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Posts posted by Caligula

  1. "The Night Train is all business when it pulls into the station. All aboard to nowhere - woo wooo! The night train runs only one route: sober to stupid with no roundtrip tickets available, and a strong liklihood of a train wreck along the way... Some suspect that Night Train is really just Thunderbird with some Kool-Aid-like substance added to try to mask the Clorox flavor."

    This sounds like all I could ever hope for and more!

    I can't wait to buy my ticket.

  2. OK, where is Dflanagan? This thread is in some serious need of Andre solidarity.

    I actually really enjoy white wine. If any of you have any suggestions for cheaper white wine, I would love to hear those.

  3. My favorite part of a rejection letter is when it says, "after very careful consideration..." I know the adcoms mean well, but the way this is phrased makes it seem like they are saying, "Trust us, we REALLY looked at your application and we REALLY don't want you." If I'm going to get a rejection, I would almsot rather them say, "We kinda looked at your application. Thanks but no thanks!"

  4. "Dude you and I are on the same wavelength! Cheap champagne is joy in a bottle. Ever had Andre Blush? that stuff is my poison of choice."

    OK this is getting weird. Not only do we have the same exact birthday, but we drink the same variation of the same cheap champagne?! I cannot tell you how many bottles of Blush I go through a week. My friends always try to get Andre Spumante, but I absolutely insist on Blush.

    The apartment I share with my friend is decorated with empty bottles of Blush. It's divine/depressing.

  5. "That man is lucky he's still alive. How could he risk his own life to enrage a women already mired in the insanity of waiting for grad school application answers?"

    Haha I'm a man but you are right, he is lucky to be alive.

    It's a weird combination of complete devestation and huge relief. Now I don't have to worry about maintaing a long-distance relationship and I'm free to explore new relationships in my new city. I am going to treat this relationship as a closed chapter of my life. And I could not be more excited to begin the next chapter!

  6. NOTE: I speak for History Ph.D. programs only, as that is the basis of my experience.

    General prestige/ranking of your undergraduate program is given very little consideration, if any at all. What matters to (history) adcoms is what you did wherever you were. Some top programs (e.g. Northwestern) even make a point of stating this on their website - prestige matters not at all.

    As a previous poster pointed out, the main advantage going to a prestigious undergrad program would allow is acccess to a distinguished faculty, which could come in handy when you need outstanding letters.

  7. I agree. I have had five or six professors tell me that I should under no circumstances accept an offer that is not funded. They didn't say it had to be fully funded, but there should at least be partial funding. They all made a concerted effort to get this point across, some were even unprompted (i.e., we weren't even talking about funding, they just volunteered this piece of advice).

  8. "So if an Oxbridge student applies to any of the Ivy Leagues would he/she stand a good chance?"

    Hm, I think it's much more comlicated than that. Several things come into play. Any top graduate program will expect successful applicants to have done well in their undergrad or previous graduate program, Oxbridge included. Adcoms will not be impressed with poor results, even if from Oxbridge.

    Also, did you make a positive impression on your tutors? Enough so that they will write a helpful letter of recommendation?

    Did you use the wonderful library resources of Oxbridge to compose an exceptional writing sample?

    Being from Oxbridge will definitely look good, but it's what you did (or didn't do) while there that counts.

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