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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
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    Speech Language Pathology

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  1. I'm my area, aba therapists make $18-$25/hr. Minimum wage is just above 8 so it's definately not bad. I'm in a different position since I don't need benefits through my job and I need a job that offers a very flexible schedule to accommodate my other jobs, classes, and activities.
  2. I'm sorry aba is not an option for you, but sounds like SLPA is a great option for you. I'm not sure on what actually helped me get into schools but I can tell you what I think helped. I studied a lot for my classes, sat in the front of the class to make sure I was paying attention, and I participated often. I think getting to know the professors was a great help because many could be on the admissions board at the school and they can write great letters of recommendation (LOR). Looked for good observation/volunteer opportunities and opportunities to work with professors outside of class. Found a relevant job (ABA). Joined and participated in a relevant club. Studied for my GRE. I knew my vocab was weak so I really tried to improve upon it. I used GRE books from the library and also signed up for an online resource call magoosh. Lastly I worked a lot on my application essays. Many of my essay questions were different so I couldn't reuse one essay. I wrote and rewrote each essay probably 10 times. I had a notebook listing ideas of what to write in each essay and outlines of how to make it flow. The essay is Botha writing sample and a chance to get your story across. Make sure it is unique and makes you stand out. Not sure how much of a difference it makes, but I speak mandarin and am sufficient in ASL.
  3. You can't let the stories of others discourage you! While it is a real possibility, the only thing you have control over is what you do. I got to know my professors in my postbac classes and I busted my butt studying for those classes. I got several professors to write LORs for me and I think their personal touch from knowing me really helped. ABA therapy stands for applied behavioral analysis therapy. I work one on one at an early intervention center for children with autism and I also do in home sessions. I love the job and the kids and it has made me interested in specializing in autism. Requirements to be an ABA therapist vary by state so you would have to look it up, but in NJ you just need a Bachelor's in a relevant field and many centers will provide training. Best of luck to you and I'd be happy to answer any questions I can!
  4. There is a lot to think about when your end game is speech! I was in the same boat as you when I left my full time job to pursue speech. I decided to go for the postbac because my ultimate goal was to become an SLP and I didn't want to spend the extra money on an associates. I heard jobs for SLPA are not the easiest to get (probably dependent on the need in your area). I was also taking into consideration the $ I would be losing by postponing my future SLP career (estimated about 15-20 grand/year). That meant I will probably be able to pay off my grad loans in 2-3 years with that extra money. That made it all worth it for me to pursue my postbac asap! During my postbac I worked as an ABA therapist and was a nanny. I may try to continue this part time with grad school since the scheduling is very flexible. Hope this helps and good luck!
  5. I've been told by admissions that they expect a few people to accept an offer and recind it before classes. This is taken into account and that is why wait lists are held for so long. If you need more time to make the right decision for yourself then you should take it. You don't want to make a spur of the moment decision and regret it for the next 2+ years. Also, you shouldn't write off a school just because they wait list you. Being considered and offered an acceptance is an honor at any point in the process. Make sure the program is a good fit for you and your priorities.
  6. I just declined my spot at USF so I hope this helps someone on the waitlist!
  7. Thanks! That did help! For anyone who is interested, I called the other day and was told that they are no longer having much trouble with getting students into classes and placements. Hopefully that's true!
  8. Thank you! Do you know if the 2 people you know are in the residential program or the distance? I got into the residential. And also they are part time students if it's talking 3 years right? Have you (or anyone else) been to an information session?
  9. I am ecstatic to get into a program in California! I didn't think I had a chance since I know it's crazy competitive. Luckily I had CSUN accept me. The thing is I don't know anything about the program!! Anyone have any information on the program and insight to the quality of the faculty, facilities, and placements? How are the semesters structured? Is it 5 semesters? Anything would help right now! Thanks in advance :-)
  10. I heard yesterday afternoon and got accepted! Such an unexpected surprise
  11. I haven't yet because I'm hoping to hear from CSUN first. I know it's a reach but I would hate to throw away money if I didn't have to. I don't even know if I would def choose CSUN, I just want to be able to make a fully informed decision.
  12. Congrats! Do you think you'll be accepting the spot? Did you apply to CA schools too?
  13. Yea California is crazy competitive so my hopes aren't high lol
  14. Thanks Arcanelady27!! I'm not sure... Originally I thought it was my number one choice, but I am going to visit USF this weekend and I still have my fingers crossed for CSUN. I have a lot of my family is out in cali and that is where I want to move after school so it may be worth it to move their for school if i can manage to get in. Financially USF doesn't make much sense since I don't have a living situation set up for me there, but I've heard great things about the program. I'm expecting rejections from brooklyn and queens since I didn't get an interview and I just got waitlisted at Richard Stockton.
  15. Ohhh your getting dressed up? I was just going to wear jeans and a t-shirt! I may have to think this one over haha.
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