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  1. First, I don't know if you see this bt as a response to your question; I think your GRE scores look great! They say to aim for combined 300-310 at least, and yours is 323. That's really honestly great! I think 154 is good, of course if you go into the 16X range it looks "better" than the 15X range, but they usually look at combined over individual, from what I understand. Plus, they look at the whole picture, so your experiences and essay and references. However, as another note... if you are interested in auditory-verbal therapy, have you considered/researched a degree in Deaf Education? Honestly, I got my Master's in Early Intervention in Deaf Education, and you DO auditory-verbal therapy. Audiologists.... they don't. Not really. They manage the child's auditory health, program hearing aids, maybe do a bit of aural rehab... but the leave the auditory-verbal therapy for the Deaf Educators or Teachers of the Deaf. SLPs do speech therapy in schools for the deaf too, and that's a bit closer. Depending on what you want your day-to-day job to be like, a PhD in Speech and Hearing Sciences may not be the right option, professional crush aside ;). I'm starting my second year in an audiology program, so I've had a taste of both! Let me know if you have any questions!
  2. Hello sir,

    I am Maaz Zeeshan from India. I am prety much interested in pursuing the Au.D program. I have done my Bachelors in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology. I graduated from Madras ENT Research Foundation in the year 2014.  I have got work experience of 1 year. I have got external and internal internships as well. My IELTS score is 7.0 and GRE is 293- 143 V 150 Q. I had already applied last yr for Au.D to 5 schools and got rejected in all of them. But now since I have got 1 year of work experience, can I fancy my chances for admission..?.

  3. I just accepted my offer to Missouri State University!! I created a Facebook group for anyone who also accepted, "Missouri State University Audiology Class of 2019"
  4. I'm not! I just rejected my offer today, best of luck to those on the waitlist!!
  5. WashU has a Master of Science in Deaf Education. Scholarship funding covers 100 percent during the first year and they've placed every student. I'd recommend looking there!
  6. I can only hope! It is a tough choice. I am out of state. I enjoyed many aspect of Iowa, the professors really make the difference I think. I'm touring MSU next week, to get a feel for the location and program director. I'm not as big of a fan of MSU as I am of Iowa, but every benefit to Iowa I can think of, I always ask myself "Is it really $80,000 better? Hmm... . I'll have to see. I hope if the two with funding make a decision in the next few weeks! Time will tell! Regardless, I really enjoyed interview day and LOVED the prosem. Ah.... man. I'm starved of audiology on my job and just soak it up when I can . Husband says I'm an ear nerd...
  7. They were very clear. I emailed Dr. Goodman about five minutes after my initial email asking about funding, as there was no mention of it in the email as well. He informed me that offers have already been made, they could fall through but if you didn't receive information already, you (and I) didn't get that holy grail of funding . I know they say to expect to be funded at least one semester, bu that's a drop in the bucket and doesn't make much financial difference in the long run. I really dread the potential of paying 1400 a month in student loans. I hate that it's about the money...
  8. Congrats! I got the same email, glad to be accepted! Lots of decisions... no funding though. So I'm looking at Iowa or pretty much free at MSU... which is lower ranked, but Iowa is impressive. Very difficult. Lots of decisions. Best of luck in your decision!
  9. Thanks! Yes, it's happened to me a few times already, seeing people post about one of my schools but I hadn't heard yet. Indiana is one of the last schools I'm waiting to hear back from!! Is it one of your top choices? It's a backup for me, and I'm hearing from my top choice tomorrow! Best of luck to you as well, and that we find out soon! The wait from all the schools has been excruciating.
  10. I have not yet received a letter either! I'm in the Midwest still, expecting it by Monday or Tuesday I would think. They may have not sent them out on the same day. You're not alone!
  11. Very exciting, glad it went well! Hope you hear back soon! I agree, my interview went well today too, no reason for any nerves! I'm just waiting to hear back too!
  12. Good luck you guys at Wayne State! I've got less than an hour until interview day starts now. Excited and nervous! We will all do great
  13. Ooh I love Panera! I currently live in a small town and am excited to eat from as many chains I don't have as I can! I'm glad to hear the warning was canceled! I'm staying at Heartland Inn. This is the third time I've visited, first was unofficial visit of the town with my husband, second was official tour. I really love the city! We stayed somewhere else the first time, but I was very pleased with Heartland Inn last time. I don't think I have any major questions. I'm just excited about the day and about getting to hear Dr. Bentler speak! Should be an enjoyable day. Thanks for the information! Excited about Panera now too
  14. Thanks! I'm glad I was able to help you all out . I've found that my learning style is best aided by writing things down in preparation, and as we are all going into the same field, it would make sense that perhaps you all might learn in similar ways to me and benefit from the same strategies Best of luck to you all on your interviews! And hearing back about interviews. It's this darn waiting game that's excruciating! Even on a few schools I've been accepted to, waiting to hear back about funding is hard. Catie, are you interviewing at Iowa too? Or perhaps a different school; my interview is on Friday as well, but I'm sure there are many different interviews going on that day throughout the country. AuDorBust: Thank you! You are a current Iowa student, I assume? I suppose I will see you Friday, then! I am very much looking forward to the entire day's festivities. A little concerned about the snow, driving about two hours tomorrow afternoon. Hoping it's not too bad! I'll get there one way or another!
  15. I've gone through tours/interviews and phone interviews, no official interview yet. That's coming up this Friday. But I feel like it's fairly straightforward. 1. I would definitely have copies of your resume, most letters of recommendation are private and confidential so I don't have copies of those. I would also bring written out questions for them, along with written answers, if that works for you. It could help to have something to go off of, or at least practice with. I've found writing out answers to standard interview questions helps me know what to say, and having it in front of me can help guide me if I get stuck. Having questions prepared for them is professional and can help prevent you from forgetting important questions or blanking from nerves. 2. I am also female; I've always worn suit pants/slacks. I would think a tasteful skirt of appropriate length could be acceptable as well, but I feel more comfortable in slacks myself. 3. This website: http://www.gradschoolheaven.com/grad-school-interview-questions.htmlhas a LOT of the questions I've come across during interviews so far. I would follow some of the guidelines on the website. I can't think of any specific don'ts... don't ramble, don't talk too long, that's all prevented by planning your answer. Pause if you need time to think. Be honest and speak from the heart... most of these questions I just have honest answers to, I don't need to "plan". I KNOW what I want to study, why I like the university, etc. I KNOW why I got into audiology, I don't really have to "plan" those answers. 4. I would send thank-you emails, yes. Just something short and sweet. It can't ever hurt, I did thank you emails after my tours as well; the more contact you have the more of an impression you make! I wouldn't worry too much. As long as you're sure of yourself, your passion and desire to be an audiologist, just type out your answers to the questions listed on the website and you should be fine . And bring questions for them! I would say it is definitely safe to ask questions about when you should expect to hear about acceptance/funding, maybe what they see as a high quality candidate, or specific questions about aspects of their program that are important to you. You can ask about specific research projects you're interested in and how you can become involved, etc. Just relax, take a deep breath, and be excited to be there and show them who you are and how you would make an awesome candidate and addition to their program. But remember, you're also interviewing them. See them as peers whose program and opportunities you are also evaluating. You are going to be fine!! Just curious, where are your interviews at? Mine is Friday at University of Iowa
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