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Posts posted by MelMcC

  1. Just got a letter of acceptance from UT Austin. I did not apply in the early admission phase so this was quite a surprise I wasn't expecting anything until March. So yeah! early valentine's present for me.

  2. Well I feel a little better that people who had been accepted into other stellar programs still got rejected from UT makes me feel that maybe I would've had a shot getting other programs had I not been restricted geographically to Austin.

    But I did get good news this morning. I had applied to UT's Social Work program (with research not clinical studies as my concentration) and I received a first round acceptance. Since I wanted to study gender issues in welfare reform this is probably a better fit. So although I'm only in a masters program now it is a top ten and will hopefully lead into an acceptance into the PhD program down the road. So I have a bright side as well. :D

  3. I have checked that and still no update, however, my B option is another program at Texas and when the status of that application change on UT direct, UT direct immediately sent me an email stating that there had been an update to my status. My husband applied last year to the Physics program and he received an email when he was accepted from UT direct about 24 hours before the official email from the department. So I think if UT direct changes you'll be notified via email, I still check UT direct anyways just in case.

    Sorry about the repetitiveness of saying "UT Direct" over and over but I wanted to be clear. :)

    OH THE IRONY! As I am typing this my status changes on utdirect with of course bad news! I checked this morning, no change, I checked just now and REJECTION! And of course they it didn't send an email. So ignore the previous post! Good luck to all. This was my only shot to do Sociology so I probably won't be on again.

  4. if you haven't gotten word from Texas, try checking the UT direct status page. Probably won't be good news if you do it this way, but a potential for news nonetheless.

    I have checked that and still no update, however, my B option is another program at Texas and when the status of that application change on UT direct, UT direct immediately sent me an email stating that there had been an update to my status. My husband applied last year to the Physics program and he received an email when he was accepted from UT direct about 24 hours before the official email from the department. So I think if UT direct changes you'll be notified via email, I still check UT direct anyways just in case.

    Sorry about the repetitiveness of saying "UT Direct" over and over but I wanted to be clear. :)

  5. So a few weeks ago I couldn't wait to check my email, hoping there would be something. Now I open my email cringing because I'm scared there will be a rejection. We are getting to the point where rejection letters started to appear in previous years and I and SUPER nervous!

  6. Hey I thought I'd start a thread for all the Austin hopefuls. I already live in Austin since my husband started his Phd here last Fall so I know I'll go to Austin as long as I'm accepted. But I was wondering if anyone knew about tuition cost compared to other programs and the possibility of funding. I, in turn, can answer any questions people might have about the city and/or the UT family housing since I live there. Plus I'd love to start with a few friends to make the process a little less daunting.

  7. @M10 - My husband is foreign and I don't know about you but he preferred a manual transmission when we bought our car so if you have this preference you can shave off some of the price for used cars by getting a manual transmission considering most Americans prefer automatics. Just a thought.

  8. Austin - I know someone has already mentioned this but I have several friends who are international and don't have cars and I can post of their experience. I think of all of the southern cities Austin is probably one of the best for public transport, especially for the students. UT has the biggest shuttle route system in the country so you don't even have to live next to campus to have a fairly fast (20 or less) shuttle ride to get to campus as long as you live in the northern part of the city. Of course you could live in West Campus, that's where most of the international students I know live, and then you can walk to campus. Also there is the E-bus that shuttles people back and forth from West campus to downtown for free on most nights and it runs almost all night, so you don't even have to pay a taxi fare as the previous Austin post mentioned. The only downside is rent in West Campus is pretty high unless you find a roommate to split it with.

    Also there is a great international program here that takes trips to different tourist places around Central Texas on Saturdays; big museums, San Antonio, the big outlets in San Marcos, stuff like that.

    In conclusion, it's no New York but for the South Austin is a great place to be without a car.

  9. So I am new at this whole grad school application stuff and this post might show off my ignorance but I was under the impression that Phd programs gave some form of funding to most of their students. Whether it be fellowship or TA position. So I was surprised to see so many of you worrying about the funding from Wisconsin. Like I said I know that I don't know much and I didn't apply to Wisconsin so I have researched it very little but, is it really possible that so many of you with such stellar stats might not get funding? If so I wouldn't blame ya'll for going soemwhere else dispite Wisconsin's high ranking.

  10. I don't think ticklemepink was being insensitive at all..

    Fact is, from what I can tell, he/she doesn't have a child. So if people would see a pic of her holding a little baby and assume it was his/hers, they would, in fact, get the "wrong impression".

    Sorry if I offended anyone, maybe I was being TOO sensitive. I just originally read her post as stating that appearing to have children would be a bad thing and considering I fight the assumption of "mom = not dedicated" everyday I can be a little sensitive. Sorry ticklemepink and melusine and anyone else who thought my post was unwarranted.

  11. Same here. My husband applied last year and now we're at the top school were he got accepted. I waited a year and now I'm applying and limited geographically. My husband was also VERY positive, but now he's wondering what my plan B is going to be :P

    Also just to add this because it made me feel better. My husband, being his positive self, gave me some very good advice that is helping me with the waiting process. He said to make sure not to put to much weight into any one post in forums like these.

    Take him for example, at the school he ended up going to people started reporting their acceptance in early February, this made him sweat because he hadn't heard anything. Then on March third someone posted that they had checked their status and they were rejected and told that all acceptances had already been sent. After that my husband was devastated and sure he that he'd been rejected. But low and behold on March 13 over a month after first round acceptances he got accepted with 5 years TA funding. I know that not everyone has a happy ending but don't lose hope until you know for sure, because this process can be unpredictable.

  12. totally agree with you. I also work in front of a computer, so I completely understand what you're saying.

    It's even worse if there are two applicants in the same apartment. Now it's a forbidden topic.

    Not to one up you, but at least your both applicants. I waited a year to apply after my husband got admitted. I had already decided we'd go wherever was a better fit for him and I would apply there for the next fall. So I have someone already in a Phd program being all positive and "I'm sure you'll get in." On top of that all of our new acquaintances are also already in grad school so they are much the same way. Although this website can be depressing when others are getting acceptances, I like to know that I'm not soo crazy and there are others who are waiting as well. It's good to know your not alone.

  13. Maybe Im dense but how would family status even factor into the admission process. My current fb profile image is an artistic photo of my little girl hugging me. I never reference the fact that I have a wife and two kids on either app nor expected it to come up in this process.

    As to the original subject matter here, my name is relatively common unless you add where I live. Then Im more findable

    That was exactly my point it should not matter. But someone said that pictures with children could give the wrong impression and I thought they were a little insensitive. But like I said before I don't want to start controversy. I just wanted to point out that many of us have children and I'm not afraid of letting admissions committees know that. In fact one of my most prestigious awards was an academic award from undergrad given to one academically outstanding nontraditional every year. And I listed this in the awards sections of the application so I'm sure they do have an idea of my family status.

    Sorry this is so off subject.

  14. LOL My facebook profile is private that only those in my Networks can search me up. So the person who has my name on Google's search results... if you just look at my undergrad, you'll note that this person didn't go to my undergrad (good thing considering that the picture isn't really attractive!). It took me to the second page to find the real ME.... my universal Amazon book wish list.

    Fortunately, those are good books that I'm asking for! :)

    But I'm still fretting a bit about my Skype profile picture for one of the schools as the prof and I talked to each other over Skype (not video)... I actually changed my old picture of me holding my baby cousin not to give any wrong impressions to another picture of just me.

    I don't want to start controversy but I think you should be a little more sensitive . Some of us that are applying to grad school do have children. And I don't believe that my Facebook picture with my husband and daughter is at all giving "the wrong impression." I can't speak for other programs but the one's I'm applying to specifically state on there websites that they are family friendly. In fact I wouldn't want to be part of a program that frowned upon women with children because I can almost bet there's a double standard and they don't see it as an issue for the men to have a child. Sorry but this is a sensitive point for me.

  15. Ugh! Now that the first round of acceptances have gone out the waiting is even more brutal than last week. As I posted earlier, for now UT is my only shot since I am geographically restricted. Therefore it's all or nothing for me on this one and I am currently trying to prepare myself for the worst. I just wish I knew one way or another so I can move on.

    On a lighter note since I already live in Austin, I have some insight into the city if anyone has questions. I also live in UT's married family housing if anyone who i married is interested and needs info just ask.

  16. I am not particularly worried about this but I did find it interesting that if you Googled my name my hulu profile shows up on the second page. This, fortunately, is the most embarrassing thing that someone could find about me. Mainly because I am currently work as a shop girl in a tuxedo place and now that my applications are in I have little to do with my time at work, so I watch embarassing amounts of tv drama's. Like I said not really worried but still it would suck for someone to google me and think I am a total loser who just watches tv all day, although at the moment I guess I kinda am. lol

  17. Because my husband is currently attending UT Austin it is the only program I have researched and applied to but they do not count to AW section at all. I guess they simply consider your writing sample. However, I assume they still look at it and that may still effect their overall opinion.

    From UT Soc Dept website admissions faqs page:

    Do you count the Analytical section of the GRE?


  18. My spouse is currently working on his Phd and I am working and applying to the one decent grad program in the area. I am freaking out because if I don't get in, which we all know is a strong possibility since I only have one application out right now, I don't really have a plan B.

    Studying somewhere else would have been fine but we have a little girl together and her need for a father comes before my need for a further education. So the plan is to keep applying an hoping I'll get in, or to wait till he's done and then try to finish.

    My parents are teachers so I grew up in academics so I never really even considered a career outside of it, therefore, I don't really know what I'm going to do if I don't get in in the next few years.

  19. Yes I have seen that someone on claimed to be admitted mid-December last year, but the norm from what I can tell is a reply mid to late February. My husband is getting a phD from Texas so it's all or nothing for me on this one and I am definitely stressed.

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