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Everything posted by slpPLS

  1. I declined today. Good luck!
  2. The deadline is 4/15 by 4:30pm PDT
  3. I will also be declining!
  4. Thank you for sharing all of that!! I will def look into maple ave/medical district too
  5. I'm going to have a roommate I'm sure you can find/connect with peeps who are looking for a roommate once theres a fbook group
  6. Hi, so I called the dept and asked where students live and they said a lot of them live in the village. I looked it up and it looks pretty amazing (especially because I will be moving from Cali and would want to socialize/make new friends - since they have a lot of socials, etc)! Does anyone know anything about it? Out of the 16 communities, which ones are best? Please share any insights/things you've heard/thoughts/opinions http://www.thevillageapts.com/
  7. Hi anyone going to UTD right now? I would love to PM you questions and what not. Thanks!!!
  8. Not sure about the cost but if it helps you calculate there should be around 48 credit hours total that includes classes and practicum/internships. Also there's no deposit deadline or fee
  9. i applied on the deadline, and have heard back. maybe it would be a good idea to call the department?
  11. MGH's site says they don't rank their wait list so... jw does anyone know how their wait list works? Ps. Lmk if you plan to decline please! Would super appreciate it!!!
  12. I'm trying to stay positive! quoting this from the results page: "To the person worried about emerson, I did get accepted in Feb, from what I have read they used a system of modified admissions where they accept "exceptional" applications almost immediately after the deadline, then the rest of the decisions can take 6-8 weeks or something like that. So don't give up hope!"
  13. Anyone know what an Audit Rate Per Credit Hour is? and how it is different from per credit hours? Thanks!
  14. Hi all! Does anyone know of any online program that allows you to take slp prerequisites without taking the full postbacc program? I plan to take all the prerequisites during the summer before matriculation. It would be best if the classes start late June or after. Thank you for your responses in advance!
  15. Yeah, I called this morning and they said 3 weeks. Maybe it's because they have to process more since more apps are turned in closer to or at the deadline...
  16. Hey all, so on my to-do list it says they still need my official transcript. I sent it in a few weeks back but to the dept address listed on the website... so I called and the lady said the dept forwards them to the Admission and Enrollment office, which is currently 3 weeks behind. She told me not to resend my transcript. Just a FYI, so for those having the same prob don't fret
  17. I'm answering my own question... SJSU "2. PERSONAL INTERVIEW Finalists for admission may be interviewed by the review committee via Skype, telephone, or in person." from this page: http://www.sjsu.edu/cds/admissions/Admission_docs/WEBSITE%20ADMISSIONS_MA_F2015_92214.pdf didn't find anything on Redlands or UTD though :/
  18. Do SJSU, Redlands and UT Dallas conduct interviews? (didn't see any people posting about interviews on the results page in the past)
  19. Hey all, does MGH conduct interviews? I checked their website and I didn't see anything and I checked the results page and no one mentioned anything about interviews. I guess I just want to hear from someone who knows for sure if they have interviews or not. Thanks in advance!
  20. I received an official invitation via email today. It is pretty short notice... do you think interviewing through skype decreases the chances of admission?
  21. Hi, I received an email saying "Due to our exceptionally talented application pool, we are unable to invite you for an interview at this time. A final decision regarding your application will be made by the first week in March." I was wondering should I assume I have been rejected? Will there be a different round of interviews? Do I have a chance of getting on the waitlist? I knew I was reaching with BU so I'm not surprised but I am trying to keep a positive outlook. Thanks for any insight!
  22. I heard from BU, but I wasn't invited for an interview. Hopefully that means I can get waitlisted later??? They said final decisions come out the first week of march. If you don't mind me asking just out of curiosity, what were your stats? major, GPA, GRE, ECs? Thanks in advance!!
  23. I just saw that I received a "CD interview time" on the credential page as well. Is this real life? ahah Does this mean I will have an interview for sure? I don't want to get excited too soon!
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