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esotericish last won the day on May 24 2015

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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    political science

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  1. Are you looking at one versus the other based on the math requirements?
  2. If your MPP is giving you good, usable skills it might help. Like statistics or econometrics or something. I'm not sure what you learn in an MPP. Either way, though, it's probably not worth the opportunity cost of applying. If you put together a good application with good research interests, the admissions committee might even give you a little bump because of your work experience.
  3. There are lots of people in these programs who value non-American academic experience. Don't sell yourself short and only apply to low programs. Also, living in DC on a stipend would be brutal.
  4. Don't rule out schools based on your GRE score. Also, don't put that much stake in rankings. Yeah, if you go to Harvard or Stanford you'll be better off. But if you go to any decent program (whatever arbitrary cutoff you decide) and work with people who want to work with you, publish something, generally do well, you'll get a job. I'm at a top ~20 or so and the three people we have on the market this year are definitely going to get jobs. But they're also really good.
  5. Looks like you have a very good application. Curious as to why you're only applying to schools in the DC area? I think with your application you could do much better than those schools, and DC would be a terrible place to live on a stipend.
  6. Then you'll probably be fine! Nobody here can tell you what the score means, but they can tell you (quite obviously) that higher score = better chances. So if you really wanted to maximize your chances, and have the time and resources, you could take the GRE again. I'm not saying I would in your position, but a higher score wouldn't hurt.
  7. If you can get your Q score higher that would really benefit your application. While people will correctly tell you GRE score doesn't make or break an application, you'll see very few people in top 10 programs with a low Q score in particular.
  8. Not a ton of options. You're pretty much stuck between Time Warner and maybe AT&T Uverse. I don't think Verizon is there yet. I do know Google Fiber is currently being installed in some places in Raleigh.
  9. Ah gotcha. There are a couple people at the Emory program that study this -- Danielle Jung is definitely one.
  10. Have you looked at the literature in the field and then seen where the people teach who are writing that literature?
  11. (disclaimer: not a female) My girlfriend is your age and works in a very professional environment. Her favorite places to shop are Marshalls and TJ Maxx, where you can get some really professional looking stuff for a good price (they're only really good for womens' clothing, though). Other than that, if you pay attention you can often find great deals on Banana Republic during sales.
  12. GW has a really good board for this. Padmapper is also very solid in DC. Zillow is the other resource I'd suggest.
  13. Seems pretty reasonable to me, especially during summer and winter. Likely to be less otherwise. I am also in NoVA
  14. Do you count internet and cable in there?
  15. Well, like I said you can take buses pretty much everywhere nearby state, and you can probably watch to most of your necessary shopping, but to get anywhere outside of the immediate campus area will be pretty much impossible without driving, unfortunately. Uber does run in Raleigh now so that's always an option.
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