, I'm jealous! I don't wrap up at my current role until July 15th, then I'm heading for a 2 week trip to India Once I get back, I'll relax for a few days and move up to Boston! SO EXCITED. I wake up every morning wondering if it's August yet.
  3. super excited to see you guys in the fall when do ya'll think you'll be moving to boston?
  4. question: has anyone else received access to their harvard email yet?
  5. Ah! Thanks, Heather! I'll be there Monday and I'm super excited. Quick silly question: was the attire business casual or just casual?
  6. where did you guys go to sign up to observe a class?
  7. i'm so confused!! will accepting the terms and conditions mean that i'm accepting the financial aid? how do i see how much i got? sorry for the dumb questions
  8. does anyone know if it's coming out today? last friday in march, it would make sense.
  9. however, when i called the admissions office the day our decisions came out, they were still sticking to the "at the end of march" line, so maybe that's just a standard response?
  10. have you decided between penn and hgse yet?
  11. accepted to Ed Policy. @heather1011, where did you find out about the admit day? is it overlapping with HGSE?
  12. this is so strange, it keeps telling me that i don't have access to random parts. maybe it's not updated yet
  13. where did you find the link for the general day?
  14. anyone in EPM know when accepted weekend is?
  15. where are you guys finding out about the admit days? I have no idea!
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