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    AMST & History

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Well, congrats with getting a match! That is awesome. My husband and I are trying to do the same with Maryland... I just emailed the DGS again. Thanks for the info! Yeah, UMD's website seems to imply that every PhD student gets funded.
  2. Sorry to hear that. It is truly heart wrenching to find you are accepted, then no funding. How did he find out he didn't receive funding, if I may ask?
  3. I have been accepted to two PhD in programs: Maryland and Temple. However, I haven't heard anything about funding. At this point are schools still figuring out who gets TAships? Is anyone else in this position? I have inquired to the DGS in both places and have gotten the response, "when I hear anything regarding funding, I'll let you know." I wish they would be more upfront if there is a wait list for funding or whatever is the issue...
  4. Any "official" news on funding? I also do 20th Century social & cultural history, but I suppose I would have a different adviser. I do African American Urban History. I talked with the DGS and he said they had no visit date, but could set something up. I am assuming that means they don't pay for any part of the visit... I don't know much about Temple other than three great faculty members that are a terrific fit for me. Dylan, maybe I'll meet you in real life down the road!
  5. Thanks! I am trying (and failing) to not obsess about this. I just emailed the dept., so if I get any info I'll share!
  6. I am confused about how USC sent out waitlists and rejections but no acceptances yet? Does anyone have info?
  7. i was wondering the same...
  8. I applied after Nov 1st, but before the deadline of Dec 1st. I haven't heard anything either. My guess is that they must do different rounds of rejections. Also, what about Michigan's American Culture. I saw that someone was wait listed, but no one has posted a rejection or acceptance. I haven't heard anything from Michigan. I wish I knew the logic of this process, but I know it is different for every program.
  9. So I suppose USC sent out the first round of rejections? And one acceptance? I haven't heard a thing still.
  10. wally

    History 2010

    Okay that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up.
  11. wally

    History 2010

    Re: Harvard Admissions I thought all PhD admits had to do the MA at Harvard as well. I was told this via email by a POI back in November. So the recent post on the results search confused me. Any thoughts anyone?
  12. That is later than the norm. Great... more waiting. Shesh. But thanks for the heads up!
  13. Alright, do tell.
  14. I am applying to a combination of History and American Studies programs for 20th C African American Studies. I've submitted apps to these American Studies programs: Yale, USC, Michigan, GWU.
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