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  1. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to rzilby in 2016 Applicants   
    Just heard back from UWEC and I got waitlisted, but I'm just happy it's not a rejection and that they didn't forget about me!!
  2. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to DeWi in 2016 Applicants   
    AHHHHH! I got my first acceptance today, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater!!!! I'm so happy I don't have to go through this process for a third time. 
  3. Upvote
    Jolie717 got a reaction from jazspeaks in When to expect hearing back?   
    Use this link and type in your school name and "Speech" in the search function to pull up acceptances and denials custom to each program that include dates, as well as stats of some applicants, if you click on the burgundy "diamonds."  
    Or don't because it might make you crazy, lol, and just call the departments and ask (after first combing through their websites for the answer, of course)!
  4. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to OverCaffeinated in 2016 Applicants   
    Ahhh u guys!! My first acceptance!!! New York med! 
    I actually thought I blew the interview entirely.... :0
  5. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to Cowsy in 2016 Applicants   
    Hi everyone. :-) I also got an acceptance email from the University of Oregon this morning. I wasn't expecting it and I'm happy but still kind of numb. I only applied to UO and PSU, so I'll just have to see what PSU says and go from there. I'm so excited...underneath the shock. I'm also scared. Haha. But thankful I don't have to go through this process again. Congratulations to everyone who has received good news, and best wishes to all. I've spent so much time reading this forum and relating to all the experiences and emotions.
  6. Upvote
    Jolie717 got a reaction from Lunalulu2 in 2016 Applicants   
    Congratulations!  It's an amazing feeling, right?
  7. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to Lunalulu2 in 2016 Applicants   
    I received my 1st response this afternoon and it was an acceptance to the University of Oregon. I am in complete shock. I keep thinking it must be a mistake and that they are going to send a recall email any minute, lol. I was really convinced I wouldn't get in anywhere because of my low cumulative GPA.  Not even sure how to feel right now... 
  8. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to BamaBelle in 2016 Applicants   
    Staring at my list of past decision dates will make them come faster, right?
  9. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to thespeechblog.com in Official Fall 2016 Interview Thread   
    Hi Everyone, 
    I've just received an email invitation to a phone interview at The University of New Mexico (UNM). I'm really excited because this sounds like a fantastic program and this will be a great way for them to get to know me and me them. 
    Anywho - I was wondering if anyone knows anything about their interviews, how they run, what they tend to ask about, etc. 
  10. Upvote
    Jolie717 got a reaction from SLPgradstudent in When can I expect to hear about funding?   
    PhDs are an entirely different animal.  I believe most, if not all, are fully funded.  It helps however if you bring your funding with you, so to speak.  Then you get your pick of the best of the best.  My father got his PhD in Physics at Stanford - fully funded with a stipend.  Of course, he helped teach undergrad classes.  My sister, on the other hand, won a Howard Hughes Fellowship.  She was admitted to every PhD program she applied to - she deserved it, but the fact that she came with her own funding was highly attractive to all of the universities.  She ended up at Harvard, for Genetics.
    Bottom line: all the more reason to go for a PhD in SLP (or something closely related) if you have it in you.  And if you want the most options, try to get your own funding.  ?
    Edited to add - oops was typing at the same time as above poster!
  11. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to SLPgradstudent in When can I expect to hear about funding?   
    Hi everyone!  As we're all beginning to hear back (hopefully good news) about admissions decisions, I'm wondering what the timeline is for hearing about funding decisions.  It seems to work a little different for SLP programs than some others.  In my acceptance letter (email), it said, "The department will send you a detailed letter with provisions and other details in the upcoming weeks."  That seems rather vague, and I'm not sure if that means in a week or two, or more like a month or two.  Can I expect to hear about funding when I get my "official" letter of acceptance from the school?
    Personally, this isn't going to affect my decision of where to attend, since I got into my dream school, which happens to be less expensive than the other school I applied to, even before funding.  (Yes, I only applied to two programs.  Thank goodness I got in!)  But I'm sure for others, knowing about whether or not there's a GA or fellowship included in the admissions offer will make a big difference as to the final decision.  Can anyone shed some light on this aspect of the admissions process?
  12. Upvote
    Jolie717 got a reaction from SLPgradstudent in 2016 Applicants   
    HUGE congratulations to you!!!  See - it only takes one, right???  ???
  13. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to SLPgradstudent in 2016 Applicants   
    Wow!  Nope, haven't heard back yet, but it does look like they've sent my app to the grad school.
    OMG, I swear, I was halfway through typing this when my phone notified me that I had an email.  Me: "Oh good, another email that probably isn't an acceptance."
    WRONG!!!!  I just got into UMD!!!!!!!!!  And then I fell off the face of the earth for an hour while I did a happy dance and called everybody and their grandmother (or at least my grandmother!)
    Thank you all for your amazing support!  You guys rock, and I hope you get your good news soon!
  14. Upvote
    Jolie717 got a reaction from SLPgradstudent in 2016 Applicants   
    I went for UW MedSLP due to my own background and interest in medicine.  I was a surgical tech in the US Army Reserves, so TBI in veterans interests me.  I am currently a Respiratory Therapist in the hospital setting, where many of my patients have suffered from anoxic brain injury, TBI, or stroke - along with a handful of cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, paralysis and ALS patients.  Plus acute respiratory failure ventilator-dependent folks.  Mostly elderly/aging.  I assist the SLPs with speech and swallow evaluations.
    Not sure where I will accept yet as I have to wait for all offers and financial aid info to boot!  I applied to so few schools that each is my "top pick" for very different reasons.  I'm finishing my undergrad at Cal State University Northridge right now.  How do you like UW?  Pros / cons?  Best but least expensive areas to live for a small family?  (Hubby, two boys, and a large dog, lol)!  Thx and good luck!!!
  15. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to thespeechblog.com in Should I retake GRE?   
    I reeallly liked using Magoosh for my prep - and I think it helped a lot too. I'm planning a blog post on how I think you can get the most out of it - I'll try to share when I'm finished Happy studying! 
  16. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to OverCaffeinated in 2016 Applicants   
    The amount of refreshing I do on multipe websites can be probably be categorized as some kind of form of OCD by the psychiatric association... XD
  17. Upvote
    Jolie717 got a reaction from Dazree in 2016 Applicants   
    I just received an early admission offer from University of Oregon today - and am still in complete shock!  
  18. Upvote
    Jolie717 got a reaction from SLPgradstudent in To update, or not to update: CSDCAS   
    Ha - replying to my own post.  Just as an update for any future readers - I did not end up updating my transcript as I was admitted to the program early, however I would recommend that anyone in the same position simply call the department to see if they put any weight/consideration on the new grades.
  19. Upvote
    Jolie717 got a reaction from SLPgradstudent in 2016 Applicants   
    I just received an early admission offer from University of Oregon today - and am still in complete shock!  
  20. Upvote
    Jolie717 got a reaction from SLPgradstudent in To update, or not to update: CSDCAS   
    I live in LA, not near it lol - I know traffic like no other.   We are on the westside though, near UCLA, so my commute into "the Valley" where CSUN is, happens to be a reverse commute.  More people are driving from the Valley into LA - so it works out perfectly for me.  And I agree - everything gets more complicated with significant others and kiddos.  If I were younger and single, my list would have included Vanderbilt, University of Wisconsin Madison, University of Colorado Boulder and San Diego State.  I still would never have applied to ten schools.  Or twenty, which is what an advisor at my school recommended.  I think that is insane!  I'd love to see DC some day - I've never been but my hubby loves it.  Best of luck to you - it looks like you have a fantastic background!  
  21. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to SLPgradstudent in To update, or not to update: CSDCAS   
    Thanks for sharing Jolie!  You're not wrong, I started with 3 schools too.  I ended up not applying for my 3rd school because I didn't feel like the program was a great fit for me.  It's a fantastic program, but not what I want.  Also, I wanted to focus my energy on finishing my final courses.  So many people here have applied to 6 or 12 or 20 schools, that I feel like the oddball having only applied to two.  But my fiancé just got his job in April, and we would like to stay in the area, which limits my choice already.  The schools that I am applying to are top ranked and awesome programs all around.  My stats are their ranges, but my overall GPA isn't awesome.  I have a 4.0 for the last 90+ credits though, so I feel like that makes up for it a little.  I hope the schools agree!  I am going to be very nervous until I hear back.
    Your reasons definitely make sense.  I feel like it's easy for a kid straight out of college to apply across the country, to any every school, whereas for someone who's married or has kids (or both), or is otherwise tied down to one location, the options are more limited.  I hope you and your family are very happy wherever you end up.  West coast is beautiful, I would love to live out there someday.  For now, I'm stuck on the East coast, not that I mind Maryland or the DC area.  I've lived here my whole life, and for the most part I love it.  I don't love the traffic, but I'm sure you can understand that, living near LA.
  22. Upvote
    Jolie717 got a reaction from SLPgradstudent in To update, or not to update: CSDCAS   
    Yes - I remember seeing earlier that you were only applying for a few (I thought you had three too originally) and I thought, hey, I'm not the only crazy one, lol!
    I had several reasons, I suppose.  Commuting in LA is not pretty - and neither is relocating.  I eliminated Long Beach due to the nasty commute, as well as the fact that you have to pick either a school or med rotation - if you want both it takes longer and costs more.  I also eliminated Cal State LA because the commute is horrible there as well, due to the close proximity to downtown.  I also don't particularly like that area.
    I have two sons and a hubby, so in fairness to them I decided I would only pick schools where if we relocated, we would all have an improved quality of life.  We have family in Oregon and had always discussed relocating and buying a home there, so U of O was a no-brainer.  We have some family in Washington and I have a brother who should be moving to Seattle this year (military pilot) so I also chose UW.  My background is medical, so the MedSLP track appealed to me.  Both Oregon and Washington are cheaper to live in than West Los Angeles, so that works out too.  I wanted to stay on the West Coast because that is where most of my family is as well (SF Bay Area).  And it's just gorgeous here, frankly.  
    I picked my current school as well of course - where I absolutely love the faculty, diversity of clinics, and of course - no headache in relocating.  My stats are within the range for all three, so I felt confident I would get into at least one of the programs.  If I didn't, I was comfortable working for a year, polishing up my SOP and gaining experience.  Plus I'm confident I could score a lot higher on the GRE with the added prep time.  
  23. Upvote
    Jolie717 got a reaction from kenz in The bells and whistles   
    In my experience - definitely yes.  ?
  24. Upvote
    Jolie717 reacted to kelseymg in 2016 Canadian SLP Thread   
    For all you U of A hopefuls, looks at all the fun you could be having next year... haha.

    This video was made by our second year buddies in the class of 2016.
    To the people who messaged me about stats, sorry I haven't gotten back to you, I'll post them in the next few days after I figure out what they were.
    Good luck to all, try not to stress.
  25. Upvote
    Jolie717 got a reaction from mr479 in What are my chances of being accepted?   
    Anyone who gambles at all has little room to critique frivolous spending, lol!  Disclaimer: I mean this with no disrespect - but I am a very blunt person.  Because of this characteristic of mine, I try to never type anything I wouldn't feel comfortable saying to someone's face.
    My current school (which is relatively competitive - in CA with an acceptance rate around 18% last cycle) has accepted many students with GREs below 300.  Some even lower than the OP.  I don't think all is lost - and regardless, what's done is done at this point.  It's a waiting game for all of us.
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