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  • Interests
    Social History of Medicine
  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
  • Program
    SSHRC Postdoc

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  1. I'm in solidarity with you all - it's a silly thing but I keep reaching the max of how many likes I can give out a day haha. It's at about 1 or 2 now a day before the message 'sorry, you can't add any more reactions today' pops up. So even if I don't like a post, I'm reading each one and appreciate going through this process with everyone here.
  2. A week from today?!? >.<
  3. I'm sorry you got bad news I hope something else happens for you. Sending good vibes! Also - the lack of feedback is so frustrating. I understand the committees have a handful of people, and there are give or take 60-100 applications for them to go through, but the lack of transparency for scores limits how we can improve.
  4. Still nothing for me on Extranet...the waiting game continues.
  5. Same. I check the Extranet and this forum way more than I should lol. All the wondering is a big distraction from regular work.
  6. SSHRC: "We'll release results the week of the 28th" SSHRC: *releases results on Friday at 11:59pm EST*
  7. The work day is halfway finished today...anyone think the results will be posted today?
  8. I was working under the impression it was taxable income (someone who had the SSHRC postdoc mentioned that to me) but if it is on a T4A and isn't taxed like normal income, 45k sounds a lot better. (I also still have a give or take 20% chance of being successful, but still nice to think about taxes rather than if I'll get the SSHRC or not lol).
  9. This!! If (also by a miracle from the fickle SSHRC gods) my application is successful I'd be choosing the SSHRC postdoc over a much better paying opportunity for the prestige, networking, and time for both research and publishing. My bank account is not happy with my heart, though. I was explaining the postdoc to a non-academic friend and they thought that SSHRC was a small university program based on the low funding. I had to be like "nope...it's actually one of Canada's most prestigious funding opportunities for the humanities and social sciences..."
  10. This is what happened last year, and I'm fairly certain it will be the same this year: The Extranet portal is a single webpage with uploaded documents. You'll get an email saying your results have been posted, but you'll need to go to the portal to see the results. They uploaded three documents last time: the results letter, the notice of decision, and the selection procedures. Your result will be shown on both the letter and the notice (the notice will have stats on how many people applied, your exact score, etc).
  11. I got the survey email late last night! I also thought it was interesting haha. I haven't started it yet, but if there's a way to discuss result communication, I'll jot down that a specific day to release results would be appreciated. Weeks on edge is not ideal.
  12. Ha! Put me down for Thursday at 9:30am AST.
  13. Thank you for the positivity! I needed that
  14. It's too bad the communication of results for the postdoc isn't set up similarly to the SSHRC CGS M portal, where there's one specific date when results are shown. It would really cut down on a lot of anxious academics leading up to the end of February. And same on my end - no change to the Extranet portal. If it's helpful to those who have access, my results were uploaded about a day before the email was sent out letting me know they were posted last year. Although it was the first year they communicated results digitally, so this year might be different.
  15. Here's to hoping the news comes sooner rather than later! I'll post to the group as soon as I see my results either way to give others an idea of when results are being uploaded. Last year the digital results were staggered.
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