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Posts posted by Chrischigta

  1. On ‎11‎/‎11‎/‎2015‎ ‎8‎:‎51‎:‎55‎, brainsandeggs said:

    I have FOR SURE been considering Weill Cornell - both WC and Cold Spring harbor seem like tough programs to get into, but I have done a lot of research into their faculty and research areas so I might take the leap. And Wow Yes! I would absolutely love the chance to email your friend and get a sense of their experience in the program - that would be great, thanks so much! 

    Would you mind if I asked you why you chose WC over UChicago? I'm looking there too, just because I was accepted there for undergrad (ended up not going) but I did a lot of research into their particular "culture" and the school itself so I felt like I knew how to write an essay for them. Was it just research fit/location/something unique to you or you felt something objectively about the programs was better/worse?

    But thanks so  much for your advice! In  my lab, I"m the only person who actually does any work (the rest are PIs/Senior doctors/Scientists who are on the grant in name, but don't do anything) so I'm very isolated and don't have many people to ask for advice - thus the gradcafe stalking!


    It definitely is a very competitive program, but I feel that for the enormous quality of the faculty here and the fact that this is an ivy school program, it is less competitive than others. Again, I want to strongly emphasize that this school is fantastic with great research, but I somehow feel a lot of people are not considering applying here when they choose their "top schools". That might just be a personal impression, too. That being said, if you like the research, then go for it!

    I will ask my friend if he would be cool with taking your questions. I know he was a gradcafe stalker as well, so I am confident that he will be happy to help out.

    I chose WC, because I really liked to sense of community here. That applies to both the interactions between students and between students and faculty. I feel that there are many faculty members that care about providing good education to grad students. Just the fact that everything is physically so close fosters that a lot. Then, I also really liked the idea of living right in Manhattan while still having this scientific community around. Most importantly, the research fit was just a little bit better. I really enjoyed my visit to Chicago and thought the faculty members there really invested in recruiting me, which was very impressive, but in the end I just had a gut feeling that Weill Cornell is my school and it was not a difficult choice to make. It was much harder to reject the other options haha.

  2. 2 hours ago, brainsandeggs said:


    Thanks so much for replying! I appreciate your feedback on my research exp, my supreme hope is that it'll be enough to force my way past initial screenings. I'm tearing my hair out with these apps haha. I am definitely considering CSHL, I consider it in my reach-tier, but I've read on these forums that Rockefeller has this crazy high GPA cutoff rate? 

    Of course I am hoping that  my Master's GPA will help compensate in some way for my insanely low uGPA. But I've ALSO read on these forums that schools don't weigh a high MA GPA that well because getting a B in graduate school is basically failing (that was not my experience however, I know a lot of kids who got Bs, and my As were a real battle it was NOT easy). 

    I guess this is the wrong place to get advice on that since most people here are still applying, but I wonder if it is a common experience to have a MA GPA successfully override such a terrible uGPA? The forums seem to be divided on this, but all the advice for low uGPA people is "GET A MASTERS". 

    If you are in the NYC area also, do you know anything about programs that might be more mid-tier - like Fordham/Rutgers etc.? Although I am cautiously optimistic about SUNY Downstate as a safety school, I would like to try and find more places that could be forgiving, though I know it's also a crapshoot - I've also heard that middle-ranked programs might use stats more than a top program would. 

    Anyways, good luck with your apps! Neuroscience is so tough...



    If you want to stay in NYC, I would also consider Weill Cornell as an option. They have a Neuroscience program and some really interesting faculty members. The research community is great with Sloan Kettering and Rockefeller around the corner. So far, I am liking it a lot here :) I have a friend in the neuro program, I could give you his email if you want to inquire about it.

  3. Hey guys,


    just wanted to offer my help and experiences for future applicants, especially for internationals ;) I myself am German and will move to NYC in two weeks time in order to attent the BCMB program at Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences. If can help in any help or answer any questions, just go ahead and write here or PM me.


    Best of luck to everyone and never lose hope, even if the waiting can be tough at some point :)

  4. Congratulations. Great to hear you are going to your desired place. I am still waiting for Columbia. Cambridge decision is depending on the Gates Cambridge interview. But since I live in NYC, Columbia would have a heavy preference from me.


    Thanks, I am really happy with my choice and that I know where I will be going this Fall :) I am hoping for the best for you - obviously Columbia would be great if you're wishing to stay in NYC.

  5. Hey guys,


    so, I am sure that I want to go to NYC for my PhD and already got offered admission by Weill Cornell BCMB. I really liked the program and the atmosphere at Weill Cornell and so I was quite sure that I would go there. However, I interviewed for Columbia Medical Center Integrated Program in Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Sciences as well and think I did quite a good job during the interviews. I did not get offered admission there so far, but I know that they are doing it on a rolling basis and I also know, that I could boost my chances by stating that they are my top choice school. I obviously only want to do that if I am sure that I want to attend. So now I have to decide, which of the two really is my priority...


    At Columbia I felt a little less of a "community spirit" compared to Weill Cornell and funding for internationals seemed also to be more of an issue there compared to Cornell. Researchwise, I am sure that I would find tons of interesting labs at both places. The only thing I am worried about right now is, that if I accept Weill Cornell's offer that I would "let go the chance to go to Columbia".. I guess I am just afraid that Columbia might be the better choice career-wise, but I don't know if this is really true. People talk a lot about that you should go to the place where you have the best gut feeling, the best fit. But Isn't it also important to consider, where you have the best chance to publish in a decent paper? And will paper look differently at you PhD when you got it from Columbia compared to when you get it from Weill Cornell? Does reputation really matter at that point? And is there really such a difference in reputation between Columbia an Weill Cornell? Maybe some people from NYC can comment on that..


    I hope you more or less get what I mean. Would appreciate any input. 

  6. So, I was on the "very small" interview weekend for the Integrated Program at Columbia (Feb 6) and it seemed to me that this was a weekend for all those that they wanted to invite but that couldn't make it the previous recruitment days. We were mainly internationals and for me, they basically invited me on that weekend because I was invited for Weill Cornell the weekend afterwards and wanted to make it easier for me, so that I can make the whole thing one single trip from Germany to the US, rather than having to come to New York twice within a period of three weeks or so.


    Anyways, what they told us is that they are offering admission on a rolling basis, so that it is very possible to receive an offer at a pretty late stage. They also told us, that it can be a good idea to clearly communicate to them if this is your first choice school, especially at a later stage of the process, because at that point they want to make sure that they fill up their spots.

  7. Anyone heard back about UPenn Phd bio phone/skype interview yet?


    If you're referring to UPenn CAMB: I asked them when I should excpect to hear back about a decision and they said that applications have to go through two additional committees and that based on the current schedule, I should hear back around Feb 5.

  8. I know that this topic has most probably been discussed several times on this forum, but I still want to adress it: What to wear during recruitment days?


    In my daily routine, I am prefering casual clothes; Jeans, T-Shirts, Sweaters. I like to go shopping in Skateshops etc... So I'm paying attention to "my style" but it's just really causal^^


    As for official events, I really like to dress up and wear a suit. So originally I planned on wearing one (without tie) for the interviews with faculty members as well. I think a suit looks awesome, it boosts my confidence and I feel comfortable in it. It also shows respect and that I am taking the opportunity that I get absolutely serious. It's just professional.


    Then, I started doing some research on this online and I found, that most people give the advice not to wear a suit for these occasions and now I am a little bit confused.

    What were your experiences on recruitment days? Did people wear suits for the interviews themselves? I was taught, that you can never overdressed for an interview. My supervisor during a summer project in Singapore also once complained about applicants for post-doc position coming not properly dressed up. But everyone seems to be like "I would never wear a suit for grad school interviews" and it just surprises me so much.


    Also, what about the other events during the weekend? I obviously did not plan to wear a suit for a tour around campus or for a get-together and the dinner with other applicants and current graduate students. But is it ok to wear a jeans and a bottom-up shirt with some nice shoes for these occasions? Or is a jeans an absolute no-go throughout the whole weekend? Or rephrased: How big is the difference between the interviews themselves and the other events with regard to the dress code?


    I now I am probably paying to much attention to this topic, but I think that the right or wrong choice of clothes can have a strong influence on how comfortable one feels during these important days ;)

  9. I had my first interview last weekend. It was a blast! My advice is smile, be engaged, ask questions and have fun! Just don't be that stuffy person with the suit on ^_^


    I find this offending - I think I am a fun and engaged person, but I like to wear a good suit for an interview, anyway! :D But I'll probably open a new threat for this topic, although there certainly are already tons of them around^^

  10. I'll have my skype interviews for UChicago and UPenn during the upcoming week and I'll be glad to share my experiences afterwards ;)


    So far, I just had a preliminary skype interview with Columbia, where I was asked about my research and why I applied to U.S. schools mainly. Only took about 15 min, and probably should not be compared with "full" skype interviews as I will have them next week, because it just was one to make sure if I should be invited for an on-site visit.

  11. I also applied to Biomedical Sciences. I think I am a really good fit with the program research-wise, but they seem to admit only 1 or 2 international students per season... So I am rather expecting to receive a rejection at some point throughout the day. My girlfriend applied to UCSD Biological Sciences and got the offer for a Skype interview today via email (She is American but lives abroad). She got some admissions information along and I actually found out, that about 33% of the Biological Sciences students are international, so this seems to be a better choice for internationals, if the programs are both equally appealing. But now this knowledge won't help me anymore^^


    EDIT: I just took a look on the Biological Sciences Homepage and the 33%-info is actually given... Should have paid more attention to such things when I chose programs to apply to

  12. Hey, I know I'm a little late to the party and all I can do is wait now anyway, but I've been getting more and more nervous over the past few days as notification dates are approaching. 

    I guess I'm just hoping to hear some feedback whether I should or should not worry too much, here's my profile:


    Undergrad Institution: Public university in Germany with a year abroad at UC Berkeley

    Major(s): North American Studies

    Minor(s): Latin American Studies

    GPA in Major: 

    Overall GPA: approx. 3.8 (1.5 German grade)

    Position in Class: Top average?

    Type of Student: female domestic (in Germany)

    GRE Scores (revised/old version):

    Q: 164 (88%)

    V: 160 (84%)

    W: 5 (93%)


    TOEFL Total: 113

    Research Experience: Wrote a bachelor's thesis, did research with a Prof. from UC Berkeley for a couple of months

    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: nope. that's not a thing in Germany I guess (though I did a high school exchange year too and was part of the NHS, haha)

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: internships in music marketing, internship at a museum, job at the student housing in Berkeley

    Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: member of a student marketing initiative, member of my major's student initiative, studied abroad

    Special Bonus Points: none I think

    Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:

    Applying to Where:

    UC Berkeley - Film and Media Studies (PhD)

    Stanford - Communication (PhD)

    UPenn - Communication (PhD)

    Columbia - Theatre (PhD)

    CUNY - Musicology (PhD) 

    Parsons New School - Fashion (MA)

    USC - American Studies (PhD)

    George Washington - American Studies (PhD)

    Brown - American Studies (PhD)

    Harvard - American Studies (PhD)

    Boston U - American Studies (PhD)

    NYU - American Studies (PhD)

    Rutgers - American Studies (PhD)

    Yale - American & Film Studies combined (PhD)


    I know I applied to a whole lot of schools and different programs (I threw in some random majors that I have never dared to major in but that I would secretly love to study) but I figured if I'm paying so much money already I might as well go all in.

    Also, I'm obviously not a native English speaker so I don't know if that makes any difference. 


    Thanks for your input! :)


    This is the "application profiles and admissions results" thread of the Biology subforum, so I think you made a wrong turn somewhere ;)

  13. We overlap for our Weill Cornell and Columbia interviews! These are my top choices at this point, I'm pumped!


    Same here! I just have to get an admission offer by at least one of those two programs :D But I really like UPenn CAMB, too. However, my girlfriend has 4 interviews in NYC as well (NYU, Columbia, Weill Cornell, Rockefeller) and so this seems to be the best option for us to live in the same city and both get into a great program :)


    I am so much looking forward to the time in NYC. Will be my first visit to the U.S.! :) Good luck to you, maybe we'll meet up!

  14. Does anybody know if the interview invites for UPenn CAMB program have been sent out?

    Some of the people here in the forum already have received invitations from them (including me, got the email on Dec 15). However, if you take a look at the results section you will see that they sent out invitations in a pretty broad time window in Dec/Jan over the last years, so don't lose hope yet!
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