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Everything posted by HKsai

  1. @katevoegele you didn't sing I Won't Disagree but I still love you!!!!!! Chicago loves you!!!
  2. HKsai

    Evanston, IL

    I'm choosing between Park Evanston, and AMLI Evanston. AMLI Evanston is definitely cheaper but I'm afraid the area is less safe than downtown Evanston. Can anyone shed any light on this?
  3. Hello I know this question has been asked a numerous of times but they are mostly PhDs situation. I paid a $200 deposit to NYU steinhardt for a master program. I was wait listed by northwestern for a while and they accepted and I was waiting for their financial aids offer. They finally released it and I was more than satisfied by the amount. I want to notify nyu that I will no longer be attending this fall. What's the best etiquette in doing so since Im not really under any professors. Should I call or email?
  4. I think you should definitely try and apply to all of them. Although I have experience with people that are doing the msw program at uw (I'm from Seattle). They have stellar GPA and gre, they accept a decent amount of people I must say but the three people that I know that are in the program has a ugpa 3.7+ and gre around 75%+. Hope this helps!
  5. Me too I'm going to a Big 10 university for my master and I intend to get crazy about sport games even I will be old compared to the undergrads. I need to catch up on all the craziness that I miss by going to a d3 school LOL
  6. I've been to most big cities in the us (Vegas, Boston, dc, NYC, la, San Francisco, Chicago, Orlando...) and most places in Asia and Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, places in Korea and Japan). I really really wanna go to the big cities in Europe and Egypt). I personally was born in Seattle but moved immediately to Hong Kong. I stayed there for 10 years then moved back to Seattle for middle school and high school. Now I'm finishing undergrad in upstate New York. Mostly likely will be moving to Chicago this coming fall.
  7. Haha this makes a lot of sense and gave me a chuckle
  8. Remember that frustration never helps! Sometimes it just takes time for everything to settle down. You do worse when you put yourself down and trying to force good result to come out. It's important to understand and accept your condition and move forward. I understand this is a frustrating time for you and I hope you have someone that you can talk to. I'm sure no one will truly understands what you are going through but I believing a patient listener can really help gather your emotion and pull yourself together during exam time. Good luck!
  9. How's the medication working for you? Are you regularly seeing a therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist? Good luck on the exam!!!! I hope everything goes well.
  10. it's so fascinating to see that a lot of people are super attached to their undergrad school! For me I feel like it will be the opposite, because my school is division 3 and where I'm going has division 1 sport teams. But as you said, I might not be as involved in sports and "undergrad" stuff compared to undergrad. I guess I will just have to wait and see
  11. iPhone is way too small for my taste and I don't like to wear headphones.
  12. Good to know! I really wanna keep wearing my undergraduate stuff in grad school but I also don't want people to think I'm that "d-bag" who still thinks he's in undergrad.
  13. What about for people that only have an undergraduate and master? Any opinions? What's the trend in conference and stuff?
  14. I lived in HK for 10 years, then in Seattle (rainy city) for 8 years. After Seattle, I lived in upstate New York (Rochester the snowy city) for 4 years. All I can say is you will adapt I will probably spend another 2 years in this cold and snowy city LOL
  15. Not really a problem. Just out of curiousity.
  16. I honestly was just wondering. I mean do people just say I did my PhD/master at blah and undergrad at blah every single time?
  17. What do you say when people ask you, "where did you go to school?" (I'm talking about when you are done with both undergraduate and graduate school). Would it be different for people with master+undergraduate and people with PhD+undergraduate. What's the trend in the working world? Similar questions would be Are you more attach to your graduate school or your undergrad school? Do you wear your graduate school sweatshirt more or undergrad sweatshirt more?
  18. I have a quick question. NYU gave me a deadline to accept my package which was April 30th. I didn't expect to get into northwestern so I accepted the offer. Now I decided I wanna go to northwestern instead, can I retract my decision? Obviously I don't expect to get my deposit back but I don't think I'm legally bind to go to the school since I didn't accept any scholarship or financial aid. Right?
  19. It all depends on if your family is helping out with your tuition and not and if going to prestigious school is gonna help you earn more money in the long run. 30% is a pretty significant amount, but you will also be living in NYC which is quite expensive. Nyu gave me 40% scholarship but after I calculated, it is almost if not exactly the same if I go to northwestern instead. You might have to do some math and see the total amount you will spend for each places if money is a factor that you will consider.
  20. May I ask how much? Because it is totally different when there's money involved you just have to ask yourself if legacy is a big part of your identity. I don't think there's a "shallow" answer. If legacy is important and that's what makes you you and makes you happy, I will say go for it. It all depends on your priorities.
  21. You didn't worry for nothing! At least you made sure there's nothing wrong. Good to prevent a problem from happening even though it might not be a problem at the end
  22. Sounds like you love BU! It has the name, you love the program and it provides the connection. What's stopping you?? The weather is really not that bad. It's only bad compared to California. But everything is bad compared to California except maybe Florida. Plus it kinda does have a campus, most the buildings are concentrated unlike nyu which is the definition of no campus. I vote for BU.
  23. Furminator brush will be your best friend!!! Expensive but absolutely worth the price
  24. The counseling program from the family institute? I will tell you what happened to me even technically we applied to different programs. For my program, they are accepting students all the way till June. They are accepting like 5 students per week and wait for them to reply and then accepting another 5. I had my interview on feb 25th and then I emailed them on mar 5 or so saying that I will need a decision by mar 15. My program director called me saying that I'm second on the waitlist. I can either wait (might have to wait all the way till August) for a spot or I can be in the program for next year. I told them I will wait till apt 15th, if there's no spot I will just go to another school. They called me on April 15 and told me I got into the program. On that very same day, another person I know got wait listed like I did before. Ps: the mft program does not have early decision. All materials were due dec 31.
  25. Best of luck to you!!!! At least you have a back up plan Just focus on the positives
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