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    Southern California
  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
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  1. I applied for the two-year in October, but my application wasn't listed as complete until January 28th. I attended the Virtual Online Information Session tonight and they said they are a little behind on decision letters.
  2. They send you an e-mail that says a decision has been made. From there, you log into your account and you can view the status.
  3. I chose Fordham. I still haven't read anything on anyone's past experiences with field placements. I'm hoping to get more information on that in an online information session.
  4. Nope. In both of my personal statements, I answered the questions out of order. I put them together in a way that they would flow instead.
  5. I think you've already started by now, but just in case you haven't... I started with NYU's prompt. My introduction briefly stated an issue I'm passionate about, my professional experience, and how a Master's degree will help in achieving my career goals. Before writing out the body, I made a list of things I wanted to mention under each question. From there, I started forming them into paragraphs. I gave specific examples of my learning objectives at NYU. (i.e. what population I wanted to serve and electives that would help build my portfolio) Completing my NYU statement of purpose helped with the Fordham one. I was able to use most of what I wrote for NYU for Fordham. I just deleted my paragraphs about my attributes (Fordham doesn't ask) and replaced my learning objectives at NYU with Fordham. I also changed the conclusion a little bit.
  6. I did! You crossed my mind too cause I remember we got accepted around the same time and were able to talk about it. When I applied, Fordham was my first choice for no specific reason. It was more of just a gut feeling. I took a tour of both of the schools a few weeks ago, and I just ended up liking Fordham's vibe and campus more. It's really small and had a community like feeling. I also met a few people in the city who went to Fordham and loved it. There was one specifically who went to Fordham for undergrad and NYU for grad school and preferred Fordham. I enjoyed both schools, but it really just came down to Fordham being a better fit for me personally.
  7. I visited NYU and Fordham a few weeks ago. The man I spoke to at NYU said FAFSA information doesn't usually get sent out until April. He also said the estimated amount given to you after you fill out the FAFSA is typically the amount you get for that loan.
  8. One of my co-workers applied only to CSULB three years ago. She had nothing but good things to say about the program.
  9. Is there anyone on this forum who attended or is attending Fordham? I'm looking for any feedback on field placements. (i.e. Did you enjoy your field placements? How was your experience in general? Where were you placed? etc.) Thanks in advance.
  10. I just heard back today too.
  11. Oh, yeah. Mine says the same thing. But the "Application Requirements" are all checked off as completed.
  12. You're welcome, Mingus1. hiclub2 - Thank you! That was helpful. RiemannForBeginners - Where does yours say it's processing? Mine says Regular Decision under Notification Plan, but I don't see processing anywhere.
  13. I got that and I think two other e-mails before my acceptance e-mail.
  14. Oh, and one more question. If you don't mind me asking, are you using loans for the full tuition or paying some of it out of pocket?
  15. How do you like your field placement? I know you fill out a questionnaire prior to starting- did you get something similar to your past experience/career goals? Are you doing on-campus or off-campus housing? How do you like it?
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