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Posts posted by th3catalyst

  1. I put together a list some time ago for our PhD students at the institution I attend. Unfortunately, the opportunities for international students are somewhat more limited than those for citizens but I did find a few, which may or may not still be available to apply for:


    I've set it up as follows:



    Field of Research


    Time to Apply

    Award Amount





    American Heart Predoctoral Fellowship

    Cardiovascular Research

    American Heart Association

    After Candidacy

    $23,000 stipend + $2000 fees

    Renewable up to 2 yr.

     Due July 17th, January 17th

    Dennis Weatherstone Predoctoral Fellowship

    Autism Research

    Autism Speaks

    After 1st Year

    $22,000 stipend + paid tuit./fees

    Renewable up to 2 yr.

    Due October 2nd

    HHMI International Student Research Fellowship

    Biomedical Sciences

    Howard Hughes Medical Institute

    2nd or 3rd Year


    Renewable up to 3 yr.

    Due (By Invitation Only)

    November 28th

    Josephine de Karman Fellowship

    Any discipline

    Josephine de Karman Fellowship Trust

    Any time

    $22,000 toward stipend

    Not renewable

    Due January 31st

    Predoctoral  Research Training Fellowship

    Epilepsy Research

    Epilepsy Foundation

    After Candidacy

    $20,000 toward stipend

    Not renewable

    Due August 23rd

    Student Training and Research in Tumor Immunology

    Cancer Immunology

    Cancer Research Institute

    After Candidacy


    Renewable up to 2 yr.


    AAUW International Fellowship

    Any Field of Study

    American Assoc. of University Women

    1st or 2nd Year

    $20,000 toward stipend

    Renewable up to 2 yr.

    Due December 1st

    UNESCO-L'OREAL International Fellowships Programme for Young Women in Life Sciences

    Any field of Study


    Any year (lots of stipulations)


    Renewable up to 2 yr.

    Due June 10th


  2. Great advice, I'll definitely be putting the extra effort in those categories. :) Also congrats on getting it the second time around! 


    Thank you very much. It made the difference between me getting to continue working on my project or switching to a better-funded project in my lab. Very grateful!

  3. I don't pretend to be an expert, but I applied twice and was rejected the first time (as a 1st year grad student) and got the award the second time (as a 2nd year grad student). Nobody from my school has ever gotten this award, and there were no resources available at my grant office to help with the application, so I relied heavily on advice from this forum and from websites.


    My main advice, for what it's worth, is to focus on Broader Impacts A LOT. Put however much in there you think you need, then add some more. It is not just about disseminating your project to the community, it is about bringing science/education to the community and especially to K-12 kids. So even community outreach which does not directly involve your project is good. Make the reviewer's job very easy. They need to score you on Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts so make it easy to see how you as an applicant fulfill those criteria. And then when you ask for reference letters, think about how each of your letter writers has PERSONALLY witnessed your merits in these two catagories (intellectual merit and broader impacts) and make sure to ask them to specifically mention those experiences in your letters.


    That way, the reviewer sees continuity in the application and your whole package very clearly gives evidence that you are a good candidate. Good grades help, and publications help, but also just having a very clearly written and strong application package is very important.


    Good luck to all who apply next year! If you are already thinking about your application that is a great start!

  4. I received the "still being considered" email as well. I applied last year and received the same email in early April and then a rejection letter on the 2nd of May. I am also in the Biosciences.


    I already received the NSF GRFP but I considerably restructured my NDSEG application and have a lot more publications than last year so I am really curious to see if I fare better in the NDSEG review. 


    ETA: last year they sent out a wave of rejections at this point as well and it doesn't seem like that has happened, so that's curious.

  5. Hi everyone! I have been reading this forum for a long time but haven't ever posted. I've found your posts to be very helpful in getting information about the whole application/review/notification process. And helpful to know that others were stressing as much as me waiting for notifications. 


    I was awarded the felllowship this year. I am a second year graduate student in biochemistry. My reviews were E/E E/E E/E. 


    I applied last year and got nada. My reviews last year were E/VG E/F E/G. All three reviewers last year said my broader impacts were weak. So in preparing to re-apply, I did everything I could to bolster my broader impacts sections as well as just be more obvious about them (i.e. putting "broader impacts" sections in my essays). When I applied last year, I didn't put any of my outreach/community service activities in my essays (even though I had done quite a bit of that) because I didn't think they were directly relevant to my project. I didn't realize the reviewers wanted to see those activities to show your commitment to outreach. 


    I also had only one publication the last time I applied and several in prep/review. So I worked really hard to get those publications out before reapplying and had many more publications when I applied this time. 


    So my advice to all those who didn't get it and have a chance to reapply is to (1) make sure your application is VERY clear, easy to read, and makes it obvious what broader impacts you have and (2) try and get publications out there if you are sitting on manuscripts in preparation.


    I am at a small school and went to a small undergrad, but I have worked hard and participate in a lot of mentoring/outreach activities. Anyway, I honestly wasn't sure what to expect but I shrieked when I saw the letter in my email, and then cried, a lot. I am so grateful and honored to be a part of this. Congratulations to all those who were awarded, and best of luck to those who reapply next year. I know the heartache of rejection (was very disappointed last year and actually was rejected from NDSEG and DOE last year too), but I think it is important to keep trying. 


    Thanks everyone for all of your helpful posts!

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