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Posts posted by Mathk1d

  1. High five! Which areas are you looking at?

    I just applied to the UBC on-campus housing. For 4 room thunderbird year-round residence, I am waitlist #288... This is the lowest I am on any waitlist. I will likely need to get an apartment. It's hard to judge by online photos though.

    Are you going to put a down deposit on an apartment you've never seen in person? I don't think I can do that. But, if I wait until I get there, the apartments available will be scarce.

  2. Hello hello!

    I am off to UBC in the fall, and was wondering if anyone else was headed that way. I've visited twice, but still don't know enough about the city to feel comfortable moving there in a few short months! How is everyone else doing with finding housing, estimating costs, debating necessity of vehicles, etc.?

    Is anyone else as scared and excited as I am? I go between both extremes three times a day! :lol:

    Hi! I will be going to UBC too this fall likely! :) I'm looking at apartments too! I will probz live on campus the first semester at least until I find a friend (or gf haha) to live with!

  3. The whole math program there is huge! Over 100 each in both AMSC and pure mathematics. There's also a separate statistics department, too!

    I visited UCSD (also pretty big) and couldn't get a feel for the program as it was difficult getting a hold of people ahead of time. I was a little weary visiting UMD... but got a better reception. I knew what I was interested in and managed to setup meetings with professors in the research area (though not in the mathematics department). If you can narrow down your interests, you can pretty much start to view a small group in a big program in a similar vein as a small program.

    What are you interested in?

    To admit, I'm probably not developed or well-exposed enough to declare my interests for sure. At least not enough to call a meeting with certain professors in the department. Especially at UMD... There is such a huge range of research lol... I guess it's nice that I can put off making a decision about what type of project I want to work on. I like mathematical biology and control theory a lot though. :)

  4. The Applied Math and Computational Science program at Univ of Maryland is rather huge. In fact, it's almost overwhelming to see all the possible research areas! I just wanted to start a discussion of the advantages/disadvantages of such a big program. It seems that a lot of the really good schools (CalTech, Brown) have very small programs. Why is that?

  5. I'm from a physics background, so its not like I'm giving up lucrative work elsewhere...

    As to jobs, I think it depends on the area you're in. Mathematical Biology is growing pretty quickly as a discipline, especially if you're into anything health-related. So I hope, anyway. At least it'll be fun to study...

    I sure wish they'd let us know - that email was quite the teaser. I have another acceptance I'm very pleased with, but I really do love the Pacific Northwest.

    lol, yeah mathematical biology will be fun to study. If anything, I'm along for the ride! :) The "one step at a time" philosophy works well here. I am also immensely anxious to know if I got in!

  6. There's no point in e-mailing because they're just going to tell you that your application is "under review", which it will be until they get a full class and get around to mailing rejection letters sometime in March/April. I wouldn't say it's rude, but it's fruitless and bothersome to the graduate secretaries. Only contact them about having received all of your application materials, if there is some legitimate concern that they have not.

    Ask yourself if there's any real reason that you need to know right away, and if not, quit being impatient and suck it up like everybody else does.

    Woo! That was the quote of the day for the grad cafe!

    The situation is precarious. Schools don't require an answer until April 15. I think we are all anxious, but from a distanced perspective, hearing earlier will not change our future, except for our own adrenaline levels in our blood hehe.

  7. I'm also into mathematical biology... they have such a cool program at UBC. Hopefully there's room for the both of us.

    And yeah, being a master's student there will be awfully, awfully tight. I'm a little scared of that too. They say they're really specific about funding in their admissions offers, so hopefully there at least won't be any uncertainty! The really tight money would probably only be for the first year, so it could be survived.

    hehe, yeah I actually just read on their website that a Master's student can transfer to the PhD program in 1 year. That's comforting I guess. Hopefully we're getting the email because they have RA money :)

    What background do you come from? I'm a chemical engineering major. I'm kind of scared of making no money and having no job by going into mathematical biology. But, I suppose it's noble to do what you want to do rather than something lucrative that you don't want to do. For example, one of my professors went to a mathematical biology conference and 80% of the post-doc's were unemployed, he said.

  8. Yeah I'm hoping its a good sign. I applied for the PhD, but realized later I wasn't really 'qualified' for it (I'm not particularly familiar with the Canadian school system); so I called the Graduate advisor and had them change my status to applying for the MS, but I don't know if that actually got done. They sound like they got swamped with applications this year.

    I replied discussing my interest in the various projects, and got a short reply linking me to some relevant work. Haven't heard anything else. Yourself?

    Good luck to you! What subfield are you interested in? Which department did you apply through?

    I applied to the Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Math (or whatever it is haha). I really like their mathematical biology research. So I'm interested in their mathematical bio program. UBC is prob. my top school! I'll be so excited if I get in! I'd loooove to be in Vancouver too!

    Don't worry, I have BS degree too, and I applied for the PhD. They said if you are rejected from the PhD, you will be admitted to the MS degree. :)

    I'm afraid about funding there though... I think you have to pay tuition if you are a master's student, which is 6K/yr. On an 18K stipend, that leaves 12K to live on in Vancouver... a little crazy I'd say.

    What are you interested in?

  9. I got an email from a professor feeling out whether or not our interests aligned. Sadly the email was also very clear that it was not an acceptance.

    I got an email from a professor too! I wonder if it is an informal acceptance. I imagine they wouldn't send the email to people that don't have the credentials! Are you applying for a Master's or PhD? Did the professor reply to you yet?

  10. Everyone has a different happiness vs. money curve (with all other variables affecting happiness held constant). As a gauge of how materialistic I am:

    Are you afraid that your only option in Applied Math will be academia? Are you afraid that you will wish that you had done something where more money was involved (finance, law, engineering even)?

    For example, Northwestern posted that, last year, 100% of its graduates went to post-docs. Given the history of the percentage that went into post-docs in recent years, this is because of a lack of jobs in industry. I'm afraid that I will be stuck making 70K as a professor for my whole life.

    Yes, 70K is decent... But it'd be nice to think that you could make more. :)

  11. I've thought about this....I probably would post about it *eventually*, probably at the end of the application season, but there are several people on my friends list who are also applying to programs this semester, sometimes the same programs, and it doesn't seem very tactful to brag about good news when other people may be getting bad news or are still waiting....

    I might wait until I decide where I am going to go (being optimistic and assuming multiple offers!) since that's also something that more of my facebook friends would actually care about, rather than the decision on every single application...

    hahaha yeah it'd be uber-conceited to list every school you got accepted to hehe. That's a great point about tact... some of my friends are applying to the exact same program as I am. This begs another question... If I get accepted should I hide it from my friends/classmates who applied to the same school? I'd probably be a little upset if my classmate got into a better school than me and went around telling everyone to be honest haha. I know I shouldn't, but it's a natural thing?

  12. Yes, but it's nice to associate a face with those results, even though it's just a pseudonym. We've all probably read a bunch of each other's posts, and we are emotionally attached at least to an extent. I'll post mine here as well. Hold your breath for another month Mathk1d! =)

    hehehe yeah. I want to know the stats of the people that get into the programs. I'm really curious about that.

  13. I have applied to the following Ph.D. programs in Applied Mathematics:


    Univ. of Washington

    Univ. of Maryland

    Univ. of British Columbia

    Arizona State

    NC State

    Northwestern (Engineering Sciences)

    Ohio State (MS in Math Biology)

    I will post my acceptance/rejection here. If everyone could post their Applied Math schools they applied to and notify us when he or she has been accepted/rejected, this could serve as a hub for Applied Math ppl hehe. :)

    Best of Luck.

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