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About SocProf

  • Birthday 12/11/1975

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    sociological theory, text analytics, information policy, new media
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  1. jvpjvp, I'd apply to about 10, with a few being top programs and a few safety schools where you be willing to attend if it were your best option. Regarding the "tiers," you might look at this article: http://www.slate.com/articles/life/education/2015/02/university_hiring_if_you_didn_t_get_your_ph_d_at_an_elite_university_good.html?wpsrc=sh_all_dt_tw_bot Regarding the code of writing letters of recommendation, there's this: http://leiterreports.typepad.com/blog/2010/01/the-differing-codes-in-which-letters-of-reference-are-written.html Hope this all helps! Gabe
  2. First, thanks to eyepod for the kind works. Second, I usually advise students in your position to apply to approx. 10 PhD programs that offer full funding, with a few being top places, and then a few safer options where you'd fit well and where you'd be willing to go if it were your best option. Regarding MAPSS, a close friend of mine went that route 15+ years ago and it did help get him admitted to a top-5 sociology department. The money would've been a big issue for me though, and a better bet might be to be a big fish in a smaller (and cheaper) pond someplace else such as your local state university. Many of my students have gone the cheap MA/MS to PhD route and have emerged without crushing debt loads. Best of luck in any case. Hope to see you at a conference down the road some time. Gabe
  3. Zouzou, It sounds like you've done your research and are on top of things, and that Sociology is probably a good fit for you. However, because your field experience doesn't fit neatly into any of the standard sociological subfields, in graduate school you'll need to develop a dissertation research project that leverages your experience and skills while also contributing to a recognized sociological subdiscipline (or a few such subdisciplines). Finding a graduate program that will facilitate this may be tough. Regarding your age, what I often ask students in situations similar to your own is how they'll feel in 5-7 years when their friends are moving up the corporate ladder, making nice incomes, buying houses etc. while you're still in graduate school dealing with nerdy students and departmental politics. This had better really be your calling. I wish you all the best. Drop me a line some time to let me know how things work out. Gabe
  4. I'd just mention them in one sentence in your personal statement, just as you have done above but with slightly more detail. You should probably be OK, although you'll want to clearly communicate that the medical conditions were serious but also that they won't hinder your progress in a graduate program. Best of luck, Gabe
  5. I'd just mention it briefly, but in no more than one sentence. I think you can rest assured that the admissions committee will evaluate your application holistically, without focusing too much on any one standardized test score.
  6. sierra, Yes, absolutely. But of course you never know the ins and outs of that faculty member's relationships with the other committee members. Still, it sounds like you're in good shape. Gabe
  7. Yes, definitely. You should discuss the production of culture perspective and whatever contemporary organization theory is relevant.
  8. Kilenee, About 15 years ago I was where you are now, and my solution was to do a dissertation on a mainstream topic (environmental sociology) and do cultural and theoretical projects on the side until tenure, when I switched to working on text mining and theory full time. So in grad school I played it safe because I was scared witless that I'd end up unemployed, and everything worked out OK (if not entirely ideally) in the end. You should consider doing the same, although the job market has have changed somewhat, and may be even a bit more culture-friendly by the time you finish your program. On the other hand, knowing more now about how universities work, I'd be wary of marketing yourself as a cultural sociologist first and foremost. Aside from a handful of elite programs and possibly some liberal arts colleges, it's hard for chairs to justify requesting a faculty line for cultural sociology. Your only option is to compete for an open hire (as I did), which may be the toughest job opening of all. Though it's on theory in American sociology rather than culture, Omar Lizardo's recent talk may help: http://akgerber.com/OpenBook010.pdf Best of luck! Gabe
  9. smcg, It might well come down to the wire, so I'd stay in communication with the graduate admissions committee chair. Basically keep doing what you're doing. Gabe
  10. Hi Alex, I wouldn't send the whole book, particularly if it's in draft form, as would be just too much information for admissions committee members to handle. The better move is to send a sample chapter (the best one you have), and to mention the name of the publisher in your personal statement and maybe resume. Best of luck! Gabe
  11. Hi Qeta, I would be absolutely shocked if your publications hurt your application. Naturally you'll have to specialize while in grad school, but you've demonstrated you can do professional-quality research and see a project through from concept to publication. You should be in great shape. Best of luck, Gabe
  12. Qeta, Where will your papers be published? Are they co-authored? Admissions committees will look very favorably on two legit publications at your career stage. At the end of the day publications are THE currency in academic research, and if you have already produced some (and presumably have the ability to produce more) you'll have a leg up on your competition. Best of luck! Gabe
  13. Psychita, For sociology and probably for psych too, I think admissions committees will see an applicant with your extensive experience as qualified for doctoral study but also possibly as someone who is likely to gravitate toward more applied research. I don't see this as a problem (and it could be an opportunity), but it's something you may want to address in the SOP. How you address it will depend on whether you are more attracted to a career in basic or applied research. But whatever you do be honest, because you'll want to find a program that is the best possible fit for your background and career goals. Best of luck! Gabe
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