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Everything posted by quena

  1. Congratulations on your acceptance! I'm a native speaker of Mandarin Chinese but my main research language is Spanish. Were you a French/Italian major? I currently live in Italy Would you mind if I PM you?
  2. Thanks Katla! The funding is indeed the tricky part. You probably already know how things work in Europe in general: admission and funding are two different stories... (oh and my potential PhD position would be in the Spanish university that I attended as the 'Home institution'. Very confusing MA program that I'm attending ). In my particular case, I have witnessed how hard it was to get funding in Spain. I have friends who graduated last summer and are still waiting to hear from the scholarship they applied to long before graduation. And frankly, the amount of work (and bureaucracy) for scholarship applications is just... not looking attractive... So my initial back-up plan was to get in the PhD program first and find a summer job so I can worry about funding later. ( Mine is a public university which means that tuition fee is near nothing. Funding is mostly covering living costs, research expenses, insurance, stuff like that). I have so given up hope on my whole USA project that I'm seriously thinking about this plan B these days and have considered all the deadlines & arrangements etc.. Now that plan A is (sort of) alive again I'm slightly confused but anyway, I guess I can at least be happy for a few days first
  3. guys... I'm admitted to Colorado Boulder with funding (tuition covered and TA). I like the idea of moving to the US and I'm really happy to finally get a funded admission. But on the other hand I'm also hesitating because the program is a two-year MA. I was applying to their PhD program but from this year onward they do not have a PhD program anymore. I was informed about a month after submitting my application and decided to continue applying for the MA anyway, considering I had already handed in everything. Opinions? Thoughts? Any intel about the university or the program? I would REALLY appreciate your help
  4. Oh...sorry to hear... well for my part I already sort of assumed rejection anyway. Thanks for the info!
  5. Congratulations Nahis!! Amazing season! And folks, still no news from UPenn? I guess at this point for the sake of my sanity I should maybe assume implied rejection. But seriously, not even one acceptance on result board??
  6. Congratulations iwontbelyeveit! And, Thisisdog, sorry to hear. Hope the waitlist works our for you.
  7. I'm also a Chinese applicant. Regarding job placement in China, it also depends on your undergraduate major (and the institution from where you got your BA degree, I hate to say this but it's kind of true). For example, while both holding a PhD in Comp Lit, a candidate who has a BA degree in Portuguese will probably have a bigger shot landing a teaching position (or a job outside of academia for that matter) than the other one who has done his/her BA in... say... English. Of course, in the end it all comes to personal competence and, a bit of luck . I'm speaking from personal experience, it could be entirely wrong.
  8. I'm one of the Cornell rejects. Already knew the result from POI two weeks ago, still, ouch. I would say that at this point no news probably means you are on waitlist or something... (this is just me guessing of course). Good luck! Edit: forgot to mention, to whoever is waiting for Upenn, I emailed their secretary today and was told that committee met last Wed. and that the acceptances will be out by the end of next week. Rejections, however, won't be out until somewhere in March.
  9. Wow great news !! Congrats on all the acceptance(s) and waitlist(s)!
  10. the board is all red... Hugs for all. I still haven't heard anything from what I have left. At this point I just really hope that my plan B will work.
  11. Congrats and good luck! It's good to see that we are active again in this thread
  12. Yeepee! Congrats! Still no word from UPenn.Did anyone hear anything?
  13. Oh no... Wish you good luck with the doctor's appointment...
  14. Hoping for the same! BTW Is Result Board currently down? Seems like I can't access it.
  15. In order to test one of my implied rejections I personally did email to ask a POI, who told me (in a very nice and circumvented way) that I could be a good fit but just had mediocre materials and also offered to "remain in contact" with me. Anyway I was relieved that I knew.
  16. As I said in another thread, to train dolphins... ok just kidding. I don't really have a Plan B, but well... I've talked to my advisor, at least she already said yes to advising my thesis if I decide to start a PhD in my current university (although I'll need to look for funding myself), so that's kind of a relief for me.
  17. I've got only rejections so far, so I echo this. I was really in "maybe I'm just not good enough to even make it to the waitlist" sort of self-doubt. But hey, I don't even have time to dwell upon this thought since I recently moved to a new town, have another semester ahead, and also have a whole MA thesis to finish. I guess we just need to keep telling ourselves that the applications are just a tiny part of our lives, which will go on with or without acceptances (not to mention that you are already accepted to wonderful places )
  18. mollifiedmolloy, congratulations on your acceptances! (I haven't looked at other threads these days so I might be a bit late ) And good luck with the rest! It seems that you are doing great so far
  19. I have Upenn and Colorado Boulder left. Boulder only offers an MA program now. They said they'd notify during the first week of March. I don't know about Upenn. Haven't heard anything, either.
  20. Agh, I know... stressful season. Today I wrote to the DGS who confirmed my *implied* rejection. So my top choice is gone. I guess I should put together a Plan B now, which is... I don't know... to become a dolphin trainer or something like that.
  21. if you don't mind me asking, any news? I'm too scared to email POI, part of me just don't want to hear the final verdict...
  22. OMG this is GREAT! Huge congrats! ( On the other hand I haven't heard anything yet so ... preparing for the worst
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