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    2015 Fall
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  1. same here.... I wasn't prepared to feel this way until late January!
  2. NO! They did not. Which made me panic and call every single program this morning. Everyone was helpful but a lot of people kind of laughed and said "yup it's a big school, this just happens." That seems unfair for the amount of money we spend sending these things out.
  3. has anyone else run into schools just not even looking for your GRE/Transcripts yet? I've spent all morning on the phone with various programs because my application says my GRE scores weren't received and then they find them immediately. Same with official transcripts. I sent all these things a month and a half ago to avoid this very situation. Whyyyyy
  4. For anyone that likes reading these... Undergrad Institution: top liberal arts college in the US Major(s): BA Linguistics and Cognitive Science Minor(s): technically psychology? not official Overall GPA: 3.7 Position in Class: don't know Type of Student: Domestic white female, 1st generation college grad GRE Scores (revised/old version): Q: 159 - 74% V: 162 - 89% W: 4.5 - 80% Research Experience: 1.5 year undergraduate in a child attachment/emotion/relationships type of lab which ended with 2 poster presentations and publication in progress(?) not involved or interested any more. 2 year post graduate in a biomarkers and neuroimaging lab at UCLA studying alzheimer's - lots of posters, oral presentation at an international conference, 3 coauthor publications in review, 3 coauthor publications in draft, 2 first author publications in draft Not crazy about my quantitative GRE - I definitely should and could have done better. I didn't take basic sciences besides gen chem as an undergraduate which I'm pretty sure will hurt my chances. the gen chem course was an EXACT repeat of my high school AP course which made me feel like I was wasting my time as an undergrad when I could be learning something new so I didn't take bio or physics. But I got A's in chem and I work with genetics/biomedical sciences now which I'm hoping shows that I'm capable. Oh also my PS was a mess and I was ashamed to submit it - and my interests might be too narrow. Obviously I'm having lots of doubts : P Hoping to get one of my publications out to journals in a week or so and send that update to places. Any thoughts on whether I'm competetive or not? I sort of went wild and applied to lots of top programs with no safety schools so here we gooooo
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