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About la_manda_panda

  • Birthday November 11

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    Not Telling
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  • Application Season
    2015 Fall
  • Program
    HGSE or Bust

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Congrats! I guess I shouldn't have put all of my eggs in the HGSE basket. Well ... there's always next year. They won't be able to keep me out that easily! Haha
  2. Congrats!!! That is so exciting!!
  3. Maybe this Saturday? I saw on the results page that a lot of PhD candidates got emails on a Saturday ... maybe they do that on purpose so that a million people aren't calling the office? Haha
  4. rhfer - thanks for the advice! I'll download it today. It'll save me some unnecessary panic, I'm sure!
  5. OMG. I just got a call on my cell that said, "No Caller ID", and I MISSED the freaking call, and so I panicked, and then finally I got the ding for the voicemail .... and I was SO NERVOUS when I pressed "Play Message" ... And it was my boss. Giving me a new schedule. ARGHGHHHHHGGGG!!! I swear I'm going to have a heart attack the next time my phone rings.
  6. Hey Fuffy & Whittylin! I'm also waiting on THE call for Ed.L.D. interviews. If anyone gets an interview for Ed.L.D. pleeeease post right away!!! The waiting is killing me!!
  7. Thanks for the info! I haven't received the FinAid application yet and was freaking out a little bit.
  8. I got an email yesterday saying that my application was complete. I guess that means that they've started looking through the applications! ... And so it begins!
  9. csmith14 - Ooooh yeah. Ha. Of course, they admit people who don't matriculate. I wonder how many "extras"they admit to the program? I imagine that there would be a pretty high yield rate for a fully-funded doctorate program at Harvard? I guess we're back to just speculating, though. Meh.
  10. Omnomnam, not to be a know-it-all, as you're admitted and I clearly am not, but this is directly from an email that I received from the admissions office: Finally, because of its unique nature and small cohort size, the Ed.L.D. program is definitely selective. Historically we have received around 500 applications each year. However, we do not focus on admission rates and the like because it obscures the number one factor in the application process: fit. We have a holistic application review process that looks at all components of a student’s application. We want to ensure applicants can do rigorous doctoral work, but we also look for experience, willingness to learn, passion, and diversity of experience. If you see yourself as a fit for the program I recommend that you consider applying. At least for the Ed.L.D. program, the admission rate is for sure around 5%. Of course, though, as you mentioned, the number of applications could fluctuate. Still, the 5% number is good information for those of us who are applying to the Ed.L.D. program to have - at least in the sense that it keeps things in perspective. Not getting in isn't indicative of someone not being smart / qualified ... at some point, it's just a matter of if there was a spot for you in the cohort dynamic. At least, that's what I'm telling myself as I'm already starting to go crazy from the wait, and we have (at least) 6 more weeks to go! Are you in the Ed.L.D. program? I'm interested in hearing from someone who is in the Ed.L.D. program as to how the cohort feels. Are the students super competitive with each other?
  11. MAC2809 - Could you elaborate a little bit on this? I was honestly a little worried about racial tensions in Boston, but it didn't seem like something that I could bring up to admissions. I didn't want them to think I was paranoid ... but at the same time, I have some reservations about bringing my Latina / Filipina daughters to a place where they could be made to feel uncomfortable. Do you think we'd have something to worry about?
  12. mctsw - I'm not sure exactly which have an acceptance rate over 50% - but according to this website, they have a 47% acceptance rate across all of the master's programs. http://www.petersons.com/graduate-schools/harvard-university-graduate-school-of-education-masters-programs-in-education-000_10035777.aspx Sort of surprising, considering that it is Harvard ... but maybe there isn't a terribly huge pool of people in education who are interested in moving across country to attend grad school? Either way - good luck! EVERYONE keeps on saying that the GRE scores won't make or break you. I wouldn't worry too much about the GRE scores. This page gives the stats for admitted students & might be a more useful gauge for you: http://www.gse.harvard.edu/doctorate/life/who-studies
  13. Good luck! I just submitted my application. I literally felt like I was going to throw up when I pressed submit. Haha. Hopefully we'll see each other on campus in August!
  14. Yeah - an admissions officer told me that they get about 500 applications for the EdLD program, and they admit 25. By my calculation, that's a measly 5% acceptance rate - at least for the EdLD program. . Life is hard.
  15. Has everyone already submitted their applications? I keep re-working my SOP, and that's because I started a LONG time ago. Like ... in August. :/. I think I might take a day or two off of work to think about it. It's difficult to really think about what I want to write with two small kids at home asking for juice boxes.
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