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Everything posted by Read_books

  1. Work your butt off on your applications, get stellar recommendation letters, and do everything in your power to show how you overcame those hardships. You have a resume, you have a chance. I just accepted I was working from a disadvantage from others with my GPA and worked to death on my essays and with the writers of my LOR. Luckily, you picked a field that's understanding of hard times hitting. Good luck!
  2. A lot of schools will offer you the option to submit GRE scores if you felt that your GPA did not reflect. My GPA was under 3.0, my GRE scores were not great and I got in to all but one of the schools I applied to. You have to have something else though. I worked and volunteered for 3 years before applying and I think that was my saving grace.
  3. I think I'm just going to have to reserve both spots. I have awful but it's adiffe of SO much money.
  4. Thanks! I was wondering the same. I'm like how am I supposed to make a choice BEFORE any financial news is shared
  5. I'm in a similar boat but my non-profit is really small and my job is going to be really strange to transition. I'm personally telling my boss as soon as I make my choice. If I stay nearby he will drop me to part-time. I have numerous projects I need to transition out of, and he wants me to be a part of the hiring process for the person who comes in behind me. I'm very close with my boss and when I started the application a year ago I asked him flat out how he preferred I handle it, and this was his preferred response. However, I am promised job security until I move on. I'll be leaving at a time my office gets crazy busy- so being able to prepare the office for the transition ahead of time saves A LOT of stress. I agree with the formally mentioned- ask your former supervisor who wrote you a recommendation letter.
  6. WOW. First off, thank you for such a detailed response. Secondly, what beautiful writing skills you have I seriously could imagine the town through your description. That sounds amazing. Everything you described are my exact ideals. I definitely could fall on the "crunchy" spectrum myself and what you described would be my picture perfect campus and town. The program and the school sound absolutely amazing... I really appreciate you taking the time to writing such a thoughtful response. That was exactly what I was looking for!
  7. Thanks so much for a response. I LOVE hearing about the outdoors, and have friends in Chattanooga. I meant Ohio State University- which is HUGE. I'm so in love with Tennessee and everything around campus. I'm from the north, and lived in both the south and midwest and I'm a little worried about "how southern" the campus feels. When I previously lived in the south I was happy on campus, but going to far off campus was difficult for me but it was in the boonies and a very poverty perished town so maybe not the best gauge of living in the south. How is the school? So far I have found admissions and my program people to be helpful and friendly. I worry with a bigger campus that professors office hours will be tighter and it's harder to form relationships with them- do you find this to be true? Also, do you find UT to be a party school? Or does it calm down a lot with the graduate students. Thanks so much!!
  8. I keep looking at everyone else's grades and dying a little. BUT - I just got accepted into my first choice school. Here's a little hope for the UNDER 3.0 GPA crew - we can do it
  9. Bump. I just got accepted to UT Knoxville and it's my top choice. Anyone have experience with the MSSW program? Also, I'm interested in campus life. I went to a small liberal school - how big is the campus? I'm familiar with OSU campus and it's just too big! And more importantly- I'm hoping theres a good stock of outdoor people
  10. Congratulations! (And good luck) Can I ask what your stats are that you are applying with?
  11. No, the portal remained the same looking. I'm not competitive at all though, I honestly just said well... shit, here's a hail mary shot! So if you haven't gotten a letter I bet you passed to next round.
  12. I got my rejection letter yesterday. I submitted December 20th. Good luck!
  13. How do you know the decison was made?
  14. HAHA. An email from Denver is what sparked this whole topic thread! They repeatedly send confusing emails, and have sent snail mail showing off the "beautiful campus" that I already know about because I applied, like two months ago to.
  15. I'lol take your spam LOL. Portland? Ok!
  16. HAHA. That wins Also, I'd love to meet your accountant friend who can help with this because although I'm poor- not poor enough for FAFSA apparently.
  17. I got an email from a university about FAFSA. I forwarded it to my friend and it said "time ta do some taxes bitches. help me- I'm poor." Yeah, I forwarded it not to my friend but a guy on admissions.... he responded with a long polite email about how they didn't have my tax information, and I should seek help for my FAFSA. I responded, and explained I was morbidly embarrassed and that my friend who does my taxes has his same name, and that was an accidental email. Luckily, he immediately responded back and said that was the first email during the whole admissions process that made him laugh, and it was ok, sending a wrong email just showed I was human. He was cool but still, how awkward.
  18. Oh man. For the two who recieved emails with the word "congratulations" - I have no words! I wonder if they do it on purpose to keep us on the hook. They are like well... We are still deciding on this applicant so let's get their hopes up for a minute so if we do accept them they will want to come here!
  19. Today while doing the morning check of applications I realized one of the portals looked different. Instead of "application pending" there were different links talking about fincial aid, and money and scheduling classes. I flipped out, as this was my first choice school, I anxiously waited for the site to finish loading. Then site loaded back to the default "application pending." I had already pulled out my phone to call my Dad with news of my acceptance For another school I keep recieving emails and getting oh-so-excited at seeing the University's name in my email. The first line "The faculty and staff welcome....... your interest in our x program at the University x" Sent me in a tailspin, only to realize the email is generic and sent to everyone about the school's program, also welcoming ME to the program and welcoming my interest are two very different things. Also, the last line of "and we hope you will choose to study here" is just a kick in the gut because it's like uh I applied- YOU decide if I study there or not at this point. COME ON SCHOOLS - GET IT TOGETHER PLEASE
  20. There's also: Metropolitan State University of Denver Social Work Department, Campus Box 70 P.O. Box 173362 Denver CO 80217 Program Level: Masters I think the program looks really awesome. Just a heads up, all the schools in CO are competive. Denver also offers a few different programs for the MSW like the four corners program, which I think is geared for CO locals. Here is a directory of all CSWE accredited programs: http://cswe.org/default.aspx?id=17491
  21. I submitted my applications a month ago so my LORs could finish the online applications before the holidays, and I have been hinting that they need to complete them. Well they haven't completed one because it wasn't sent, it wasn't sent because I didn't read the directions so well. I learned this after 2 weeks of contacting the school.... DOH My first choice school too
  22. Yeah you are a very competitive applicant. Not sure where you are applying, but I can't think of too many schools where you wouldn't be very competitive.
  23. I'm offering to make a donation to the charity of their choice, and sending a thank you card.
  24. Wow, this is great feedback!! Thanks so much! Yeah, I couldn't figure out where to put the SHORE stuff, not quite an academic achievement but not quite "education" thanks!
  25. I am applying for my MSW. Trying to overcome a low GPA - so I'm hoping my work experience and SOP will overshadow that! Here's the link for the google doc. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eWH7BoZTlDMMlaylG_tHdLaK-iP9DORoWxcUZ7_oKjE/edit?usp=sharing WORK EXPERIENCE WORK | CITY, STATE Data and Communications Coordinator | February 2012 - Present ● Develop and implement state-wide guidelines to standardize utilization of * Manager, Ohio *’s newly implementing state-wide data collection, develop and lead user-group implementation meetings to ensure application is consistent and accurate; manage inquiries and maintain database. ● Produce corporate communication materials, including press releases, annual reports, and other written documents. ● Develop and maintain the corporate image and identity, including the use of logos and signage ● Maintain state-wide donor and volunteer database; generate and maintain relationships; and, assess stakeholder needs and environment on ongoing basis. ● Produce and distribute monthly newsletter that disseminates relevant research and resources to over 4,000 volunteers and child service professionals. ● Manage special events to highlight organizational achievements, acknowledge the contributions of volunteers, support state and local recruitment and donor activities, and maintain a high degree of visibility among essential stakeholders, including legislators. ● Maintain awareness of current research, trends and practice developments in relevant areas of expertise. ● Article in preparation: ARTICLE NAME Older Youth Liaison | January 2012 - August 2013 ● Served as a liaison between * (Youth Board) and local * programs, overseeing a life-training initiative to support youth transitioning from foster care to independence. ● Managed efforts to address training disparity among county-based programs by establishing and implementing a consistent training menu for older youth in care; worked in consultation with local * program executives and foster youth advocates. ● Prepared a state-wide report on the various programs and resources available to STATE’S youth preparing to transition from foster care to independence designed and implemented data collection and analysis process. Money Management Intern | August 2011 - January 2012 ● Oversaw short-term initiative to assess and integrate existing resources, identify gaps in resources, and design and deliver training to older foster youth preparing to transition from foster care to independence. ● Developed module-based curriculum for use and adaptation by adult supporters of older foster youth. YOUTH BOARD | CITY, STATE Volunteer | September 2011 - Present ● Establish and maintain relationships on behalf of the * Youth Advisory Board with state-wide stakeholders who have an interest in youth who currently are in, or who have experienced, foster care; represent the * Youth Board as a workshop leader. ● Work directly with board members and adult supporters to prepare officers of the * Youth Board for the duties of office, including the development and delivery of instructional activities on professionalism and public speaking. ● Support ongoing personal development of members of the * Youth Board by collaborating with officers and adult supporters to set training objectives; plan and oversee events; and coordinate services for events, including accommodation and transportation for youth participants. COLLEGE | CITY, STATE Student Outreach Coordinator | August 2010 - May 2011 ● Assisted counselors by developing and overseeing educational health and well-being events on campus. ● Prepared student-directed educational materials and presentations to promote awareness of warning signs, coping mechanisms, and supportive strategies relative to student mental health issues. ● Worked in collaboration with various student health groups (e.g. Nutrition and Well-Being Coalition, Alcohol Coalition, Students At Risk Committee) to develop budgets for campus-wide events. ● Developed, directed, and participated in training programs for staff and students. EDUCATION COLLEGE | CITY, STATE Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, May 2012 ● Participated in a Supervised Research Study (independent study) under supervision of the Chair, Department of Psychology. ● Applied research in psychology (created a research design, used to collect data to prepare and present research to others). ● Created a research experiment about Facial Feedback Hypothesis and Helping Behaviors; analyzed all data and presented findings to the psychology department (experiment was approved through the Institutional Review Board before conducted and followed all American Psychological Association guidelines). Students Helping Others Reach Excellence (S.H.O.R.E.) Vice President | August 2010 - May 2011 ● Co-managed a student-led club focused on involving students in campus events and promoting health, wellness, and philanthropic involvement. ● Worked with counseling services staff to raise awareness about various psychological issues and to promote health and wellness on campus. ● Planned and oversaw board meetings along with the board president, EDUCATIONAL HONORS • Psi Chi: International Honor Society in Psychology, recognized for achievement in overall GPA and psychology academics. • COLLEGE Student Leadership Organization, elected as a student leader; worked directly with Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students to develop and implement strategies to improve campus and student life. • Programming Council, served under supervision of the Director of Office of Student Leadership and Activities. The council worked to create an activities calendar for COLLEGE and oversaw ongoing outreach initiative to promote student and community involvement at COLLEGE. • Co-Authored Published Research: RESEARCH TITLE
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